HealingProject Sanctuary For HealingThere are two strands to healing with Project Sanctuary. One is that everything we do in Sanctuary that puts things to rights or improves them is in some way, a healing endeavour, even if we don't always conscious understand what it is we are healing here. The other is the enormous support one can derive in actively using Project Sanctuary for healing. This includes healing aspects of the self, healing others, and using healing habitats and healing journeys that are always specific and RIGHT for the one person who is undertaking them. It is also worth noting that the healing we do in Sanctuary is a kind of healing that can't be done in any other way; it is a level of existence all of its own and unique in its own right. By healing in Sanctuary, we can start a global process of healing that may well reach further than we have imagined so far. ![]() ![]() A Sanctuary healing story by Silvia Hartmann which illustrates why we should go to the perfect place in time and space.
![]() Take me to the perfect place in time and space in my magic garden ... The Magic Garden is a meta habitat in SuperMind/Project Sanctuary, and also the title of the February 2023 MasterClass with Silvia Hartmann.
![]() The Energy Show Sanctuary special! Powerful self healing in Sanctuary Masterclass with Silvia Hartmann.
![]() Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity. Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)
The Project Sanctuary or SuperMind Classic Game creates real time, unique, perfectly calculated "Healing Habitats" for the energy body. This is AWESOME and extremely useful. Here is the "Ice Cave Healing Habitat Experience" from February 2021.
![]() In 1999, a so called "motivational story" made the rounds on the world wide interweb that seriously annoyed my young firebrand of an aspect. To the point that she wrote a second part, The Mountain Pt II, to counter it, to END it. Please be advised that "The Mountain, Part 1" is that annoying story which was NOT written by me, but Mountain Part II was. With this out of the way, let's begin with the first one ...
![]() I had a Star Dream the other night about a crystal library which held all the crystals of not just this world, but of all worlds, where people could go and check out any crystal they needed, take it home and enjoy it, then bring it back. I loved this and so based upon it, here is the Crystal Library Modern Energy Meditation. Enjoy!
![]() "Lost things in Sanctuary" - This came up today, a person is moving house (from a family home into sheltered accomodation 1 room) and was just so distraught that they couldn't take many things with them. Including one rather large pot plant they had looked after for over 30 years.
![]() The wits, or "White Wits" as they are also known, are awesome entities that can do much for a person. The wits can be on the lookout for you, contact the friends in the high places, and protect you from many things, and that is why it is good to have your wits about you. In Sanctuary, you can check on the condition of your wits, and improve their health and happiness.
![]() Do you want to bring some past life concerns into Sanctuary but not sure how? Do you have a sense of Past Lives but can't quite get to the details? Always wanted to do Past Life Regression but don't like the idea of hypnosis, or it you tried it with less than entirely amazing results? Well here's the answer - past life regression without the hypnosis!
Originally posted 2002-02-04.
![]() It's true - basic EMO has a strict NO METAPHOR! rule to keep people focused on the real feelings in their bodies and so they don't drift off into illusion and make belief when working with energy and emotion. But once the 6th sense (the feelings in the body that do not have a physical origin) has come online, we have the benchmark and can tell what's real - because we can FEEL it.
![]() Project Sanctuary's Classic Game has been included in the Advanced Level EFT training program as the device of choice to help EFT practitioners work successfully with client presented metaphors, very highly charged memories, fragmented/repressed memories and "life problems" which would generate too many separate EFT set up statements. This has been received extremely well by EFT students who are delighted with these powerful new additions to their tool box of techniques and has been described as "truly magical and entirely transformative."
![]() A visitor asked if I had any poems suitable for a funeral for a friend. I have three funeral poems here; God's Speed is a funeral poem for a friend; Pyramid for a lover, and Upward for the funeral of a person who had no friends and may not have been a good person in this life. Hope it helps some.
![]() Rob Fox writes: I wanted to let you know about my first experience of giving The Gift. I was visiting my Mother, dropping off a DVD I had ordered for her. She seemed really down and complained of cold chills and an icy feeling in her stomach. She said she was feeling a little depressed too. I was about to ask her what she was depressed about when I thought it would be a great moment to try using the Gift.
![]() Imprinting or charging water with intention is one of those things that divides the skeptics from the believers. However, if you are really smart, you'll realise that actions combined with intention have a powerful effect on the human psyche and can be used to bring about positive change, whether you believe in energy or not. Here's an exercise to create a powerful "magic potion" using the Genius Symbols, your intention and a bottle of plain water that we will turn into Genius Water that money can't buy.
![]() NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? Click through, your The Gift will be at the top of the page. Refresh to get another The Gift! The Gift is one of the most globally useful Project Sanctuary patterns, and one of the first patterns that "crossed the border" between Sanctuary and the Hard and was found to be beautifully effective in both. This is a pattern with a thousand and one uses, meaning really, that the uses and benefits of The Gift are probably infinite! NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? -->
![]() The original poem "Oceans of Energy" came about because I had to write a course on energy healing for animals and it was such a vast subject, such a big task, that I felt lost. I needed an inspiration. In these moments, I turn to my energy mind for help and I said, "Give me something to understand energy, what it means, what it is, and how we can use it ..." The result was this poem, exactly how it stands, no changes, no edits, and this poem then went on to also become the spirit and dedication for EMO energy magic, as well as the title for the first book on EMO which is also called Oceans of Energy.
![]() I asked for a Healing Poem today - and received The Starry Gift. Can you heal me of my days
![]() Brightness rains - read it, but it works best if you stand up and speak it, evoke the energies yourself and feel the change this healing poem brings.
![]() The story from Northold I want to share tonight is about a young man, the only son of a rich and aristocratic family, who was badly injured during birth, brain damaged through lack of oxygene we would suppose today.
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