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How To Create A World Like Game Of Thrones and Lord of The Rings

How To Create A World Like Game Of Thrones and Lord of The Rings

On a Game of Thrones fansite, someone posted, "Hard to believe that one man can create such a huge world with a rich complicated history." Another said, "I have no idea how he did that!" referring to Lord of The Rings.

Here's how to create such complex worlds.

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Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Introducing the new word, SENSION, to describe the act of taking in information through all 6 senses simultaneously for a more reality based approach to everything.

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Get Creative - It's Important ...

Get Creative - It's Important ...

Playing PS games, running stories and exploring habitats is a version of creativity that is structurally exactly the same as though you were writing a book, a play, a symphony, a song, a poem or a short story.

Whatever it is going to be in the end, at this time, it isn't here yet.

You're looking at an empty piece of paper, a blank slate.

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Welcoming 50 New PS Masters

Welcoming 50 New PS Masters

Following the world's first PS Masters Training, conducted in Switzerland and in the German language, we welcome our 50 first new German speaking Project Sanctuary Masters - may your worlds be wonderful, and your threshold shifts breathtaking!

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Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

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Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity, the Project Sanctuary story and the most up to date, in depth PS manual available, is nw available on Amazon Kindle. Listed as having 532 pages, Infinite Creativity contains a wealth of stories, background information, important patterns and reads as a fascinating journey of exploration which unlocked many of the real threshold shifts available to date. 

A "must have" for all Silvia Hartmann fans and a book that will keep on giving and growing with the reader, highly recommended.

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Autogenic Habitats: A New Explorer In Sanctuary

Autogenic Habitats: A New Explorer In Sanctuary

Kelly Burch writes: A few months ago I learned about something called Autogenic Habitats. I had no idea what this was at first. In fact I had to Google to find the definition of the word "autogenic". It means: "self-generating" or "from within".

So these habitats were literally places that I could create from within myself?


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The Gift At The International EMO Conference

The Gift At The International EMO Conference

It's true - basic EMO has a strict NO METAPHOR! rule to keep people focused on the real feelings in their bodies and so they don't drift off into illusion and make belief when working with energy and emotion. But once the 6th sense (the feelings in the body that do not have a physical origin) has come online, we have the benchmark and can tell what's real - because we can FEEL it.

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Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Project Sanctuary's Classic Game has been included in the Advanced Level EFT training program as the device of choice to help EFT practitioners work successfully with client presented metaphors, very highly charged memories, fragmented/repressed memories and "life problems" which would generate too many separate EFT set up statements.

This has been received extremely well by EFT students who are delighted with these powerful new additions to their tool box of techniques and has been described as "truly magical and entirely transformative."

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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

The new Project Sanctuary book, Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story has been released this month in conjunction with the 16th birthday of DragonRising Publishing.

Project Sanctuary has been the generator for many wonderful patterns and the device by which new methods and techniques have been discovered.

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New Project Sanctuary Master: Amy Lim Soo Ming

New Project Sanctuary Master: Amy Lim Soo Ming

Amy Lim from Singapore is our latest Project Sanctuary Master. She is also a Vajayana and Shamanic Practitioner, certified EMO, Animal Energy Healer and Animal Communicator.

In her interview, she describes how much she resonated especially with the spirit work of Soul Piloting, and the Past Life regression, as reincarnation is a very important part of the spiritual life in Singapore.

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A Very Important Dragon Has Landed ...

A Very Important Dragon Has Landed ...

Project Sanctuary 2011 Now Available At The StarFields VIP Club

Silvia Hartmann writes: Towards the end of 2010, I started writing a new Project Sanctuary manual. In the spirit of PS, I let my energy mind do its thing and really got into it.

I wrote a lot ...

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The Best Book On Genius Just Got Even Better

The Best Book On Genius Just Got Even Better

The completely revised and updated new 2nd Edition of the bestselling The Genius Symbols has just been published.

Read this interview with Silvia Hartmann to find out what's new and different, and how the best book on Genius just got even better ...

