When a Project Sanctuary experience is reported in real time as it happens,
written or spoken, a form of language usage comes into being that is reminiscent
of cross between a poem, a hypnotic induction, a magic spell, a prayer and a
speech, which is called a metasong.
This happens naturally and automatically, and it produces language that has
the power to influence the energy body.
HypnoDreams are a form of
Modern Energy Hypnosis
created by Silvia Hartmann.
Originally written in 2001 for the "Green Spheres Poetry Collection," CLARITY has returned many times since. As time goes by, and old webpages die, it has become harder and harder to find in moments when CLARITY is needed. I am reposting it here today so it may continue into the future. *The article image was the cover for the original collection, called "Poem Dreaming Tree."
Sometimes, I simply have to write a modern energy meditation, a poem, a hypnodream, a metasong so I can feel better. I hope you enjoy The Journey.
Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity.
Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)
I had a Star Dream the other night about a crystal library which held all the crystals of not just this world, but of all worlds, where people could go and check out any crystal they needed, take it home and enjoy it, then bring it back. I loved this and so based upon it, here is the Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation. Enjoy!
A story about imagination and fantasy.
Complete scripts and production notes of the beautiful energy hypnosis journeys from Wisdom of the Water: Oceans of Energy, Dive To Diamond, The Wisdom of the Water, Starfall, Ice River, Treasures & Riches. Darling remains a mystery ...
If you could shift your point of view ... Oceans of Energy by Silvia Hartmann
One of the most important functions of poetry is to keep us reminded of the other realms, the higher realms, beyond the stress and chaos of the day. It's like going to church but you don't have to get dressed up and sit around uncomfortably for hours on end - with a simple poem, you can get there whenever you want, or need to ...
... be reminded ...
Dream on ...
Silvia Hartmann's poem "The Child" from Heart Healing.
Silvia Hartmann's sunrise "poem" Morning Light.
Once upon a time, there was a boy, and he dreamed that he was sitting in a rowing boat that did not move, and the ocean was made entirely of books, waves upon waves of books, static, frozen, inescapable, terrifying and lonely ...
Tell me of an art spell
a well of love
in ancient times,
it made a river ...
In 2007, an aspect of mine wrote a special HypnoDreams album - one that was not for other people, or for sale, but only for me. Based on the "voices in the night," it was absolutely designed to be a gift for a future self who might need to hear these words, to calm her and inspire her, help her through the night. And it has, on many, many occasions and remains one of my favourite "poem collections" to date ... Full texts of all the "poems" and the song on this poetry album.
There are many facts and the most intriguing and in-depth structural things about the human mind and the practice of Project Sanctuary.
But like all wonderful creations, there is also a simple story behind the scenes.
This is the story of Project Sanctuary.
A man came to me and said he wanted to learn of Sanctuary.
"It sounds interesting," he said. "It's just imagination, right?"
I laughed. "Just? What do you think imagination is?"
Whilst working on a catalogue of paintings, in which I have added as a detail if there is a poem or a story to go with the painting, I came across the German poem Zaubervogel.
I was going to add it to the catalogue as was, but then decided to translate the German poem into English. As I'm the author, and therefore know "what I was trying to say" (!) this was easy and interesting too.
Here is the original German poem Der Zaubervogel and my translation, the Magic Bird. Oh, and the painting. Of course ... :-)
The original poem "Oceans of Energy" came about because I had to write a course on energy healing for animals and it was such a vast subject, such a big task, that I felt lost. I needed an inspiration.
In these moments, I turn to my energy mind for help and I said, "Give me something to understand energy, what it means, what it is, and how we can use it ..."
The result was this poem, exactly how it stands, no changes, no edits, and this poem then went on to also become the spirit and dedication for EMO energy magic, as well as the title for the first book on EMO which is also called Oceans of Energy.
A healing poem, a poem about angels, a hypnotic poem ...
A poem and a picture as a birthday gift for a good friend.
Enjoy, with love.
A fantasy fiction poem - a rhyming poem, even! - that tells a story of something that happened a long time ago, in a village by the sea when a mysterious stranger came to the shore ...
A mysterious poem about words, and ancient paper ...
Words on a page - what do they mean?
An inspirational poem, an educational poem, a Project Sanctuary journey, a HypnoDream - the mysterious box has many things inside ...
On the brightwhite sandy beach of the island of my dreams ...
I asked for a Healing Poem today - and received The Starry Gift.
Can you heal me of my days can you heal me of my years can you take away the burdens ...?
Fantasy poem "Below The Sea" by Silvia Hartmann.
Hypnotic. Dreamy. It's a HypnoDream ... 

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