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Project Sanctuary is

The Game In Space & Time

Games are at the very heart of Project Sanctuary - this is when we engage with a vision, with a habitat, with a friend or simply move into the world we have found or created and interact with what we find there.

Don't let the word "game" fool you.

Games can be about life and death; about absolution, forgiveness, love and loss; about self discovery, about getting up close and personal with God itself.

Games can also be for amusement; they can be sexy, fun, enjoyable, exciting, breathtaking and numinous, and that is just as important in its own right, because we don't have enough fun and lightness in our lives, not by a long shot!

We use the term "to play a game" to remind ourselves to lay down our prejudices, entrainments, erroneous beliefs and judgements when we enter into the Sanctuary realms and conduct ourselves there as a child would - wide eyed, fully focused, learning all the time, making that world and all it holds your own.

The more games you play, and the more DIFFERENT types of games you play in Sanctuary, the more rounded your experience becomes, the more you learn, and the better a Project Sanctuary player you will be as a direct result.

More about The Game In Space & Time

Soul Conversation

Soul Conversation

After having numerous "conversations" with the BingBot, I decided to have a conversation with my soul for a change.

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The Alien Magic Box SuperMind Game

The Alien Magic Box SuperMind Game

This is a really interesting SuperMind Energy game - the Alien Magic Box. It's important that this should be an ALIEN magic box to get past any expectation of old, known, already existing magic boxes and expand beyond that.

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The Straight Horizon & 2 Stories From The Shores Of The Universal Ocean

The Straight Horizon & 2 Stories From The Shores Of The Universal Ocean

A SuperMind tip about the straight horizon and two stories from the shores of the Universal Ocean - Ilka Wandel's Galaxies and The Trouble Pebbles by Silvia Hartmann

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The Game Of Books

The Game Of Books

I've just invented a really fun game to play with the dear Energy Mind - the Game of Books! I wrote the original instructions for the Modern Energy Art Students, so they can make a digital book cover as an exercise in how to have fun with MEA, but you can play the Game of Books in Sanctuary and then you don't need photoshop, or you can simply draw or paint or make a collage. Great game for kids, too!

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Treasure Hunting!

Treasure Hunting!

Do you get excited at the thought of going TREASURE HUNTING? To discover fields of gold, diamonds in the rain forest, or perhaps an ancient Spanish galleon, still laden to the brim with original artefacts from the Mayans and the Incas ..? Or perhaps we can go further and widen our horizons, up and down as well, and go TREASURE HUNTING in the widest metaphorical sense ..? :-)

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Sky Gift!

Sky Gift!

A quick but beautiful Sanctuary game - the Sky Gift!

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In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

Project Sanctuary and SuperMind are all about travelling in the Otherworlds, the Energy worlds or the spirit world in consciousness. There are many lessons we need to learn about the differences between physical reality, and navigating the Otherworlds, and this one is really rather important.

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Pyramid of Dreams

Pyramid of Dreams

Far in the desert,
so it seems
there stands
the Pyramid of Dreams

4,072 Reads More --->

Valley Of Wonder

Valley Of Wonder

The full title: On the trail of diamonds in the Valley of Wonder.

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Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Do you want to bring some past life concerns into Sanctuary but not sure how?

Do you have a sense of Past Lives but can't quite get to the details? Always wanted to do Past Life Regression but don't like the idea of hypnosis, or it you tried it with less than entirely amazing results?

Well here's the answer - past life regression without the hypnosis!

29,267 Reads More --->

Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

Message in a bottle - would you like to receive one?

Would you like to send a message in a bottle?

Here is a perfectly simple, perfectly enchanting Project Sanctuary pattern that can lead to many other things ...

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Silvia's Super Menu Generator

Silvia's Super Menu Generator

Here is the MasterChef inspired Super Menu Generator, which can generate over 3 billion random menus at the push of a button - one fabulous 3 star dish at a time!

