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  • The Complete Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition The Complete Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition Ferengi are a species from StarTrek that was particularly highlighted in Deep Space 9. Their religion is commerce and their society is determined by profit. The Ferengi believe that the universe is held together by the Great Material Continuum, als...
  • Metaphors, Poems, Language & Life - 12 Top Tips Metaphors, Poems, Language & Life - 12 Top Tips Confused or mystified about metaphor, simile, poetry and language? Need homework help on poems and metaphors? Is it all too much like standing in the middle of an enchanted realm but someone's tied your eyes shut and you just can't find the knot? Don...
  • Ask A Genius Question Get A Genius Answer Ask A Genius Question Get A Genius Answer I'm sure you've heard the phrase that if you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. Conversely, if you want genius answers, you need to learn how to ask genius questions.
  • Inner Child Guided Meditation Script Child In The Meadow Inner Child Guided Meditation Script Child In The Meadow We have had many requests for free guided imagery meditation scripts, and in particular, for an inner child guided meditation or a hypnosis or self hypnosis script to meet the inner child.Silvia Hartmann has kindly written "The Child In The Meadow" f...
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  • Genius Symbol Of The Day Think of a problem or a situation for which you might need a new point of view to come up with a "thinking outside the box" solution. Then click the image or the link below to get the Genius Symbol of the Day to take your mind into a new direction.
  • Improve Self  Hypnosis, Psychic Abilities, Emotional Intelligence? How?! Improve Self Hypnosis, Psychic Abilities, Emotional Intelligence? How?! Silvia Hartmann writes: In 1993, I developed a process that I called Project Sanctuary. I said that it improves Self Hypnosis, Psychic Abilities, Emotional Intelligence, Quantum Thinking, Spirituality, Creativity, Autogenic, Healing, AND that it is F...
  • Find Your Magical Power Animal Find Your Magical Power Animal Power Animals are spirit animals that protect, teach and guide us in our everyday lives. It greatly increases your magical safety and prowess if you have a power animal. Here is an easy way to find your own personal magic power animal.
  • A Healing Prayer For A Sick Animal A Healing Prayer For A Sick Animal Following many requests, here is "The Prayer For A Sick Animal". This healing prayer can be used by Christians as a Christian healing prayer for sick animals, but also by anyone who wants to use the power of prayer for healing.
  • Travel To A Different Planet - 7 Stories About Alien Worlds Travel To A Different Planet - 7 Stories About Alien Worlds Silvia writes: On the Project Sanctuary forum, I set a "Game of the Week" every so often. Players can, if they want to, play the game, Sanctuary style, and some will post the results of the game back to the forum. This week's game was as follows: "By...
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  • A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888 A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888 Project Sanctuary is the method of choice to work with energy mind - the head of the energy body! - in order to gain access to paradigm shifting, truly creative and entirely original thought. This article contains an introduction to the importance o...
  • The Image Streaming Technique The Image Streaming Technique As "Good Companions" to Project Sanctuary go, a finer friend is hard to find. An extremely useful technique I would like to introduce is a method of increasing conscious - unconscious communications quickly, to be better able to visualise, and to be...
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  • The Gift The Gift NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? Click through, your The Gift will be at the top of the page. Refresh to get another The Gift!  The Gift is one of the most globally useful Project Sanctuary patterns, and one of the first pa...
  • Spirit Horse Spirit Horse When I was very young, I often used to see a black horse that no-one else could see. I soon learned to stop talking about it, because that didn't do any good at all, but I still saw it; running alongside when I was being driven in a car, or out of t...
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  • The Red Stilettos Game The Red Stilettos Game This is a very, very neat Project Sanctuary game that, if played correctly, will help "align the planes and the totality". Its name comes from the observation that many women wear red stilettos on the outside, which are the sign of sexual availabil...
  • The Creativity Genius Symbol The Creativity Genius Symbol The fountain symbol stands for pure creative energy, the wellsprings of our existence, the pure and unstoppable force that powers the Universe itself. If this symbol turns up, bring in the energy of pure creativity, let literally the creativity burs...
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  • Message In A Bottle Message In A Bottle Message in a bottle - would you like to receive one? Would you like to send a message in a bottle? Here is a perfectly simple, perfectly enchanting Project Sanctuary pattern that can lead to many other things ...
