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Fantasy Fiction

Fantasy Fiction

Of course, all decent fantasy fiction is created by the processes we call Project Sanctuary - creating an autogenic world, moving in and having adventures there. Only in the case of fantasy fiction writers and authors, they document their adventures live and in real time, thus creating stories with magic and worlds with all manner of local conventions as they go.

Most fantasy fiction authors fall into their worlds by accident, and often, they stay there and never emerge from it. In Project Sanctuary, we call stories which go on for a long time and have complete universes associated with it, a "metastory." Metastories can be played for many months, for years even, and may have many threshold shifts along the way.

Project Sanctuary allows players, authors and writers far more control over the worlds they create, for what purpose, and what they want to do with the whole story. A good PS player can also decode existing fantasy fiction stories in a different way, and choose to enter into such stories, interacting with the personae (not "characters") directly and autogenically if they so choose.

Fantasy fiction is fun on every level and we welcome all true Fantasy Fiction fans to Project Sanctuary!

The Silver Dragon

The Silver Dragon

A story about a trapped silver dragon by Silvia Hartmann. 

2,936 Reads More --->

PS From The DragonLords

PS From The DragonLords

At the very end of the DragonLords, there is a PS. At the end of the PS, there are 2 sentences that connect The DragonLords to Elory's Joy.

3,910 Reads More --->



Flash into someone else's world for a moment ...

2,582 Reads More --->

Dragon Dreams

Dragon Dreams

The Dragon Dreams story by Silvia Hartmann, featuring the richest man in the galaxy, a youngling and 5 dragon eggs.

3,630 Reads More --->

The Alien Opal Story

The Alien Opal Story

A story sparked by a Modern Energy Art-efact, the Alien Opal.

3,391 Reads More --->

Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

The Night King cometh. Danny and Jon battle him in the skies above Winterfell. Jon dies, but the dragon survives. The Night King is toasted. His lieutenants do NOT die and a massive battle ensues. Sansa is attacked in the crypt ...

Find out my alternative outline for GOT 8 :-)

4,141 Reads More --->

The Man

The Man

A story about imagination and fantasy.

7,692 Reads More --->

Dragon Story

Dragon Story

"Tell me a story," she said ...

9,506 Reads More --->

Dragon Lords: The Naked Writer is Silvia Hartmann

Dragon Lords: The Naked Writer is Silvia Hartmann

The Dragon Lords & The Naked Writer Project with Silvia Hartmann report and pictures.

1,865 Reads More --->

The Man Without A Hat

The Man Without A Hat

This story turned up in the warm up for the Google book (The Naked Writer) project.

It's amusing ...

7,976 Reads More --->

Game Of Thrones - Review

Game Of Thrones - Review

Last night, I settled in to see the first Episode of HBO's new power fantasy fiction show, Game Of Thrones, with a little trepidation. Still, Sean Bean was playing a lead role and with the hope that his character wouldn't be slain within the first 15 minutes, I pressed "play ..."

* Plus update - 8 episodes in and ...

7,856 Reads More --->

Time Sand Story

Time Sand Story

Time Sand is a short fantasy fiction story that was originally created as an illustration for The Genius Symbols 1st Edition - how to use the Project Sanctuary Classic Game to create a habitat and a story that plays within it.

But there is more to this story than meets the eye ... :-)

7,964 Reads More --->

Lost - The Final Conclusion Is ...

Lost - The Final Conclusion Is ...

Lost Spoiler warning! Don't read it if you are still waiting to get your Lost answers.

Ok, so I've just watched the final episode of Lost - The Finale and it turns out that Lost is ...

11,408 Reads More --->

Chronicles Of Riddick

Chronicles Of Riddick

I am delighted to hear that a fourth movie from the Riddick universe is on the cards (or a third, if you don't count the animated one). The Chronicles of Riddick wasn't well received when it was first released in 2004, but I think it's an excellent movie for a number of reasons.

27,163 Reads More --->

The Blue Guy

The Blue Guy

A new contender for Fantasy-Fiction's "Best Character in a Graphic Novel that was turned into a Movie" award - it's the Blue Guy, playing one Dr Manhattan from Watchmen on this occasion. See the bigger picture?

15,265 Reads More --->

What Is Fantasy?

What Is Fantasy?

What is fantasy? What is imagination? How does fantasy work in the human mind? Why is World of Warcraft more real than "real life" for some people?

Find out the surprising answers to what is fantasy in this short essay by Silvia Hartmann, the Creator of Project Sanctuary and The Genius Symbols.

6,898 Reads More --->

The Widest Sharing

These worlds, these kingdoms I have seen, they are not anywhere. There are not in this world, they are not even real, they are more like a dream come to life, or a nightmare ....

Fantasy Fiction short story The Widest Sharing by StarFields

9,806 Reads More --->

The DragonLord & The Sick Boy

The DragonLord & The Sick Boy

The story from Northold I want to share tonight is about a young man, the only son of a rich and aristocratic family, who was badly injured during birth, brain damaged through lack of oxygene we would suppose today.

6,388 Reads More --->

Fantasy Fiction Story The Book Of The Law

Online complete fantasy fiction story about graves, graveyards, creatures, reclaimers, treasure and the book of the law by Silvia Hartmann.

5,426 Reads More --->

Fight 4 Fantasy

Fight 4 Fantasy

You have to fight for your right to dream ...

5,752 Reads More --->

Travel To A Different Planet - 7 Stories About Alien Worlds

Travel To A Different Planet - 7 Stories About Alien Worlds

Silvia writes: On the Project Sanctuary forum, I set a "Game of the Week" every so often. Players can, if they want to, play the game, Sanctuary style, and some will post the results of the game back to the forum. This week's game was as follows: "By whichever means you choose, travel to a different planet. Somewhere you have never been before. Let yourself be taken there and observe, do as must be done, then return. Travel broadens the mind :-) " Here are seven fascinating and very different stories about this journey, all of which illustrate some important aspects of playing Project Sanctuary nicely. And apart from that, they are fascinating stories, generated spontaneously and instantly - once you know how to play for your own personal development and creativity practice.

39,447 Reads More --->

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician - 28 lessons in magic, written with Project Sanctuary by Silvia Hartmann.

2,251 Reads More --->

The Complete Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition

The Complete Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition

Ferengi are a species from StarTrek that was particularly highlighted in Deep Space 9. Their religion is commerce and their society is determined by profit.

The Ferengi believe that the universe is held together by the Great Material Continuum, also known as the Great River. The Ferengi believe that each part of the universe has too much of one thing, but not enough of another, and it is through the continual flow of the Great River that wants and needs can be fulfilled, if one navigates the River with sufficient entrepreneurial skill. By request, here are the complete Ferengi rules of acquisition.

532,254 Reads More --->
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"I adore Project Sanctuary. It is such a fabulous way to get answers, and new solutions. I notice the most positive change both within the sanctuary and in the outer world, in relationships. Fabulous." Debbie Hazelton

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