In August of 2021, I started to write a story. I got disrupted and even though I thought about finishing it many times, I couldn't quite "get there." Following the first day of Project SuperStar, whilst doing the homework exercise for Part 1, all of a sudden, the story jumped into my mind. I went back there and completed it today. Here's "Black Rock."
Soul PilotsThe Soul PilotsProject Sanctuary naturally generates patterns - The Soul Pilots is one of the key patterns that can change the way we understand the worlds. In essence, it all starts with the Classic Game: "Take me to the perfect place in time and space where a lost soul needs my help today ..." If you are unfamiliar with Soul Pilots, you can find out more about the soul here, there is a Soul Pilots FAQ here, but above all else, there are the stories ... Margarita Foley ascended on December 31st, 2021. She was a beloved GoE Member, GoE Trainer and she LOVED Sanctuary/SuperMind. Margarita was also one of the Soul Pilots research team in 2004. Here is one of her stories.
During the Star Matrix course, The Soul Pilots came into the discussion as an obvious way in which "Missing Events" can be gathered.
There is a strong upward movement and to the right, and I find myself standing at the edge of a forest at night.
Energy mind, please take me to a soul who needs my help tonight.
I did a Soul Pilot mission last night for the first time. It was interesting and had a twist at the end that I didn't expect ...
Take me to the perfect place in time and space where a lost soul needs my help today ...
There's a young man, no older than 20, with disheveled hair and tattered clothing. He has intense eyes that I can see clearly, even in the relative dark. He gets one look at me and crouches down, holding his legs to his chest protectively, looking at me with fear in his eyes. A first Soul Pilot story by Sasha Lee.
The rain is lashing down in the dark night, the wind is whirling and the air is imbued with a sense of fear. Even people wrapped up in the warmth of their homes were peering out from the shutters, would this storm of devastation ever cease, would the winds ever fade away?
A student on the Project Sanctuary Masters Course from Singapore was experiencing difficulties with the concept of Soul Piloting. After some discussion, it turns out that "Soul" is not the word used in South East Asia to describe "a lost soul" as we Westerners do. Instead, it has to be "ghosts" - and thus for our friends from the East, here are three stories of our first Asian "Ghost Pilot." Enjoy!
Traveling through the mists of space and time ... Like flying through clouds, forward and down at the same time, spiralling sideways ... Where will we land today ...?
The day is fair, bright and breezy, a meadow underfoot that never saw a scythe or herds of sheep.
There is no doubt in my mind that Soul Pilot work reaches the aspects that other healing methods don't reach, and that doing Soul Pilot work has profoundly positive effects on a person. These include ...
Soul piloting is an excellent remedy for depression. I was feeling depressed and listless today, so I decided to be a Soul Pilot for a while, see if that would make me feel any better. And indeed, it did. Now, I'm feeling calm, serene, tranquil and very grateful for the story and the experience with The Little Black Soul.
Soul Piloting - the most selfless and noble art I know. I am honored to be amongst these fine folks who devote their time to helping lost souls. Some people volunteer in a soup kitchen or collect shoes to send to needy people in Africa. Me - I go into the energy world to help anyone who needs my help. In this work, I meet the most desperate people in the most terrible pain and fear. It is humbling beyond anything to be allowed into their stories and be an instrument to help them out of their hell and into a better place.
This is the first story from the original Soul Pilots book which was published in 2007. It tells of the first experience of someone who has never been a Soul Pilot before. A wonderful story about two lost children and a tribe from a long time ago ...
I believe there is a lot we can learn from each other at any time, but especially sharing the Soul Pilot story is an important part of the process of learning more about the other worlds. Each story has insights and important information to transmit, and the experiences of other Soul Pilots are invaluable. Lots can be learned about how to do it, how not to do it, and of course, these are stories which we would never encounter ourselves because we each have our own specific resonance. Here are some tips for writing up the Soul Pilot story so that others can share in the experience.
Being a Soul Pilot is the coolest thing ever. I wonder how it would affect the state of the world if everybody did it...
Soul Piloting is inexplicable. It is an extraordinary experience, and never more so than when it comes upon one unexpected, out of the blue. There are always lessons for the living there; but Soul Piloting isn't about the lessons, it is about the stories. Here is the story of Moon Deer and her children.
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"Deepest, heartfelt thanks to Silvia Hartmann and the powers that be for presenting Project Sanctuary and the whole paradigm that radiates around it - or perhaps from it. First time I have ever been able to honestly say “life-altering transformational!" Laura Moberg