  • The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours! The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours! A central aspect to working with the Energy Symbols is to make one's own symbol set, out of materials that one feels drawn to, and to inscribe the symbols oneself according to the instructions. This makes any Energy Symbol set unique to the owner, a...
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  • Quest Generator Quest Generator Playing games is the heart and soul of Project Sanctuary. Here is a simple, fun quest generator to make thousands of different habitats and innumerable different quests to get you started on a journey or a game or a story of your own. Enjoy!
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  • Symbol Mandala Game Board Symbol Mandala Game Board In the energy magic applications of using the Genius Symbols, more often than not a symbol sphere is required or desired. For practitioners of energy magic, it is a delightful meditation to create a symbol board or symbol mandala which makes setting...
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  • Meeting Grandmother Birch Meeting Grandmother Birch Nanna writes: I am walking on a path that weaves its way deeper into a large pine forest. The path is scarcely visible. I am mostly walking on wonderful, soft, spongy, green moss. It is heaven under my bare feet. Through the trees to my right the...
  • Wolf In Amber Wolf In Amber A beautiful and magical Project Sanctuary story by Silvia Hartmann.
  • The Golden Horse The Golden Horse An original story in the classical fairy tale format by Silvia Hartmann for those who might be weary of the drudgery of life, and seek to recapture their magic. Originally posted 2002-02-04.
  • Autogenic: Learning New Things In Sanctuary Autogenic: Learning New Things In Sanctuary Experiences in Sanctuary "count" as real life experiences and contribute to our global wisdom, making it possible to gain more experience in one lifetime than one single lifetime could possibly hold. Here is an example about a therapist who couldn't...
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  • Riddle Poems: How Do I Write A Riddle Poem? Riddle Poems: How Do I Write A Riddle Poem? A visitor asked, "How do I write a riddle poem?" Great question! Great inspiration - a riddle poem is a brilliant poetry exercise, and it produces quite amazing poems. Riddle poems are also especially easy to do, and the process how you come up with ...
  • Fairy Tales 1994 - A Small Book Of Poems Fairy Tales 1994 - A Small Book Of Poems This is a very rare little book of poetry - Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann, May 1994. Only 24 copies were printed in the first place, and this is the last known battered survivor. Fairy Tales contains 23 poems: Tarot - Spell - Silent Mirror - Pyrami...
  • Fairy Tale Therapy Fairy Tale Therapy Fairy Tale Therapy is an extremely powerful way bring healing to systems which remain otherwise out of reach. But there is more to fairy tale therapy than that alone. Putting someone in charge of *all their stories* - which includes heirloom stories...
  • A Healing Story For Abandoned Shelter Animals A Healing Story For Abandoned Shelter Animals This is a wonderful healing story for abandoned shelter animals with a beautiful and heartfelt prayer to the guardians of animals from Amy Lim who is an animal energy healer in Singapore. She is using the 23 magic Genius Symbols to unfold the healing...
  • Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary We get a lot of visitors who are looking up the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and are most likely left in utter confusion what this site is all about, and what we're doing here. So I thought, having been a StarTrek fan from the moment I saw the first...
  • Prosperity Hypnosis Script - The Game In Gold Prosperity Hypnosis Script - The Game In Gold Would you like to be richer? Have a better attitude to money or gold? Get your finances under control? If yes, enjoy this Project Sanctuary game of magic that is easy to play and very educational! Enjoy! *** Hypnotherapists, this is a perfect prosper...
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  • Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013. Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which w...
  • Get Creative - It's Important ... Get Creative - It's Important ... Playing PS games, running stories and exploring habitats is a version of creativity that is structurally exactly the same as though you were writing a book, a play, a symphony, a song, a poem or a short story. Whatever it is going to be in the end, ...
  • The Mind And Soul Of The Animals: A PS Story The Mind And Soul Of The Animals: A PS Story Dear Energy Mind, I ask you to give me a story about the mind and the soul of the animals. Something that tells not only me about this way of life, with whom we share our planet, but for other people of interest as well. It is a contribution of my DN...
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  • The Blue Guy The Blue Guy A new contender for Fantasy-Fiction's "Best Character in a Graphic Novel that was turned into a Movie" award - it's the Blue Guy, playing one Dr Manhattan from Watchmen on this occasion. See the bigger picture?
