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Oceans Of Energy - The Poem

by Silvia Hartmann

Oceans Of Energy - The Poem

The original poem "Oceans of Energy" came about because I had to write a course on energy healing for animals and it was such a vast subject, such a big task, that I felt lost. I needed an inspiration.

In these moments, I turn to my energy mind for help and I said, "Give me something to understand energy, what it means, what it is, and how we can use it ..."

The result was this poem, exactly how it stands, no changes, no edits, and this poem then went on to also become the spirit and dedication for EMO energy magic, as well as the title for the first book on EMO which is also called Oceans of Energy.


Oceans of Energy Design 2015 by Silvia Hartmann - The New Wave


Oceans of Energy



If you could shift

your point of view

for just a moment, as you

now grow still

and silent within,

without a thought or care,

without a thought of worry or desire,

then you might just begin to feel:


A power tingling in your fingertips

a breath that draws to you

a part of all there is, of which

you are a part,

and that surrounds you

buoys you, nourishes, protects


and reaches far and wide, and further still

into the deepest blues of oceans,

the deepest greens of mountain lakes

and all the creatures that reside

in forest groves, eternal deserts

as above,

the stars are dancing.


Oceans of Energy

and they lie at your fingertips,

for you to navigate and learn

to know the ancient arts

of balance, deep release

and once again restore

the Even Flow,

the Perfect State of Being.


Silvia Hartmann, 2001




  by Silvia Hartmann
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"Deepest, heartfelt thanks to Silvia Hartmann and the powers that be for presenting Project Sanctuary and the whole paradigm that radiates around it - or perhaps from it. First time I have ever been able to honestly say “life-altering transformational!" Laura Moberg

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