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The Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation

by Silvia Hartmann

The Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation

I had a Star Dream the other night about a crystal library which held all the crystals of not just this world, but of all worlds, where people could go and check out any crystal they needed, take it home and enjoy it, then bring it back. I loved this and so based upon it, here is the Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation. Enjoy!

The Crystal Library

I had a Star Dream the other night about a crystal library which held all the crystals of not just this world, but of all worlds, where people could go and check out any crystal they needed, take it home and enjoy it, then bring it back. I loved this and so based upon it, here is the Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation. Enjoy!

Find yourself in Pertineri and make your way to the Crystal Library.

This is a large white building made from sparkling marble – let your dear Energy Mind take you there.

You do not have to walk, this is Sanctuary so you can glide towards the Crystal Library, and even as you draw closer, you can sense the immense resonance of this building and all it contains, for the people who created this knew how to place crystals in such a way that they harmonise, and sing together with their many different voices.

Glide up and through the entrance, into the vast central space of the Crystal Library, and take a moment to become accustomed to this field of infinite information, energy and light you have entered into here.

Now ask your dear Energy Mind to show you the way towards the perfect crystal for you today.

Turn slowly through 360 degrees and become aware of a particular colour, a colour glow that is attracting you, that is leading you in the right direction.

Describe this colour out aloud – really describe it, and point in the direction you now want to glide towards the crystal that is awaiting you.

Glide closer. Now you can make out the shape of your crystal, its size and as you glide closer you begin to slow down as you enter into the energy field of your crystal.

Breathe in deeply, draw the energy into yourself with every deep, deep breath you take and glide closer to your crystal, reaching out towards it, getting ready now to touch it – first with your leading hand, and now, with both hands.

Breathe deeply and experience the energy from your crystal through your precious sixth sense, how you feel this in your body, how it makes you feel.

Now become aware that we are in Sanctuary – here all is energy, and this crystal is made of energy, it has no weight.

Pick it up.

Slowly and gently, draw your crystal into your heart of energy.

Breathe deeply and enjoy the sensations.

Now, and when you are ready, bow your head and thank everyone for this experience.

Know that the Crystal Library is always here for you, always open for you and for anyone else who would need a special kind of inspiration that cannot be found in any other place.

Know you can choose another crystal now, and then another, until you are radiant with love and light and joy.

Thank you, dear Energy Mind!

Silvia Hartmann

December 15th, 2019

  by Silvia Hartmann
"I wish the world Project Sanctuary." Christine Sutherland

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