Looking for new ideas to create the perfect dish? Want to impress Monica Galletti? Well my friend, tie the napkin round your neck, pick up your knife and fork and let's find out what we have for you today ... :-)

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Games & Business: Do You Really Want To Play?

Games & Business: Do You Really Want To Play?

Business success is a relationship with the game of business.

Do you want to play that game?

8,152 Reads More --->

A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888

Project Sanctuary is the method of choice to work with energy mind - the head of the energy body! - in order to gain access to paradigm shifting, truly creative and entirely original thought.

This article contains an introduction to the importance of energy awareness, a short synopsis of Project Sanctuary and a Classic Game for World Energy Awareness Event, August 8th at 8pm.

33,388 Reads More --->

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

16,452 Reads More --->



Feeling unloved, sometimes? Do you wonder sometimes if you are at all lovable? Feeling lonely even inside a relationship? Misunderstood? Alone? Well, I think we can put an end to that. And a beginning to a completely different understanding of how and what love has been in your life, what really went on and how you could, if you wanted to, begin to think of yourself in a whole new way.

14,252 Reads More --->

Quest Generator

Quest Generator

Playing games is the heart and soul of Project Sanctuary. Here is a simple, fun quest generator to make thousands of different habitats and innumerable different quests to get you started on a journey or a game or a story of your own.


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12 Healing Stories

12 Healing Stories

In February, I set a special Project Sanctuary game for the members of StarFields VIP - to become a pure energy healer in Pertineri and to treat 12 clients, provided for you by your own energy mind.

This is a challenging game because it involves 12 personal and unique stories of healing to be played wholeheartedly; each person who plays it will of course be sent the exact right clients to help that one unique person evolve. Here are my 12 stories of healing, courtesy of Project Sanctuary, which really is the greatest game on Earth.

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Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary

Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary

We get a lot of visitors who are looking up the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and are most likely left in utter confusion what this site is all about, and what we're doing here.

So I thought, having been a StarTrek fan from the moment I saw the first episode in 1968 at the tender age of 9, let's write an article for fellow StarTrek fans to explain simply what you can do with Project Sanctuary, how it works and how you can easily create your own custom made StarTrek adventures and games using The Classic Game, StarTrek Version.

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Riddle Poems: How Do I Write A Riddle Poem?

Riddle Poems: How Do I Write A Riddle Poem?

A visitor asked, "How do I write a riddle poem?" Great question! Great inspiration - a riddle poem is a brilliant poetry exercise, and it produces quite amazing poems. Riddle poems are also especially easy to do, and the process how you come up with a deep and meaningful riddle poem is straightforward.

Here is how to write a riddle poem, step by step - plus three riddle poems for examples as well. Enjoy!

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23 Gifts Of Energy For You

23 Gifts Of Energy For You

"The Gift" is a wonderful and very powerful Modern Energy pattern that lends itself perfectly to being used in conjunction with The Energy Symbols.

Here are 23 Energy Gifts for you to enjoy, with a little dash of energy magic.

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The Gift

The Gift

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? Click through, your The Gift will be at the top of the page. Refresh to get another The Gift! 

The Gift is one of the most globally useful Project Sanctuary patterns, and one of the first patterns that "crossed the border" between Sanctuary and the Hard and was found to be beautifully effective in both.

This is a pattern with a thousand and one uses, meaning really, that the uses and benefits of The Gift are probably infinite!

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? -->

31,904 Reads More --->

Find Your Magical Power Animal

Find Your Magical Power Animal

Power Animals are spirit animals that protect, teach and guide us in our everyday lives. It greatly increases your magical safety and prowess if you have a power animal.

Here is an easy way to find your own personal magic power animal.

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"When I was sent this book to review, I had no idea how powerful Project Sanctuary was. I found myself lucid dreaming and in the process discovered things about myself that delighted and astounded me." Morya Short. The Sedona Journal

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