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Energy Magic

Energy Magic with Project Sanctuary (well how else would you do it?!)

A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols

A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols One of the most wonderful and practically helpful "Children of Project Sanctuary" are The Energy Symbols. It's been 20 years since they came into being, and they have proven their value and worth over and over and over and over again. Every magical person needs The Energy Symbols in their life!
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The Orb Of Prosperity

The Orb Of Prosperity

Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity.

Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)

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The Alien Magic Box SuperMind Game

The Alien Magic Box SuperMind Game

This is a really interesting SuperMind Energy game - the Alien Magic Box. It's important that this should be an ALIEN magic box to get past any expectation of old, known, already existing magic boxes and expand beyond that.

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The Old Artist

The Old Artist

The Old Artist story and the non-linear, non-hierarchical nature of life.

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Treasure Hunting!

Treasure Hunting!

Do you get excited at the thought of going TREASURE HUNTING? To discover fields of gold, diamonds in the rain forest, or perhaps an ancient Spanish galleon, still laden to the brim with original artefacts from the Mayans and the Incas ..? Or perhaps we can go further and widen our horizons, up and down as well, and go TREASURE HUNTING in the widest metaphorical sense ..? :-)

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In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

Project Sanctuary and SuperMind are all about travelling in the Otherworlds, the Energy worlds or the spirit world in consciousness. There are many lessons we need to learn about the differences between physical reality, and navigating the Otherworlds, and this one is really rather important.

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Lost Things In Sanctuary

Lost Things In Sanctuary

"Lost things in Sanctuary" - This came up today, a person is moving house (from a family home into sheltered accomodation 1 room) and was just so distraught that they couldn't take many things with them. Including one rather large pot plant they had looked after for over 30 years.

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Having your Wits about you!

Having your Wits about you!

The wits, or "White Wits" as they are also known, are awesome entities that can do much for a person. The wits can be on the lookout for you, contact the friends in the high places, and protect you from many things, and that is why it is good to have your wits about you.

In Sanctuary, you can check on the condition of your wits, and improve their health and happiness.

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Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Do you want to bring some past life concerns into Sanctuary but not sure how?

Do you have a sense of Past Lives but can't quite get to the details? Always wanted to do Past Life Regression but don't like the idea of hypnosis, or it you tried it with less than entirely amazing results?

Well here's the answer - past life regression without the hypnosis!

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The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours!

The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours!

A central aspect to working with the Energy Symbols is to make one's own symbol set, out of materials that one feels drawn to, and to inscribe the symbols oneself according to the instructions.

This makes any Energy Symbol set unique to the owner, and of course, the owner can make as many different sets at any time they want, as the symbols are free from any object, but can be applied to any object.ย 

Check out this cool gallery of Energy Symbol Sets from around the world!

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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

Message in a bottle - would you like to receive one?

Would you like to send a message in a bottle?

Here is a perfectly simple, perfectly enchanting Project Sanctuary pattern that can lead to many other things ...

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Magic Mirror Poem

Magic Mirror Poem

A true magic mirror - a gift in poetry.

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A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

Project Sanctuary is the method of choice to work with energy mind - the head of the energy body! - in order to gain access to paradigm shifting, truly creative and entirely original thought.

This article contains an introduction to the importance of energy awareness, a short synopsis of Project Sanctuary and a Classic Game for World Energy Awareness Event, August 8th at 8pm.

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Art Spell

Art Spell

Tell me of an art spellย 

a well of love

in ancient times,

it made a river ...

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Angel, Star & Child

Angel, Star & Child

Take me to the perfect place in time and space where a lost soul needs my help today ...

Rushing, spinning, travelling far, travelling fast to distant shores and times well spent, an empty bank account of time, there is no time now, time has left and we are all alone ...

5,388 Reads More --->

Circle Of Light

Circle Of Light

The Genius Symbols are an infinitely flexible friend when it comes to all manner of meditations, prayers, affirmations. On this occasion, and the occasion being Winter Solstice, the Festival of Light, what could be more wonderful than a Genius Symbol Sphere made from candles - the Circle of Light ...

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Feeling unloved, sometimes? Do you wonder sometimes if you are at all lovable? Feeling lonely even inside a relationship? Misunderstood? Alone? Well, I think we can put an end to that. And a beginning to a completely different understanding of how and what love has been in your life, what really went on and how you could, if you wanted to, begin to think of yourself in a whole new way.

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12 Healing Stories

12 Healing Stories

In February, I set a special Project Sanctuary game for the members of StarFields VIP - to become a pure energy healer in Pertineri and to treat 12 clients, provided for you by your own energy mind.

This is a challenging game because it involves 12 personal and unique stories of healing to be played wholeheartedly; each person who plays it will of course be sent the exact right clients to help that one unique person evolve. Here are my 12 stories of healing, courtesy of Project Sanctuary, which really is the greatest game on Earth.

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Genius Water

Genius Water

Imprinting or charging water with intention is one of those things that divides the skeptics from the believers. However, if you are really smart, you'll realise that actions combined with intention have a powerful effect on the human psyche and can be used to bring about positive change, whether you believe in energy or not.

Here's an exercise to create a powerful "magic potion" using the Genius Symbols, your intention and a bottle of plain water that we will turn into Genius Water that money can't buy.

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Genius Bath By Candle Light

Genius Bath By Candle Light

Here is a lovely idea fromย Dimitra Paraschou, who is a current student on the Genius Symbols Intensive Distance Learning Course:

The Genius Bath By Candle Light.

Enjoy :-)

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23 Gifts Of Energy For You

23 Gifts Of Energy For You

"The Gift" is a wonderful and very powerful Modern Energy pattern that lends itself perfectly to being used in conjunction with The Energy Symbols.

Here are 23 Energy Gifts for you to enjoy, with a little dash of energy magic.

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Dream Interpretation - The Simple Secrets Of How To Interpret Your Own Dreams Correctly

Dream Interpretation - The Simple Secrets Of How To Interpret Your Own Dreams Correctly

If you ask yourself, "What do my dreams mean?" don't look for an online dream decoder, an A-Z of dreams or a dream symbol list that OTHER PEOPLE have assembled. Your dreams are your dreams, and you need to do your dream interpretation in context of who you are, what your life is like, and what the dream symbols mean FOR YOU.

Here are the 3 simple secrets to correct dream interpretation, how do do dream interpretation yourself so you find out the meanings of your dreams, and some examples about a naked dream, and a dream about a snake.

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Project Sanctuary For Magical People

Project Sanctuary For Magical People

I cannot imagine even trying to do any kind of real magic without the extraordinary resources of Project Sanctuary.

Whether it is having a good relationship with your guardian angels, having reliable sprit guides that can advise and warn you too, having fantastic magic and healing habitats at your fingertips, or whether it is astral travel, psychic development or just knowing who you are as a magical person, Project Sanctuary is your one stop solution to more than a thousand times thousand questions, challenges and problems that naturally arise for magical people.

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"I adore Project Sanctuary. It is such a fabulous way to get answers, and new solutions. I notice the most positive change both within the sanctuary and in the outer world, in relationships. Fabulous." Debbie Hazelton

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