  • Improve Your Genius Factor Psychological reversals block the free flow of information and stop "flashes of insight" from happening regularly and successfully. Here is how to overcome blocks to genius, find and improve your genius factor, and fear of being a genius with EFT Em...
  • One Love - Animals, Humans & Angels One Love - Animals, Humans & Angels To love the animals, to love just a single animal, perhaps just once in your lifetime, starts to make that connection happen. It is a precious, powerful thing and the love of the animals brings us back, reconnects us to where we came from, and it mig...
  • Reliable Creativity Part 1 Reliable Creativity Part 1 Must creativity be spontaneous to be real? Can creativity and creative states be manufactured? Is creativity and accessing creative processes an accident, a gift from the muses or can it be ...
  • Flood Dream Resolution Flood Dream Resolution This Project Sanctuary story is an example how to use PS to resolve dreams. By resolving dreams, we mean that a conclusion or breakthrough on the topic from a dream is being reached, and a sense that this is now been moved along and to the next le...
  • The Original Genius Symbols Interview In this interview with Silvia Hartmann, Creator and Designer of The Genius Symbols, you can find out where the idea for the Genius Symbols came from, and why they represent the long missing Rosetta Stone to unlock the forgotten language of the energy...
  • Make Your Own HGH - While You Sleep! Have you been spammed with HGH ads? Read all the promises about the "fountain of youth", better skin, better health, less body fat, and all the rest of it? Worried about the side effects and what taking HGH will do to your quest for true health and e...
  • Symbol World Symbol World Ah ... Genius Symbols are everywhere! Here are some fun images of TGS in places where you might have seen them before ... in pivotal places, and pivotal moments of human history ...
  • Natural Healing With Hypno-Sleep: The Hypno-Sleep Spiral Meditation Natural Healing With Hypno-Sleep: The Hypno-Sleep Spiral Meditation Here is a simple hypno sleep spiral meditation technique that combines lessons from advanced hypnotherapy, the quantum energy spaces and the new energy healing approaches to make bed time a time of true R&R for all parts of your mind and your bod...
  • The Jupiter Wealth/Power Meditation The Jupiter Wealth/Power Meditation Silvia Hartmann writes: I was thinking about wealth/power meditations this morning, and I must have asked slightly the wrong question in the context because what I got delivered there in an instant was WAY over the top for what I was working with. ...
  • Effortless Goal Setting Through Clever Use of Metaphor Effortless Goal Setting Through Clever Use of Metaphor An automatic goal generating process based on the metaphor work of brilliant UK trainer/researcher Silvia Hartmann - Project Sanctuary. Contributed by Christine Sutherland.
  • LoveLine LoveLine Feeling unloved, sometimes? Do you wonder sometimes if you are at all lovable? Feeling lonely even inside a relationship? Misunderstood? Alone? Well, I think we can put an end to that. And a beginning to a completely different understanding o...
  • Genius & Insanity "Genius and insanity go hand in hand" - "The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success" - "To be a true genius, you have to know insanity" - "There's only a fine line between genius and insanity" - how many times have you seen ...
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  • Falling In Love - A New Story Falling In Love - A New Story Project Sanctuary gives us a fabulous format to explore and to change internal representations, or our personal realities, that hide out of view behind labels such as "falling in love". "Falling in love"? What DOES that mean? What does that mean...
  • Funeral Poem For An Artist Funeral Poem For An Artist Go on with the day, go on with the night, enjoy the riches life has to offer ...
  • David Grove Metaphor Therapy Add On David Grove Metaphor Therapy Add On Named after its originator, David Grove, this is a very interesting and complex way of working with client generated metaphors to firstly find, then undo deeply repressed traumatic memories. There are two basic and quite unique patterns from Grovian...
  • Owl In A Dream: PS Dream Interpretation Owl In A Dream: PS Dream Interpretation So there's a person, and they had a nightmare which woke them up in a cold sweat of fear, with heart thumping, and the nightmare featured an owl.As usual, the dream book of off the shelf explanations didn't help at all, and they kept thinking about t...
  • Psychic Energy - The Soul Pilots In our ongoing investigations into the human energy system, we have come across what I call "The Psychic Circuitry". This is an aspect of the energy system which is not properly understood and much more directly connected with the physical body than ...
