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Interview With The Final PS23 Master Laura Moberg

Interview With The Final PS23 Master Laura Moberg

Metaphorically speaking, just before the stroke of midnight on August 23rd, 2009, the final PS Master from the original PS23 Project submitted their masterpiece, and was thus duly certified. The final PS23 Project Sanctuary Master is Laura Moberg.

Laura who is originally from California was transplanted to Sweden at a tender age. Later living in Denmark and Greece, currently in Japan but maintaining a home and clinic in Sweden as well as Yokohama, Laura is a Doctor of Natural Medicine with more than a passing interest in Energy Medicine and modern personal development. In this interview, Laura tells us about her experiences with the Project Sanctuary Masters course, and her plans for the future.


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I hope to be not so much a seeker as a discoverer. This keeps me exploring various cultures and delving into a broad spectrum of therapy and healing modalities. Prompted me to have four kids which definitely leads to serious discovery and challenge as well!

I am passionately interested in nature and philosophy, the whole man between heaven and earth thing….perhaps trying to unravel the great mysteries, but above all wanting to live with true delight whilst hopefully being of service.

My current burning question is: After all the assorted cleansings and healings, finally realizing we ARE ALREADY WHOLE, what then?


How did you come across Project Sanctuary?

When studying EFT many years ago, I discovered Dr. Hartmann as the definitive authority and author in the field and started devouring her books. Becoming an EMO practitioner followed naturally and it was just as matter of time before I read PS. Must however confess however that whilst reading the book was fascinating and the resonance was in place, the timing was not. That came two years ago when the Dragon Rising newsletter offer to do a PS Masters Course leapt off the screen, lights flashing, chimes sounding, a very Sanctuary happening I would later discover.


What did you find particularly interesting about the PS Masters Course?

To start with, how incredibly challenging it was!

I have done countless courses since the academically demanding ones in college and nothing can compare. This course called me to access realms that were far beyond my usual playground of getting the head around quantum medicine, holding the myriad patterns of TCM together, stretching into shamanism or channeling healing. Delightfully satisfying intellectually of course but the kicker was how it managed to get me—the veteran “I am studying this professionally to apply for the higher good on others”- to actually DO the exercises and get personal.

Meanwhile, the other participants were having wildly different and unique experiences.

The course seems to truly be designed to meet each person where they are and take them where they want and are ready to go. I loved the interaction the course facilitated with so called “like minded”, finally having suitable souls to say “I’ll show you mine if you will show me yours!” about our Sanctuary endeavours. And to have one on one contact with Silvia as a tutor was a gift, she delivered well placed swift kicks where others have wasted praise, allowing me to go places I would not have dared myself, at least as a fledgling!

The multi-dimensionality of the course fascinates me still, more layers are revealed each time I revisit a section and the complexity which transcends and ultimately becomes simple is for me the answer I have long been seeking. The insights experienced and actualized as shifts during the course were revolutionary and they continue on still-- the reverberations I suspect are far reaching. The proverbial box once you have opened it, there is no turning back and your life is never the same. What I have despite everything been seeking, simply not found until now!

For me, PS is a form of magic that I can “have” without going into a cascade of reversals on that subject, quite the contrary. Feels like I have been given a key which can unlock ANY door.


What was it like receiving the news that you had passed the course and are now a Project Sanctuary Master?

How does it feel? The feeling of ELATION is abiding still and wonderment only growing. Delectable surprise and amazingly, even a spot of good old fashioned pride ...

Whilst I claim to be unsure of how certification examinations will go, in my heart of heart I know I will have passed and most likely with honours. Up until now it was a given. Then this, where the pole to jump over has been raised off the planet and nothing is given thus yielding this unexpected delight in the accomplishment.

Celebrated that night with proper bubbly with my kids, they noted I was unusually light and filled with laughter!


How are you planning to use PS in the future?

Both personally and professionally.

Just as EMO feels like the “logical” way to live with and process emotions, Project Sanctuary feels like the natural response to have the whole mind on board and at the helm. I have yet to meet a person who is not more or less troubled by unconstructive and worrisome thoughts and has no better clue of what to do with an overactive mind. Especially if they, like me, have tried the gamut of meditation techniques, found them helpful but still wanting. PS starts out as something they can think about, then it blooms into the enticing playground that can yield everything from joyful interludes in daily living to resolution of their deepest trauma or answers to the most tangled questions. For clients who are prepared to take the quantum leap: it IS reality creation. I am game!

I find PS weaves its way into my everyday life which surprisingly anchors me more in the “hard” real world, a good thing when one otherwise tends to “fly away” *but with no purpose.* It is the sanctuary I can instantly access to not only lead my own life and pursue my dreams, but also be there for family, friends and clients, sharing the tools-talents-tricks-teachers-techniques used in Sanctuary as well as gems gained as insight.

Professionally, I still often work with the e-Lybra, a quantum medicine device which effectively provides the information I need as a natural medicine practitioner regarding nutrition, hormones, infections, organ status etc plus indicated natural remedies then sending vibrational balancing. As a “bridge to consciousness”, the e-Lybra can enable astonishing feats in the person’s energy field *but without them being consciously aware of what really has happened.* Like having had an amazing dream you do not remember, awakening and feeling something is really different, but not knowing what.

Enter Project Sanctuary as stand alone or compliment to the above. The client starts playing in Sanctuary, having the unprecedented ability to grow their own life and to experience the shifts --LIVE the eureka moments—and own the transformation on an entirely new level. PS is the one “prescription” I find clients actively WANT to engage in because it is EASY, FUN and EXCITING. They do not need to wait for an appointment to have someone like me induce a trance or kinesiologically test for the crucial age to regress to or find a shaman and a sweat lodge in order to have a vision. What I find again and again is even the seemingly most staid and stodgy types are drawn to the visions, the dream journeys, the stories if you will, to say nothing of the divination cards which are now replaced by the Genius Symbols which make the whole process unabashedly simple.


Anything you'd like to add?

Just deepest, heartfelt thanks to Silvia Hartmann and the powers that be for presenting Project Sanctuary and the whole paradigm that radiates around it - or perhaps from it.

First time I have ever been able to honestly say “life-altering transformational” and am inspired to join an inner circle group (Pertineri Member).

Taking the PS Masters course was an amazing journey; being able to create a final masterpiece deemed worthy left me feeling extremely proud.

And of course, the game has just begun!

Laura Moberg
September 6th, 2009
Energy & Natural Medicine Practitioner, Cert. Acupuncturist, Biopath, Healer, Herbalist, Homeopath, Kinesiologist, MET Practitioner
& Project Sanctuary MASTER
Sowela Holistic Health Care

"The flame never questions itself.

"It shines without worrying how long it will last.

"Let us be like that flame, letting the brilliance of truth be all that we are."



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