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The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours!

by Silvia Hartmann

The Energy Symbols - Show Us Yours!

A central aspect to working with the Energy Symbols is to make one's own symbol set, out of materials that one feels drawn to, and to inscribe the symbols oneself according to the instructions.

This makes any Energy Symbol set unique to the owner, and of course, the owner can make as many different sets at any time they want, as the symbols are free from any object, but can be applied to any object. 

Check out this cool gallery of Energy Symbol Sets from around the world!

Art Symbols

Clay symbol set, painted

Cute mini symbols

Tiny Clay Travelling Set


hematite symbol set in a wooden box

Hematite Symbol Set


symbol eight sided dice

Symbol octagonal dice


Lapis symbol set called The Pharaoh's eyes

Lapis Lazuli (Hindu Kush) Symbol Set



Fridge magnet symbol set

Genius Symbols on Fridge Magnets from a TGS Student


sucupira seed with symbols

Genius Symbol Set on Sucupira Seeds from a reader in Brazil



cookie symbols

Bon Appetit!



b;acl g;ass symbol set

Black Glass Symbol Set


symbols on sweets

Symbol Sweets at a party



silver genius symbol dice set

Handmade silver dice symbol set



Symbol Charm Necklace Made from Salt Dough


Mixed Dichroic Genius Symbol Set


Clay Energy Symbols

Miniature Dichroic Travel Set

Genius Symbo Set on river pebbles


Glass fired symbol sets


Little Books Genius Symbol Set

Little Books Genius Symbol Set (more about this)



Wooden heart symbol set

Wooden Hearts Symbol Set


Clear cast resin with gold leaf includes symbol set

Cast Resin with Gold Leaf includes Symbol Set


Dichroic Magic Islands Symbol Deck

in the hand

Dichroic Magic Islands Energy Symbol Set


Energy Symbols on oyster shells

Stone & Shell Symbol Set



Building Blocks Genius Symbol Set

Building Blocks Genius Symbols Set (more about this)



Stone Pebble Symbol Set


Gold Hearts Symbol Set

Gold Hearts Symbol Set



Silver Symbols on Rose Quartz



White Birch Slices Symbol Deck



Symbol Font TGS




Gold Pyramids Symbol Set

Gold Pyramids (Porcellain, gold leafed) Symbol Set on Story Symbol Board




Symbol Mandala Game Board - The Magic Machine




One of a whole set of symbols which are wearable as charms


Time Energy Symbol

Time Symbol, large 30" W x 40" H acrylic painting



Simple River Pebble Symbol set - perfect!



Colorful symbol set made from Fymo

Colorful symbol set made from Fymo - perfect for the child within



Symbol set on art card, lightweight, easy to use.



Lake driftwood genius symbol set germany

Symbol Set made from lake driftwood, wearable



Genius Symbol Pendants

Genius Symbol Pendants


Genius Symbols Circle of Light

Genius Symbol Sphere "Circle of Light"


Genius Symbole Chestnuts DE

Genius Symbole on Chestnuts from Germany


Genius Symbol set made from different crystals

Crystal Genius Symbol Set


Genius Symbol set in wood

Simple wood offcuts symbol set, dot burned symbols, very tough!




Genius Symbols Little Men Set

Making the Genius Symbols personal - The Little Men Set



Demo set genius symbols

Demo set magic symbol

Genius Symbol set on canvas for public demonstrations (see all symbols here)



Genius Symbol Tshirt by Silvia Hartmann

Symbol T-Shirt - Breaks the ice at parties ... :-)

See Video -->



23 Small golden boxes


Crystal ball symbol set

Tiny sparkly "Crystal Balls" Genius Symbol Set


Glow in the dark genius symbol set

Glow In the Dark Genius Symbol Set - Lights on above, lights off below!

Glow in the dark symbols glowing in the dark!




