Tips & Tools
Useful, new and exciting Project Sanctuary techniques, tips, patterns and ideas to enhance your experiences in the Otherworlds!
![]() Nightmares about zombies? Sanctuary being overrun by zombies? Fear not, my friends, we have the perfect Sanctuary solution to the zombie problem!
![]() Take me to the perfect place in time and space in my magic garden ... The Magic Garden is a meta habitat in SuperMind/Project Sanctuary, and also the title of the February 2023 MasterClass with Silvia Hartmann.
![]() The Energy Show Sanctuary special! Powerful self healing in Sanctuary Masterclass with Silvia Hartmann.
![]() This is a really interesting SuperMind Energy game - the Alien Magic Box. It's important that this should be an ALIEN magic box to get past any expectation of old, known, already existing magic boxes and expand beyond that.
![]() The Classic Game is nearly 40 years old now, and has been tested to certainty. Now, thanks to Star Matrix, its time has finally come. *Includes my Star Memory that led to the concept of Future Orientation.
![]() Project Sanctuary comes from a world where we have six senses, not just pretending to have only five. Activating all six senses in Sanctuary is what makes the difference between a bit of fantasizing, and actually being there, living there, and having REAL experience that enrich us.
![]() In Sanctuary, I came across this group of people who didn't know they were dead and thought they were still in physical reality and in their own version of the Hard. This, of course, is a problem ...
![]() A SuperMind tip about the straight horizon and two stories from the shores of the Universal Ocean - Ilka Wandel's Galaxies and The Trouble Pebbles by Silvia Hartmann
![]() This is how to shift realities as in the Tik ToK game, step by step. Safely. Easily. Let's go and shift reality!
Do you get excited at the thought of going TREASURE HUNTING? To discover fields of gold, diamonds in the rain forest, or perhaps an ancient Spanish galleon, still laden to the brim with original artefacts from the Mayans and the Incas ..? Or perhaps we can go further and widen our horizons, up and down as well, and go TREASURE HUNTING in the widest metaphorical sense ..? :-)
![]() Project Sanctuary and SuperMind are all about travelling in the Otherworlds, the Energy worlds or the spirit world in consciousness. There are many lessons we need to learn about the differences between physical reality, and navigating the Otherworlds, and this one is really rather important.
![]() "Lost things in Sanctuary" - This came up today, a person is moving house (from a family home into sheltered accomodation 1 room) and was just so distraught that they couldn't take many things with them. Including one rather large pot plant they had looked after for over 30 years.
![]() The wits, or "White Wits" as they are also known, are awesome entities that can do much for a person. The wits can be on the lookout for you, contact the friends in the high places, and protect you from many things, and that is why it is good to have your wits about you. In Sanctuary, you can check on the condition of your wits, and improve their health and happiness.
![]() Do you want to bring some past life concerns into Sanctuary but not sure how? Do you have a sense of Past Lives but can't quite get to the details? Always wanted to do Past Life Regression but don't like the idea of hypnosis, or it you tried it with less than entirely amazing results? Well here's the answer - past life regression without the hypnosis!
![]() "Working" with metaphor therapy used to be such a huge mess but no more. We have this rule that we stay away from metaphor in Modern Energy - unless a client "offers it on a plate." Then we hop to it! When the client brings the metaphor, that's the indication that the problem needs to be resolved *at that level.* Simples.
![]() Having trouble remembering all 23 energy symbols when you got no reminders? Make a mnemonic story! Here's an example.
![]() Message in a bottle - would you like to receive one? Would you like to send a message in a bottle? Here is a perfectly simple, perfectly enchanting Project Sanctuary pattern that can lead to many other things ...
![]() On a Game of Thrones fansite, someone posted, "Hard to believe that one man can create such a huge world with a rich complicated history." Another said, "I have no idea how he did that!" referring to Lord of The Rings. Here's how to create such complex worlds.
![]() Silvia Hartmann writes: I have to come out of that mysterious Art Solutions closet and admit that for me, a poem is not a poem unless it was prepared and delivered by the energy mind. This is a short essay on the nature of poems and poetry from the Energist's perspective.
![]() Playing PS games, running stories and exploring habitats is a version of creativity that is structurally exactly the same as though you were writing a book, a play, a symphony, a song, a poem or a short story. Whatever it is going to be in the end, at this time, it isn't here yet.
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