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Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

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The Gift

The Gift

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? Click through, your The Gift will be at the top of the page. Refresh to get another The Gift! 

The Gift is one of the most globally useful Project Sanctuary patterns, and one of the first patterns that "crossed the border" between Sanctuary and the Hard and was found to be beautifully effective in both.

This is a pattern with a thousand and one uses, meaning really, that the uses and benefits of The Gift are probably infinite!

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? -->

31,906 Reads More --->

Dream Interpretation - The Simple Secrets Of How To Interpret Your Own Dreams Correctly

Dream Interpretation - The Simple Secrets Of How To Interpret Your Own Dreams Correctly

If you ask yourself, "What do my dreams mean?" don't look for an online dream decoder, an A-Z of dreams or a dream symbol list that OTHER PEOPLE have assembled. Your dreams are your dreams, and you need to do your dream interpretation in context of who you are, what your life is like, and what the dream symbols mean FOR YOU.

Here are the 3 simple secrets to correct dream interpretation, how do do dream interpretation yourself so you find out the meanings of your dreams, and some examples about a naked dream, and a dream about a snake.

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Better Meditation - Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance

Better Meditation - Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance

Beginners in Project Sanctuary always ask how to get deeper into trance to make the experiences more lucid, and how to stop bouncing out of the experience. So here are Silvia's Top Tips For Going Into Trance, Staying There, And Going Deeper Into Trance for better meditation and self hypnosis - Project Sanctuary style.

Q: I try to go into a habitat and look around, but I keep bouncing out of it at the slightest sound, what can I do to stay there?

Q: I find it really hard to keep my focus, I find myself flipping into other thoughts and then Sanctuary fades away. How can I improve my focus or concentration?

Q: I usually do really well - until something happens that scares me or freaks me out, and I fall right out of it, it's like waking up from a dream. What can I do?

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The Man

The Man

A man came to me and said he wanted to learn of Sanctuary.

"It sounds interesting," he said. "It's just imagination, right?"

I laughed. "Just? What do you think imagination is?"

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The Matrix Vision

The Matrix Vision

An exploration into visions and conscious mind to energy mind communication that can change and save our lives.

And a fabulous Project Sanctuary vision->meditation->experience based on the movie, "The Matrix".

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The NEW Genius Symbols Course

The NEW Genius Symbols Course

The Genius Symbols have proven themselves in practice, and the research/trial phase is now officially over.

Here is the NEW Genius Symbols course and an introduction by Silvia Hartmann, Creator of Project Sanctuary and The Genius Symbols.

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Interview With The Final PS23 Master Laura Moberg

Interview With The Final PS23 Master Laura Moberg

Metaphorically speaking, just before the stroke of midnight on August 23rd, 2009, the final PS Master from the original PS23 Project submitted their masterpiece, and was thus duly certified. The final PS23 Project Sanctuary Master is Laura Moberg.

Laura who is originally from California was transplanted to Sweden at a tender age. Later living in Denmark and Greece, currently in Japan but maintaining a home and clinic in Sweden as well as Yokohama, Laura is a Doctor of Natural Medicine with more than a passing interest in Energy Medicine and modern personal development. In this interview, Laura tells us about her experiences with the Project Sanctuary Masters course, and her plans for the future.

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The Child, The Tarot Reader & The Sceptic

The Child, The Tarot Reader & The Sceptic

The Mission: Introduce 3 others (real life people, clients or not) to the Genius Symbols. Show them the symbols and let the rest take care of itself as the process unfolds. Write a report on each occasion and your conclusions overall at the end.

I wasn't sure to whom I would show and introduce the Genius Symbols to and so I asked the universe to send me three people for whom it would be very obvious. Within a couple of weeks, I had my three. It was really quite cool ...

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We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone

There is one thing that makes the difference between someone who "gets" Project Sanctuary, and someone who doesn't.

One particular event that determines whether we are dealing with just fantasy, or something very shamanic, very REAL indeed.

There is a moment of enlightenment that describes the entrance into the REAL Project Sanctuary realms, and that is the moment when a person sits up in shock and says, "But *I* did NOT do that!"

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