Transferring such things into one's main Sanctuary is the answer. There is no poverty in the energy world, there is no loss and there are no restrictions on space or on what we should or should not surround ourselves with.
The first transfer, the pot plant, took a little while but when it was done, it was out of the pot, and growing in its perfect soil just beyond the back door of her Sanctuary home.
The next item that needed to be transferred was a large vase, an inheritance from a beloved grandmother. It found its perfect place in time and space by the side of a fireplace in the Sanctuary's living room.
The process sped up, and in the end, about 7, 8 items into it, there was a cascade where all the most beloved, most necessary items had transferred without the person having to do it "themselves."
Needless to say, the person was so relieved, so delighted, and I was so glad they had their favourite things, wherever they would go.
Transferring loved things and beings into Sanctuary so they can "live on" and continue to bring us support, joy, connection and rememberance is quite wonderful, and I recommend to practice that.
It's a wonderful thing, really.
We don't need to live with the regret over the "lost things."
There was a lady who lost a precious bracelet made with many beautiful aquamarines when she was a child. She had taken it out of her mother's jewellery box to play princess, and lost it in the woods.
In Sanctuary, we can go and find the bracelet; we can then choose to return it to the child who lost it, take it into our Sanctuary habitat and put it there, or simply let it melt into our wrist, as it is only energy and then it can never be lost again.
It's an amazing energy experience to do that.
All things can be found and brought into Sanctuary, and not just things. In the energy worlds, nothing is ever really lost - but when we bring back what was lost to the perfect place in time and space, we put something to right, and we feel much better for it.