  • Overcoming Blocks To Abundance With The Genius Symbols Overcoming Blocks To Abundance With The Genius Symbols Cherry wrote and asked how to use the Genius Symbols to overcome blocks to abundance. Here are my top tips.
  • Shamanic Healing With Project Sanctuary Shamanic Healing With Project Sanctuary I've recently been working on a site related to "healing" and it was then I started to think about all the healing applications of Project Sanctuary, and what we should call PS style healing. The closest match is really shamanic healing; that's the ...
  • Crystal Healing Poem: The Crystal Kingdom Crystal Healing Poem: The Crystal Kingdom A crystal healing poem - The Crystal Kingdom. The poem can be used as an energy evocation at a crystal healing workshop or as a starting point for a crystal meditation.
  • Welcome To Project Sanctuary! Welcome To Project Sanctuary! Do you like stories? Thinking of scenarios and playing them in your mind, dreaming and living dreams in an altered state of awareness?
  • The Wishing Elf The Wishing Elf Do you remember when you were small, perhaps you made a wishlist at some time. Perhaps you wrote to Father Christmas, or perhaps you just made one on a scrap of paper just for yourself one day. Perhaps you stood in front of an ancient wishing well ...
  • Philip Straub - Fantastic Worlds & Foreign Places Philip Straub - Fantastic Worlds & Foreign Places If you are looking to stimulate your imagination, open up new Sanctuary habitats or you just want to see some truly fantastic worlds fabulously rendered, then go and visit with world-renowned concept art director, illustrator and designer Philip ...
  • 23 Modern Holistic Workshop Ideas 23 Modern Holistic Workshop Ideas It came to pass that I was asked to come up with some ideas for a modern holistic 2 hour workshop as a bonus workshop for the annual energy conference. In the following 73 minutes, we generated the following ideas and titles for 23 modern holistic...
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  • Universal Story Map: The Green Girl Universal Story Map: The Green Girl Joel Gruber writes: Word has reached me across the long, spinning, web of light that fills all. There is a universal map of possibilities, and the stories that heal and dance the energy into each world. And the places of darkness cry to all who ...
  • Fantastic Space Images Fantastic Space Images I've been collecting space backgrounds for a while. Well, everyone needs some sort of a hobby ... But anyway, I've put them all into a collection directory. This also includes some of the totally mindblowing Hubble deep space galaxies photographs....
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  • Poems & The Energy Mind Poems & The Energy Mind Silvia Hartmann writes: I have to come out of that mysterious Art Solutions closet and admit that for me, a poem is not a poem unless it was prepared and delivered by the energy mind. This is a short essay on the nature of poems and poetry from the ...
  • The Man The Man A man came to me and said he wanted to learn of Sanctuary. "It sounds interesting," he said. "It's just imagination, right?" I laughed. "Just? What do you think imagination is?"
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  • Cloud Angels Cloud Angels A healing poem, a poem about angels, a hypnotic poem ... A poem and a picture as a birthday gift for a good friend. Enjoy, with love.
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  • Quotes On Genius Quotes On Genius A genius quote or a quote on genius? Well that should be one and the same if it's a real genius quote! :-) Enjoy these quotes about and by geniuses across the ages.
  • 3 Poems PS Meditation MP3 3 Poems PS Meditation MP3 Silvia Hartmann writes: Three poems, three Project Sanctuary experiences, three habitats - different places in time and space that one may return to and explore further, which may become base camps in foreign lands and which may well hold much magic....
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  • The Ocean Creature The Ocean Creature The Ocean Creature - a shamanic poem and an extraordinary journey into the realms of spirit animals.
  • De-Programming Fairy Tales: The Golden Horse De-Programming Fairy Tales: The Golden Horse Silvia Hartmann writes: Fairy tales have an inordinate effect on human beings. They are very specific stories, set in a "timeless" dimension and they act on the neurology in a very specific way. "Embedded" when we are but children, and with thei...
  • Lost - The Final Conclusion Is ... Lost - The Final Conclusion Is ... Lost Spoiler warning! Don't read it if you are still waiting to get your Lost answers. Ok, so I've just watched the final episode of Lost - The Finale and it turns out that Lost is ...
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"Project Sanctuary is your own personal Stargate to all the Universe has to offer! I knew it was there, but Project Sanctuary helped me find it, find myself."  Jeremy Cush

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