Genius Symbol Set from a reader in Germany



Creative Symbol Set on White Quartz from Katerina Kalchenko, Ukraine Energy Trainer


Symbol game board scarf with cabochons

Silk scarf gameboard with dichroic cabochons


Genius Symbol Set from Wendy Birse, Energy Trainer in Scotland


Jorge's TGS Set

Hand polished pebbles from Energy Trainer Jorge Vence, England


Tiny men standing on a book - the energists genius symbol set by silvia hartmann

The "Little Energists" Genius Symbol Set made from Fimo

This tripped off the grand adventure of THE MENS!


PS TGS Game by Jeff Farrell

Genius Symbols Game Board & Game by Jeff Terrell



Symbol set made from colourful acrylic blocks

Colourful blocks Energy Symbol Set


Ancient Guardians Genius Symbol Set 2016 by Silvia Hartmann

The Ancient Guardians Energy Symbol Set 2016 by Silvia Hartmann



SuperMind Symbols on little wooden hearts

Little Love Hearts Energy Symbols


SuperMind Symbols on wood plus symbol dice from Germany

SuperMind Energy Symbols on wood plus symbol dice made for use in a school.


Symbol Sigil Power Dreams

Symbol Sigil "Power Dreams" by Helen MP


Wendy Fry's first energy symbol set

Energy Trainer Wendy Fry's first energy symbol set


Glass and metallic foil Energy Symbols

Energy Trainer Dieter Maas glass and metallic foil Energy Symbols


Anne Sweet Art Symbols

Anne Sweet's Art Symbols


Marias labradorite symbol set

Maria Luiza Tosold's Labradorite Energy Symbol Set


Little Paintings Energy Symbol Set by Silvia Hartmann

Energy Symbols A space for art

The Little Paintings "Art" Energy Symbol Set by Silvia Hartmann


Starlight Set

The "Starlight" Set

Symbol Rock

Symbol Rock (with Mini-Mirror-Mens!)

Symbol Bracelets

Energy Symbol Bracelets by Silvia Hartmann

Lepidolite Energy Symbols Set on Gameboard

Lepidolite Energy Symbols Set on Gameboard by Morris Berg

Energy Symbols on Easter Eggs!

Energy Symbols on Easter Eggs!

Energy Symbols on Easter Eggs!

The Happy Angel Army Energy Symbol Set by Katerina Kalchenko

The Happy Angel Army Energy Symbol Set by Katerina Kalchenko

The Happy Angel Army Energy Symbol Set by Katerina Kalchenko

See Glass Energy Symbol Set on sparkly ocean gameboard by Dee Godfrey

See Glass Energy Symbol Set on sparkly ocean gameboard by Dee Godfrey

See Glass Energy Symbol Set on sparkly ocean gameboard by Dee Godfrey

Happy Smiley Entity Set by Corne Jooste from South Africa

Happy Smiley Entity Set by Corne Jooste from South Africa

Natural Stone Masters Set by Corne Jooste

Natural Stone Masters Set by Corne Jooste

Natural Stone Masters Set by Barbara Burgess

 Natural Stone Masters Set by Barbara Burgess


Oceans of Energy Symbol Set by Silvia Hartmann

Oceans of Energy Symbol Set by Silvia Hartmann

Energy Symbols Magic Box

Oceans of Energy Symbol Set lives inside a Magic Box!


Merlin Porter's Energy Symbols Story Telling Game

Merlin Porter's Energy Symbols Story Telling Game for his 4 year old daughter

Merlin Porter Arts

walkable energy symbol circle in the garden

Walkable Energy Symbols Circle in the garden

Energy Symbols in the garden from above


Star Matrix Energy Symbol Set 1st Sunrise with Silvia

Star Matrix Energy Symbol Set 1st Sunrise with Silvia Hartmann

Please note the T-Shirt featuring the green Matrix inspired Energy Symbols!

More about the Star Matrix Energy Symbol set here.




  by Silvia Hartmann
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"Traveling from star to star, exploring the mysteries of the deepest oceans, magical market places, worlds upon worlds all from the comfort of your own favourite chair; that’s Project Sanctuary." Will Taylor

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