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Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary

Create Your Own StarTrek Games & Adventures - With Project Sanctuary

We get a lot of visitors who are looking up the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and are most likely left in utter confusion what this site is all about, and what we're doing here.

So I thought, having been a StarTrek fan from the moment I saw the first episode in 1968 at the tender age of 9, let's write an article for fellow StarTrek fans to explain simply what you can do with Project Sanctuary, how it works and how you can easily create your own custom made StarTrek adventures and games using The Classic Game, StarTrek Version.

Project Sanctuary Games

Basically, Project Sanctuary is THE modern psychology tool that finally takes imagination seriously. In 1987, a group from the UK went into serious research mode and created Project Sanctuary as a research tool to find out how imagination, fantasy, metaphor, creativity actually work in human beings.

During the course of this investigation it was found that the Project Sanctuary "games" that were being played to find out more about the structure and nature of how people "do" creativity were so much fun, so useful for therapy and personal development, and really awesome for intelligence enhancement, creativity enhancement and so forth across the board, that the research games from the Project Sanctuary project were released to the general public.

So that's a bit of background, now to the simplest game, which is known as "The Classic Game" and which any StarTrek fan can use to create full on autogenic realities to have fun with, to learn from, and in essence to create your own next series of StarTrek - one that is exactly right for the one person who creates it.


The Classic Game

Ok, so the Classic Game works by not just randomly imagining things, but instead, to really lock down the space-time-dimensional co-ordinates of the virtual world you are going to play in. This creates a "habitat" or a complete world in a person's mind that can be walked around in, manipulated at will (up to a point :-) and that becomes amazingly real, containing autogenic data of not just what you see, but also what you hear, what you feel, how you feel, scent, sense, taste, touch - the whole nine yards, a real world of your own.

ThisΒ  happens as a bye the bye when you engage the energy mind (previously known as the unconscious mind) who, in co-operation with the conscious mind, makes these worlds or habitats for you, and makes them as real as real can be.

So here's ...

The Classic Game, StarTrek Version

The Classic Game works by questions and answers which follow the set up of intention.

Step 1: Say to yourself, say in your mind at the same time, and in this case for StarTrek fans:

  • Take me to the perfect place in time and space where I can experience a brand new StarTrek story that is perfect for me today.

(Note it says "today" which means that tomorrow, you will get another story, in another place in time and space. Project Sanctuary's Classic Game generates INFINITE HABITATS at will - that's real creativity, and it's controlled creativity because you direct the Classic Game with the set up).

Step 2: Now answer the following questions OUT ALOUD and as specific as you can.

For beginners, it helps to always answer these questions with ..

  • what you can see
  • what you can feel
  • what you can scent
  • what you can taste
  • what you can hear
  • what you can sense

a) What is the time of day?

That's reasonably easy to tell if you are on a planet; if you're on a spaceship, you might have to guess or get a sense of whether the crew is in a waking or sleep cycle, for example.

b) What's the weather?

Alright, so again, if you're on a spaceship, it's going to be dry ... But this question makes you pay attention to the circuitry a person has to get information about the environment, like a sensor sweep. I bet that for example, the classic Enterprise smells different from a Ferengi ship, or from Voyager or DS9; you're looking for all manner of information coming in through all your senses.

This "weather" question gives you a lot of essential information to orientate yourself in the habitat and make it be really real.

c) What's the landscape?

In this case, it's the environment you find yourself in.

Describe this IN DETAIL and precisely. Whatever the environment is. Use all sensory modalities, not just what you see. And remember to speak out aloud. Makes all the difference to the eventual experience.

d) What's the vegetation?

Once again, on the Enterprise, you won't get vegetation; but the absence of any vegetation is information about the environment. Do you know how rare it is to find a habitat that has no vegetation at all, not even single celled organisms?

Also, with the Classic Game, you can have landed anywhere in the StarTrek galaxies/universe, and not necessarily on board a spaceship, so even though at first glance it looks as though a StarTrek Project Sanctuary habitat doesn't need this question, it actually does.

d) What kind of animals exist here?

There might not be any, but there also might be some kind of monster just lurking somewhere so make sure you scan carefully and answer that question fully and completely.

e) Are there any people?

People in Project Sanctuary include all sentient beings, even robots if they're clever enough to have a mind of their own.

Describe in detail what you find in your unfolding habitat, even if you find nothing, which can be more important sometimes than finding something.

f) Are there any artefacts?

Artefacts are object of significance and a very important part of Project Sanctuary, because they act as portals. If you forgive me for bringing this in, each artefact is literally a star gate to information and events that lies behind the artefact, and that can be discovered by interacting with the artefact.

Artefacts are usually man made.

If you followed these instructions carefully, you have now a StarTrek habitat to explore.

A StarTrek habitat that is your own, belongs to you, and becomes your story as you live the events that unfold.

Obviously I can't replicate the entire Project Sanctuary manual here, but a few tips to get you going.

  • There is a purpose to you being here - there is a story to be told. You need to find that purpose, unfold the story, step by step. You can do this by simply asking yourself, "And what happens next?"
  • This whole habitat and all that's in it is made of energy. You can change it at will. It is morphable, infinitely. You can pick up a rock and morph it into a tricorder and vice versa at any time.
  • We strongly recommend to ask for a friend - some kind of entity to partner you, and give you advice in the Project Sanctuary realms. Pick a StarTrek character you are particularly drawn to to accompany you on this mission.
  • Don't psycho-analyse the story or the events that happen. Don't look back or think "about" the story. Step INTO the story and play it straight, play it honest, as though you were really there - which you actually are when you're there.
  • Don't be afraid when you come across challenges and surprises. You're not doing this alone. Your own energy mind is playing too, it's your partner in the game, which is what makes it so awesome.

So that's it in a nutshell as they say.

Don't just read it, have a go. It's totally different from ordinary fantasies or day dreaming. Playing the Classic Game In Space & Time is a breakthrough experience into using your mind in a totally different way. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Good luck and ... really, boldly go where no-one has gone before ... you.

Silvia Hartmann

November 2010


Further Information:

"I adore Project Sanctuary. It is such a fabulous way to get answers, and new solutions. I notice the most positive change both within the sanctuary and in the outer world, in relationships. Fabulous." Debbie Hazelton

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