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Soul Pilot Helle Gylling

Soul Pilot Helle Gylling

Soul Piloting - the most selfless and noble art I know. I am honored to be amongst these fine folks who devote their time to helping lost souls.

Some people volunteer in a soup kitchen or collect shoes to send to needy people in Africa. Me - I go into the energy world to help anyone who needs my help. In this work, I meet the most desperate people in the most terrible pain and fear. It is humbling beyond anything to be allowed into their stories and be an instrument to help them out of their hell and into a better place.

Every single person I met while Soul Piloting touches me to the core.

Some make me cry from the shear agony they are in - but all of them leave me floored when the story has evolved and they are set free from their bondage. Doing service this way feels of the utmost importance.

Of course I can't show anyone what I've done - no charity deductions on my tax form. I don't think "Crisis Intervention in the Energy World" qualifies yet Laughing

But I wouldn't change what I do for anything. They say that service is its own reward. I have never felt that to be more true than when I do Soul Piloting. Try it out! I bet you'll fall in love.

Helle Gylling

Wise Woman Astrology

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