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The Project Sanctuary Story

A Project Sanctuary "story" is a sequence of events that has a beginning, a middle and an end and MOVES through its unfoldments.

By starting with a question, an artefact, or a problem, a story comes into being that is co-created by the conscious mind and the energy mind together and this story will eventually lead to a breakthrough on the topic - what we call a threshold shift.

Stories can be short and succinct, or very complex and involved to become a metastory, one of the most profound Project Sanctuary experiences - or any other type of experience, for that matter! - you can have.

Stories hold exponentially more information than lists of static facts; they are complex, organic metaphors. When we have Project Sanctuary story experiences and tell others about them - story telling - spontaneously a natural form of languaging comes into being that is called a metasong.

The Little Being

The Little Being

Once upon a time, in a place that is further than you thought, there lived a little being who was not exactly loved or appreciated by all around them.ย 

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Boy & Frog - A Fairy Tale Story Told

Boy & Frog - A Fairy Tale Story Told A fairy tale needed to be told, and so it was told, for the first time ever live and recorded on video. This is the transcript as the story of Boy & Frog unfolded in real time.
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The Little Book Of Stories

The Little Book Of Stories A love letter to all readers, writers and yes, even the publishers on World Book Day 2024, metasong format. Thank you for your gifts, dear Energy Mind.
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The Perfect Place VS The Favourite Place: Art Deco Healing Temple & Ruby Remedy

The Perfect Place VS The Favourite Place: Art Deco Healing Temple & Ruby Remedy

A Sanctuary healing story by Silvia Hartmann which illustrates why we should go to the perfect place in time and space.

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Mrs Green & The Tiny Garden

Mrs Green & The Tiny Garden

A Sanctuary Story from the library 2008 about a child, an entity and a remarkable gift.

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The Mirror Charm - Metaphor On A Plate!

The Mirror Charm - Metaphor On A Plate! Here is a personal story about the metaphor on a plate, and a Sanctuary evolution that ties back to a physical object in the Hard.
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The Silver Dragon

The Silver Dragon

A story about a trapped silver dragon by Silvia Hartmann.ย 

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PS From The DragonLords

PS From The DragonLords

At the very end of the DragonLords, there is a PS. At the end of the PS, there are 2 sentences that connect The DragonLords to Elory's Joy.

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Black Rock

Black Rock

In August of 2021, I started to write a story. I got disrupted and even though I thought about finishing it many times, I couldn't quite "get there." Following the first day of Project SuperStar, whilst doing the homework exercise for Part 1, all of a sudden, the story jumped into my mind. I went back there and completed it today. Here's "Black Rock."

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The Orb Of Prosperity

The Orb Of Prosperity

Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity.

Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)

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On A Hill Outside Jerusalem - A Soul Pilot Story by Margarita Foley

On A Hill Outside Jerusalem - A Soul Pilot Story by Margarita Foley

Margarita Foley ascended on December 31st, 2021. She was a beloved GoE Member, GoE Trainer and she LOVED Sanctuary/SuperMind. Margarita was also one of the Soul Pilots research team in 2004. Here is one of her stories.

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The Field Of Flowers

The Field Of Flowers

An excerpt from my Special Report on the Afterlife, the field of flowers really encapsulates why making preparations for the afterlife in this life is such a very good idea.

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The Frog Of Confusion - Fun & Games In Metaphor World

The Frog Of Confusion - Fun & Games In Metaphor World

Metaphors are a fine thing, and breakthrough healing metaphors that can cause an instant world expansion in a lightning strike are even finer. Let's have more of those! :-)

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Flash into someone else's world for a moment ...

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Dragon Dreams

Dragon Dreams

The Dragon Dreams story by Silvia Hartmann, featuring the richest man in the galaxy, a youngling and 5 dragon eggs.

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Stars On The Cutting Room Floor

Stars On The Cutting Room Floor

A dream in graphic novel style which got a very cool evolution and became a Star Matrix Star Dream.

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The Alien Opal Story

The Alien Opal Story

A story sparked by a Modern Energy Art-efact, the Alien Opal.

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The Malleable Stones

The Malleable Stones

In Sanctuary, I came across this group of people who didn't know they were dead and thought they were still in physical reality and in their own version of the Hard. This, of course, is a problem ...

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The Old Artist

The Old Artist

The Old Artist story and the non-linear, non-hierarchical nature of life.

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Daily Diamonds

Daily Diamonds

Many people ask, "Is this all there is? There should be more to life than this ..." and this is my answer.

I enjoyed discovering and writing this inspirational story; I hope you enjoy it too ... :-)

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The Wrongness & The Starry Souls

The Wrongness & The Starry Souls

A SuperMind Story in Fairy Tale Format by Silvia Hartmannย In a strange time and a strange place, there was a strange kingdom. All the people in the kingdom were obsessed with everything that was wrong their futures, their presents and their pasts; what was wrong with nature, wrong about themselves, wrong about each other, wrong with what they were doing, what they were thinking, what they were creating.

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The Mountain, Part II

The Mountain, Part II

In 1999, a so called "motivational story" made the rounds on the world wide interweb that seriously annoyed my young firebrand of an aspect. To the point that she wrote a second part, The Mountain Pt II, to counter it, to END it. Please be advised that "The Mountain, Part 1" is that annoying story which was NOT written by me, but Mountain Part II was. With this out of the way, let's begin with the first one ...

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The Man Who Wasn't Broken

The Man Who Wasn't Broken

A SuperMind Story by Silvia Hartmann for November 2020.

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"You have probably heard the classical question, "What book would you bring along if you were to spend the rest of your life on a desert island?". Well, after having read Project Sanctuary, your answer will be an easy one." ย Helena Sweden

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