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Meditation is actually a word that we don't use in Project Sanctuary, as it refers to methods designed to get the conscious mind out of the way and to experience the data stream in an unconscious way.

Project Sanctuary is very different from all and any form of meditation in that it keeps the conscious mind on board and instead, holds the level of trance at what we call the crossroads - a balanced state of mind and being, where the conscious mind and the energy mind can meet, come together, work together, and neither is less important, or less beloved, than the other.

We do not see the fact that people have a consciousness as a disaster, or a mistake that God made when it created human beings, but simply as a design that we have not yet learned to use to its full and truly extraordinary potential.

So in Project Sanctuary "meditations" the conscious mind is not just not included, not just welcome, but an essential component without which the true extent of human mind power cannot possibly become revealed. That doesn't mean that Project Sanctuary meditations (we call them journeys, or games) are any less powerful or ecstatic - in the contrary, as we experience these states IN CONSCIOUSNESS ALSO, they become much more powerful, and of course, much more RELEVANT to every day life.

The Journey

The Journey

Sometimes, I simply have to write a modern energy meditation, a poem, a hypnodream, a metasong so I can feel better. I hope you enjoy The Journey.ย 

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Self Healing In Sanctuary - Ideas, Tips & Advice

Self Healing In Sanctuary - Ideas, Tips & Advice

The Energy Show Sanctuary special! Powerful self healing in Sanctuary Masterclass with Silvia Hartmann.

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The Orb Of Prosperity

The Orb Of Prosperity

Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity.

Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)

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How To Shift Realities Tik Tok: Shifting & Shifting Reality How To Step By Step

How To Shift Realities Tik Tok: Shifting & Shifting Reality How To Step By Step

This is how to shift realities as in the Tik ToK game, step by step. Safely. Easily. Let's go and shift reality!

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The Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation

The Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation

I had a Star Dream the other night about a crystal library which held all the crystals of not just this world, but of all worlds, where people could go and check out any crystal they needed, take it home and enjoy it, then bring it back. I loved this and so based upon it, here is the Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation. Enjoy!

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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

Message in a bottle - would you like to receive one?

Would you like to send a message in a bottle?

Here is a perfectly simple, perfectly enchanting Project Sanctuary pattern that can lead to many other things ...

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HypnoDreams Vol. 1: The Wisdom of The Water

HypnoDreams Vol. 1: The Wisdom of The Water

Complete scripts and production notes of the beautiful energy hypnosis journeys from Wisdom of the Water: Oceans of Energy, Dive To Diamond, The Wisdom of the Water, Starfall, Ice River, Treasures & Riches. Darling remains a mystery ...ย 

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Magic Mirror Poem

Magic Mirror Poem

A true magic mirror - a gift in poetry.

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Poem: Dream On

Poem: Dream On

One of the most important functions of poetry is to keep us reminded of the other realms, the higher realms, beyond the stress and chaos of the day. It's like going to church but you don't have to get dressed up and sit around uncomfortably for hours on end - with a simple poem, you can get there whenever you want, or need to ...

... be reminded ...

Dream on ...


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Poem: The Child

Poem: The Child

Silvia Hartmann's poem "The Child" from Heart Healing.

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Sunrise Poem: Morning Light

Sunrise Poem: Morning Light

Silvia Hartmann's sunrise "poem" Morning Light.

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A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

Project Sanctuary is the method of choice to work with energy mind - the head of the energy body! - in order to gain access to paradigm shifting, truly creative and entirely original thought.

This article contains an introduction to the importance of energy awareness, a short synopsis of Project Sanctuary and a Classic Game for World Energy Awareness Event, August 8th at 8pm.

33,388 Reads More --->

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

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Art Spell

Art Spell

Tell me of an art spellย 

a well of love

in ancient times,

it made a river ...

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Night Voice

Night Voice

In 2007, an aspect of mine wrote a special HypnoDreams album - one that was not for other people, or for sale, but only for me. Based on the "voices in the night," it was absolutely designed to be a gift for a future self who might need to hear these words, to calm her and inspire her, help her through the night. And it has, on many, many occasions and remains one of my favourite "poem collections" to date ... Full texts of all the "poems" and the song on this poetry album.

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Circle Of Light

Circle Of Light

The Genius Symbols are an infinitely flexible friend when it comes to all manner of meditations, prayers, affirmations. On this occasion, and the occasion being Winter Solstice, the Festival of Light, what could be more wonderful than a Genius Symbol Sphere made from candles - the Circle of Light ...

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Crystal Healing Poem: The Crystal Kingdom

Crystal Healing Poem: The Crystal Kingdom

A crystal healing poem - The Crystal Kingdom.

The poem can be used as an energy evocation at a crystal healing workshop or as a starting point for a crystal meditation.

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Pagan Wedding Poem: Two Dragons

Pagan Wedding Poem: Two Dragons

A magic wedding poem, that doubles as a magic love spell.

Two Dragons is the perfect poem for a pagan wedding ceremony such as handfasting.

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Better Meditation - Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance

Better Meditation - Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance

Beginners in Project Sanctuary always ask how to get deeper into trance to make the experiences more lucid, and how to stop bouncing out of the experience. So here are Silvia's Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance for better meditation and self hypnosis - Project Sanctuary style.

Q: I try to go into a habitat and look around, but I keep bouncing out of it at the slightest sound, what can I do to stay there?

Q: I find it really hard to keep my focus, I find myself flipping into other thoughts and then Sanctuary fades away. How can I improve my focus or concentration?

Q: I usually do really well - until something happens that scares me or freaks me out, and I fall right out of it, it's like waking up from a dream. What can I do?

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The Man

The Man

A man came to me and said he wanted to learn of Sanctuary.

"It sounds interesting," he said. "It's just imagination, right?"

I laughed. "Just? What do you think imagination is?"

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The Matrix Vision

The Matrix Vision

An exploration into visions and conscious mind to energy mind communication that can change and save our lives.

And a fabulous Project Sanctuary vision->meditation->experience based on the movie, "The Matrix".

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Inspirational Poem 1000 Roads

Inspirational Poem 1000 Roads

Inspirational poem, rhyming poem - it came about quite spontaneously whilst writing the 1,000th post to the VIP forum today, April 15th, 2010.

Hence ...

A thousand roads I've travelled ...

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Oceans Of Energy - The Poem

Oceans Of Energy - The Poem

The original poem "Oceans of Energy" came about because I had to write a course on energy healing for animals and it was such a vast subject, such a big task, that I felt lost. I needed an inspiration.

In these moments, I turn to my energy mind for help and I said, "Give me something to understand energy, what it means, what it is, and how we can use it ..."

The result was this poem, exactly how it stands, no changes, no edits, and this poem then went on to also become the spirit and dedication for EMO energy magic, as well as the title for the first book on EMO which is also called Oceans of Energy.

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"What do we do when we get stuck? When we have no answers? When there is nowhere else to turn? We do Project Sanctuary. Of course. What else?" Silvia Hartmann

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