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In Project Sanctuary we say, "Don't talk about it, don't try to analyze it, just play the game."

What this means is that when you are inside a game, a dream, a vision or a sension, a journey it doesn't serve to analyze it, and definitely trying to psychoanalyze what's going on isn't going to get anything done.

We also say, "You can't learn Project Sanctuary by reading or talking or thinking ABOUT it. You need to do it to understand it."

However, Project Sanctuary is designed for both the conscious and the energy mind so they get to work together as a team, and there are some ideas and insights that can help us consciously when we begin to engage with Project Sanctuary and play the games ourselves.

In this spirit, here are some patterns, techniques and theory about Project Sanctuary.

For an overview on the theory of Project Sanctuary, please see Project Sanctuary In A Nutshell.

Reality Absolute & Increasing The Complexity

Reality Absolute & Increasing The Complexity Here is an explanation of the term "reality absolute" and the quintessential concept of "increasing the complexity" as explained by Silvia Hartmann from "Infinite Creativity."
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The Sension Makes It Real

The Sension Makes It Real

Project Sanctuary comes from a world where we have six senses, not just pretending to have only five. Activating all six senses in Sanctuary is what makes the difference between a bit of fantasizing, and actually being there, living there, and having REAL experience that enrich us.

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In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

In the spirit world, the sun does not burn your eyes.

Project Sanctuary and SuperMind are all about travelling in the Otherworlds, the Energy worlds or the spirit world in consciousness. There are many lessons we need to learn about the differences between physical reality, and navigating the Otherworlds, and this one is really rather important.

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Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis!

Do you want to bring some past life concerns into Sanctuary but not sure how?

Do you have a sense of Past Lives but can't quite get to the details? Always wanted to do Past Life Regression but don't like the idea of hypnosis, or it you tried it with less than entirely amazing results?

Well here's the answer - past life regression without the hypnosis!

29,267 Reads More --->

Imagination IS Reality

Imagination IS Reality

We have been falsely taught all our lives that imagination counts for nothing, and that "hard facts" are the only things that will move you forward in life. This is a 180' reversal of the real truth - namely, that imagination does not just create reality, imagination IS reality. Here's the why and how.

4,092 Reads More --->

Poems & The Energy Mind

Poems & The Energy Mind

Silvia Hartmann writes: I have to come out of that mysterious Art Solutions closet and admit that for me, a poem is not a poem unless it was prepared and delivered by the energy mind.

This is a short essay on the nature of poems and poetry from the Energist's perspective.

12,794 Reads More --->

Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Introducing the new word, SENSION, to describe the act of taking in information through all 6 senses simultaneously for a more reality based approach to everything.

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Genius Explained: How To Be A Genius For Real

Genius Explained: How To Be A Genius For Real

What Does It Mean To Be A Genius? What is "The Genius Mind"? What is the definition of genius? What is the Genius Process? And can I become a genius for real?

These and many other questions are answered by Dr Hartmann in this concise introduction to real genius.

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Get Creative - It's Important ...

Get Creative - It's Important ...

Playing PS games, running stories and exploring habitats is a version of creativity that is structurally exactly the same as though you were writing a book, a play, a symphony, a song, a poem or a short story.

Whatever it is going to be in the end, at this time, it isn't here yet.

You're looking at an empty piece of paper, a blank slate.

16,160 Reads More --->

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

16,452 Reads More --->

Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity, the Project Sanctuary story and the most up to date, in depth PS manual available, is nw available on Amazon Kindle. Listed as having 532 pages, Infinite Creativity contains a wealth of stories, background information, important patterns and reads as a fascinating journey of exploration which unlocked many of the real threshold shifts available to date.Β 

A "must have" for all Silvia Hartmann fans and a book that will keep on giving and growing with the reader, highly recommended.

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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

The new Project Sanctuary book, Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story has been released this month in conjunction with the 16th birthday of DragonRising Publishing.

Project Sanctuary has been the generator for many wonderful patterns and the device by which new methods and techniques have been discovered.

9,096 Reads More --->

In Serein & EMO

In Serein & EMO

Silvia Hartmann writes: I am best known for personal development research, so the question is often asked, "Why do you waste your time with Fantasy Fiction novels? Why bother? Why not write some more How To's that's what you're good at, that's what makes the money ..."

The answer is simple. Without such things as In Serein, there would be no EMO, no Energy Magic, no HypnoDreams, no Genius Symbols and there would be no Events Psychology.

How is it possible that writing a "fantasy" novel ends up creating advanced personal development techniques?

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A Very Important Dragon Has Landed ...

A Very Important Dragon Has Landed ...

Project Sanctuary 2011 Now Available At The StarFields VIP Club

Silvia Hartmann writes: Towards the end of 2010, I started writing a new Project Sanctuary manual. In the spirit of PS, I let my energy mind do its thing and really got into it.

I wrote a lot ...

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Alien Symbol Question

Alien Symbol Question

Don asked: Hi there, I have just purchased the Genius Symbols e-book, which is great. I am having trouble relating to the symbol of the alien. Its not that I don't believe in aliens I just am not drawn to them in any way. I don't read sci-fi and Im not interested in outer space. So as a metaphor it is something I don't relate to. Must I use this symbol?

  • This question and answer about The Genius Symbols is relevant for any symbol that might "feel weird" or that someone might not "like" so read on!
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Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

Infinite Creativity by Silvia Hartmann

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Soul Pilots Frequently Asked Questions

Soul Pilots Frequently Asked Questions

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Soul Evolution

Soul Evolution

Soul Evolution

How Becoming A Soul Pilot Could Guide You Towards Immortality

8,483 Reads More --->

The Gift

The Gift

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? Click through, your The Gift will be at the top of the page. Refresh to get another The Gift!Β 

The Gift is one of the most globally useful Project Sanctuary patterns, and one of the first patterns that "crossed the border" between Sanctuary and the Hard and was found to be beautifully effective in both.

This is a pattern with a thousand and one uses, meaning really, that the uses and benefits of The Gift are probably infinite!

NEW: Get a The Gift for yourself today - what will it be? -->

31,904 Reads More --->

Project Sanctuary For Magical People

Project Sanctuary For Magical People

I cannot imagine even trying to do any kind of real magic without the extraordinary resources of Project Sanctuary.

Whether it is having a good relationship with your guardian angels, having reliable sprit guides that can advise and warn you too, having fantastic magic and healing habitats at your fingertips, or whether it is astral travel, psychic development or just knowing who you are as a magical person, Project Sanctuary is your one stop solution to more than a thousand times thousand questions, challenges and problems that naturally arise for magical people.

9,220 Reads More --->

Imagination & Visualisation

Imagination & Visualisation

Imagination, visualisation, visions - what are they? Should we be afraid of daydreaming in technicolor?

What can we do to get started with our imagination if we "can't visualise"?

And why is imagination important for "the real world"?

10,797 Reads More --->

The Man

The Man

A man came to me and said he wanted to learn of Sanctuary.

"It sounds interesting," he said. "It's just imagination, right?"

I laughed. "Just? What do you think imagination is?"

12,764 Reads More --->

The Matrix Vision

The Matrix Vision

An exploration into visions and conscious mind to energy mind communication that can change and save our lives.

And a fabulous Project Sanctuary vision->meditation->experience based on the movie, "The Matrix".

8,408 Reads More --->
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"Project Sanctuary is your own personal Stargate to all the Universe has to offer! I knew it was there, but Project Sanctuary helped me find it, find myself." Β Jeremy Cush

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