Once upon a time, in a place that is further than you thought, there lived a little being who was not exactly loved or appreciated by all around them.
Fairy Tales
Create NEW fairy tales with Project Sanctuary, re-write old and damaging fairy tales and generally, take control of the deep metaphors in fairy tales - NOW.
![]() A SuperMind Story in Fairy Tale Format by Silvia Hartmann In a strange time and a strange place, there was a strange kingdom. All the people in the kingdom were obsessed with everything that was wrong their futures, their presents and their pasts; what was wrong with nature, wrong about themselves, wrong about each other, wrong with what they were doing, what they were thinking, what they were creating.
![]() A great shining star had fallen from the heavens that night, and there were those who felt inspired and excited by it, wanted to discover more, and wondered what they might find.
![]() A brand new fairy tale for the 21st Century - The Ice Prince by Silvia Hartmann. The story is complete ... are you sitting comfortably?
Originally posted 2002-02-04.
![]() Once upon a time, in a land not as far away as we might think, there lived a fairy who was very sad indeed. For it was so that all fairies there had wonderful long tails, very elegant they were and really helped to keep the balance when they flew; and there were sparkly, shiny tails of many colours and all the fairies took great pride in grooming, oiling and massaging their tails so they would be just as proud and shiny as they could be.
![]() Dimitra Paraschou from Greece is a Genius Symbol and Project Sanctuary student who volunteers to help out with terminally ill children at her local hospital, talking to them and reading stories for them. She created a lovely new story, using the Genius Symbols and the Classic Game, something that would entertain but also enlighten and inspire. You can read the story here and also what happened when she told the story of The Pirate's Treasure to the children on the ward.
![]() Fairy Tale Therapy is an extremely powerful way bring healing to systems which remain otherwise out of reach. But there is more to fairy tale therapy than that alone. Putting someone in charge of *all their stories* - which includes heirloom stories, all forms of old wives tails, religious stories, what they see on TV and read in the newspaper, and also, their very own memories and imaginations as well as fairy tales - is probably THE single most powerful key to personal development we could give to a person.
![]() The story from Northold I want to share tonight is about a young man, the only son of a rich and aristocratic family, who was badly injured during birth, brain damaged through lack of oxygene we would suppose today.
Online complete fantasy fiction story about graves, graveyards, creatures, reclaimers, treasure and the book of the law by Silvia Hartmann.
![]() A good story has the power to heal.
![]() Silvia Hartmann writes: Fairy tales have an inordinate effect on human beings. They are very specific stories, set in a "timeless" dimension and they act on the neurology in a very specific way. "Embedded" when we are but children, and with their true messages quite hidden under the surface, fairy tales program a range of codes of conduct and behaviour specific to the societies that tell them to train their youngsters to grow up into good productive citizens. Fairy tales are the carriers for deep programming, as are other types of stories which function on the same timeless "once upon a time in a faraway land" principle and this programming is not just resistant to being undone later on with conscious interventions and decisions and willpower, but is actually structurally out of reach from attempts of the adult mind to free itself from these entrainments. Simply put, to de-program a fairy tale, you need ANOTHER fairy tale. And nothing else will do.
Random Game
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