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The Gnome With The Green Hat Star Story

by Silvia Hartmann

The Gnome With The Green Hat Star Story

Are you brave enough to send someone a garden gnome with a green hat ..?

Are you brave enough to send someone a garden gnome with a green hat ..?

Just now, one of those typical things happened. A person wanted tapping advice. A newbie, who has barely begun to do a bit of tapping.

I gave the tapping advice, and then my energy mind sends me a "happy small garden gnome with a green hat."

So, how do you get from tapping advice to a garden gnome in polite societal conversation ..?

That presents a mini-challenge. There's a reversal there to just spit it out.

"What will this person think of me? What will other people think who are listening in to this conversation? They'll think I'm insane! Best not say anything ... keep it tapping related ... after all, that's the questions she was asking, that's the advice she wanted. She never asked for garden gnomes, no matter what colour the hat!"

I'm side stepping inside my own mind and being amused by this. Been here a million times before, and DEPENDING ON THE ENERGY STATES OF MY ASPECTS, either gave voice to this in some slightly embarrassed way, such as prefacing it with, "Now you probably think I'm totally insane, but ... I've just thought of a garden gnome with a green hat ..." and hope for the best.

Or take the safe option, and say nothing at all ...

In high energy states, and it was lucky, really, for all concerned, I was in one of those at the time, this happens.

"Glad I could answer your tapping question. I'm glad to have been of help! And I'm sending you a small, happy, friendly garden gnome with a green hat!"

Done. Energy Mind is happy. I feel relieved.

Half an hour later ...

"Thank you SO MUCH for the gnome! He was sitting there, smiling at me, and it just JUMPED into my mind that I've got a special remedy that would be totally perfect! I've just taken it, and I feel on top of the world!"

Aha ...

What calculations my energy mind performed to give me additional information about this person that I can consciously never ever know in order to come up with that gnome, which was what the person needed to be reminded of something HER energy mind wanted to send her, well ...

Who knows.

Thing is that the gnome changed the timeline.

With gnome = happy experience, without gnome = blah experience.

And the gnome changed timelines even further, as I felt moved to write about it, and perhaps ONE PERSON actually reads this, remembers this when an "odd thing" pops into their minds one day, and they find the courage to say it, rather than not saying it, or making out that it was a really crazy thing, or undermining themselves and the receiver in some other unneccessary way.

This gnome could then have changed other timelines, too.

Isn't that curious ....

You never know what happens with these things. But generally, when you're up on the energy chart, and your energy mind sends you a metaphorical gnome of any type, I think ... yeah, that's a valuable remedy with some power there.

Have a happy day! x

  by Silvia Hartmann
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