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Spirit Of Animals

Spirit Animals In Sanctuary

Animals are a powerful and profound presence in the Otherworld. It is hard to even ensension an Otherworld or Sanctuary experience devoid of animals.

Be it shamanic animal work, animal communication, animal spirits and animal guides, or the wonderful shape-shifting experiences when we transform into an animal, metaphysical animal experiences have so much to teach us, and help our energy systems evolve.

Enjoy the animal related stories from the Sanctuary - and beyond.

Spirit Horse

Spirit Horse

When I was very young, I often used to see a black horse that no-one else could see.

I soon learned to stop talking about it, because that didn't do any good at all, but I still saw it; running alongside when I was being driven in a car, or out of the windows of a train, or a bus. I think it was the day I saw the horse and I was on a North Sea ferry and the horse was running with the waves that I realised that it was a spirit horse.Β 

Project Sanctuary welcomes our new section on Animal Spirits, Animal Guides and Animals In Sanctuary.


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The Golden Horse

The Golden Horse

An original story in the classical fairy tale format by Silvia Hartmann for those who might be weary of the drudgery of life, and seek to recapture their magic.

Originally postedΒ 2002-02-04.

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A Healing Story For Abandoned Shelter Animals

A Healing Story For Abandoned Shelter Animals

This is a wonderful healing story for abandoned shelter animals with a beautiful and heartfelt prayer to the guardians of animals from Amy Lim who is an animal energy healer in Singapore. She is using the 23 magic Genius Symbols to unfold the healing story, step by step.

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Dragon Poem: DragonRiders

Dragon Poem: DragonRiders

A metaphor poem - metasong - about The DragonRiders:

When we ride the dragons, we are wide and free ...

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Pagan Wedding Poem: Two Dragons

Pagan Wedding Poem: Two Dragons

A magic wedding poem, that doubles as a magic love spell.

Two Dragons is the perfect poem for a pagan wedding ceremony such as handfasting.

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Find Your Magical Power Animal

Find Your Magical Power Animal

Power Animals are spirit animals that protect, teach and guide us in our everyday lives. It greatly increases your magical safety and prowess if you have a power animal.

Here is an easy way to find your own personal magic power animal.

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Golden Woolbeast Gather

Golden Woolbeast Gather

This is bit of fun which came about as I went to a poetry forum which had a section for "wool gathering and strange ideas" - but there wasn't a single entry! How disappointing! I wanted to remedy the situation and make a post. At first I thought I might post about the ultraviolet beings but then instead, wrote this especially ... ..

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A Healing Prayer For A Sick Animal

A Healing Prayer For A Sick Animal

Following many requests, here is "The Prayer For A Sick Animal". This healing prayer can be used by Christians as a Christian healing prayer for sick animals, but also by anyone who wants to use the power of prayer for healing.

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Lucians Horse

Lucians Horse

Silvia writes: I was taking some time out from all that Events Psychology work and strolling in Sanctuary with my good friend, Lord Lucian, who is not a spirit guide but more of a fellow spirit, as well as providing excellent company on many occasions.

We were looking for a new game to play and after all I've been through for the past few months, something did occur to me - and it turned out to be rather special ...

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Moon Deer

Moon Deer

Soul Piloting is inexplicable. It is an extraordinary experience, and never more so than when it comes upon one unexpected, out of the blue. There are always lessons for the living there; but Soul Piloting isn't about the lessons, it is about the stories. Here is the story of Moon Deer and her children.

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Animal Communication: How To Communicate With Animals In Sanctuary

Animal Communication: How To Communicate With Animals In Sanctuary

Meeting with a spirit animal, an animal who has passed on, or an animal you want to communicate with "in Sanctuary" is the easiest and most natural form of animal communication and something that anyone who has an affinity with animals can learn to do easily.

The Sanctuary is a special place within the Dreamtime Realms that is particularly protected and provides a safe meeting platform where you can learn how to communicate with animals, and meet special animals that can become your guides, answer questions, and teach you about animal communication.

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One Love - Animals, Humans & Angels

One Love - Animals, Humans & Angels

To love the animals, to love just a single animal, perhaps just once in your lifetime, starts to make that connection happen. It is a precious, powerful thing and the love of the animals brings us back, reconnects us to where we came from, and it might start right there, that the love for ALL is planted, and begins to grow.

And so, and in a very real and practical sense, animals are our angels.

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The Mind And Soul Of The Animals: A PS Story

The Mind And Soul Of The Animals: A PS Story

Dear Energy Mind, I ask you to give me a story about the mind and the soul of the animals.

Something that tells not only me about this way of life, with whom we share our planet, but for other people of interest as well. It is a contribution of my DNA to the understanding of the animal kingdom.

Read The Mind & Soul Of The Animals by Kerstin Warkentin ...

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Dragon Rising - The Dragon Of Spirit

Dragon Rising - The Dragon Of Spirit

Many people are drawn of the energy of the dragon, and adopt the dragon to be their spirit animal.

But is a dragon a real spirit animal? Is it an "animal" at all?

Or are dragons something very different from the kinds of spirit animals that exist at this time and live, breathe, share this planet with us?

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Poem 7 Shamans by Silvia Hartmann

Poem 7 Shamans by Silvia Hartmann

The 7 Shamans poem by Silvia Hartmann

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What's Your Spirit Animal?

What's Your Spirit Animal?

All cultures since the dawn of time have had a deep and meaningful relationship with the spirit of animals - not necessarily one individual animal but the essence of a species, manifest as a familiar, a totem, a guide. Some people are particularly drawn to a type of animal or the energy of a species and find it most healing to tune into this energy.

Some people wonder, "What's MY spirit animal?"

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The Ocean Creature

The Ocean Creature

The Ocean Creature - a shamanic poem and an extraordinary journey into the realms of spirit animals.

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The Dragon People Meditation

The Dragon People Meditation

Listen or dance to the Dragon People Meditation ...

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Wolf In Amber

Wolf In Amber

A beautiful and magical Project Sanctuary story by Silvia Hartmann.

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"When I was sent this book to review, I had no idea how powerful Project Sanctuary was. I found myself lucid dreaming and in the process discovered things about myself that delighted and astounded me." Morya Short. The Sedona Journal

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