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Animal Communication: How To Communicate With Animals In Sanctuary

Animal Communication: How To Communicate With Animals In Sanctuary

Meeting with a spirit animal, an animal who has passed on, or an animal you want to communicate with "in Sanctuary" is the easiest and most natural form of animal communication and something that anyone who has an affinity with animals can learn to do easily.

The Sanctuary is a special place within the Dreamtime Realms that is particularly protected and provides a safe meeting platform where you can learn how to communicate with animals, and meet special animals that can become your guides, answer questions, and teach you about animal communication.


Speaking To Animals:

Animal Communication In Sanctuary

Meeting with a spirit animal, an animal who has passed on, or an animal you want to communicate with "in Sanctuary" is the easiest and most natural form of animal communication and something that anyone who has an affinity with animals can learn to do easily.

Sanctuary is a shamanic space of mind and energy where you can travel and meet with many different entities in safety. The Sanctuary is a special place within the Dreamtime Realms that is particularly protected and provides a safe meeting platform where you can learn how to communicate with animals, and meet special animals that can become your guides, answer questions, and help you in many ways.

For many people, being able to meet again with beloved companion animals who may have passed on to the spirit world can be enormously healing and soothing. In that way, we have not "lost" the animal friend, but have gained a constant companion in spirit with whom we can talk, play and walk at any time in Sanctuary.


Discovering The Sanctuary

The first step is to discover the Sanctuary world, the special dreamtime realm in which you will meet with your animal spirit.

Say to yourself, say in your mind:

"Show me the perfect place where I can meet with (insert the name of the animal, orย  simply state "My perfect spirit animal")."


Now ask the following questions.

1. What is the time of day here?

Is it morning, afternoon, night? Just let the answer come to you.

2. What is the time of year?

Summer? Spring? Autumn? Winter?

3. What is the weather?

Just let it come to you, feel it, the temperature, the air, breathe deeply.

4. What is the landscape?

5. What is the vegetation here?


These five questions help you find the way to the exact right time and space in the dreamtime realms where you will meet your spirit animal. We call this a habitat, a special Sanctuary for this meeting.

There are many different habitats, potentially infinite different places in the dreamtime realms, and by going to the right one you have taken the most important step for success in finding an animal to communicate with, and for the communication to be the best it can be.


Meeting Your Spirit Animal In Sanctuary

Now that you know this world, this habitat, close your eyes to the world of day and step inside.

In most occasions, the animal will come forward immediately, you can see them right away.

It is important to go with your intuition as what you should say, or do.

Sometimes you can talk with the animal just like with a person; other times the animal will invite you to follow them and the two of you will go on a journey of discovery where you learn important things along the way.

Do try to hold love in your heart, and stay light if you can. These realms are made of energy, and heavy sadness or fear can cause them to become unstable, or for you to lose contact with them, that would be a better way of putting it.

If you can be open minded and playful in attitude, this will help you communicating with any spirit animal you meet here enormously.

Don't try and force your opinions or feelings on the animal; instead be here and willing to learn, letting the animal come forward and communicate with you, giving it the space to come forward and show YOU what needs to happen next.


Animal Communication & Shamanic Transformation

With some animals, you need to transform yourself into an animal yourself in order to really understand them, or communicate with these kinds of animals successfully.

In Sanctuary, all things are made from energy, and that includes the body you take there - you can change your form easily and become a wolf, a dolphin, an eagle or any kind of animal that you might want to experience in that way.

It takes a little practice to get really good at it and really allow yourself to "enter into the spirit of Sanctuary" wholeheartedly so it becomes as real as lucid dream, but even beginners can learn a lot by communicating with animals not like a human would with a talking animal, but instead by communicating with the animal in their own way, in their own language.

These kinds of Shamanic animal transformation experiences are truly amazing, and priceless.


Animal Communication, Gifts, Time & Experience

The most important thing about communicating with animals in Sanctuary is to take the time to walk in these realms, to spend time with the spirit animal there, to become comfortable with the conventions of these dreamtime spaces, and to learn to feel at home there.

Simply stepping into Sanctuary - any kind of Sanctuary! - is immensely enriching and healing, all of itself.

Just by being there you learn so much, you come into contact with so much beauty and power, it is in and of itself a transformative experience.

So do take your time.

There is no need to "jump on" to any spirit animal with a million questions or floods of emotions, or to chase "the big question" or "the big solution" to whatever problems have brought you here in the first place.

Take your time, give yourself time to explore these realms with the animal by your side, to learn about yourself as much as you learn about the animal, and the landscapes, and the spirit of Sanctuary.

Sometimes, you can give a spirit animal a gift to start a flow of communication; and sometimes, the spirit animal will give you a gift instead.

But the most important thing is simply being with the animal in Sanctuary.

That is how you learn the most, and this is how you learn to communicate with all manner of spirit animals successfully over time.


Communicating With Living Animals

We communicate with living animals on the level of spirit, and so in Sanctuary it is immaterial if the animal is still alive, or not.

Simply remember to ask at the beginning to be taken to the right place and time to communicate with THIS animal here, and that will take you there where THAT animal is so you can communicate with it.


Working with Sanctuary to communicate with animals is really easy and natural; you don't need any special skills to make it work, and it is just a matter of wanting to learn more, of being willing to learn and change, to have an open mind and an open heart to give and receive information and love - and a little practice.

It is a wonderful gift not only for the chosen few, but for anyone who loves animals, and understands something about the spirit of animals in truth.


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