In Project Sanctuary we say, "Don't talk about it, don't try to analyze it,
just play the game."
What this means is that when you are inside a game, a dream, a vision or a sension, a
journey it doesn't serve to analyze it, and definitely trying to psychoanalyze
what's going on isn't going to get anything done.
We also say, "You can't learn Project Sanctuary by reading or talking or
thinking ABOUT it. You need to do it to understand it."
However, Project Sanctuary is designed for both the conscious and the energy
mind so they get to work together as a team, and there are some ideas and
insights that can help us consciously when we begin to engage with Project
Sanctuary and play the games ourselves.
In this spirit, here are some patterns, techniques and theory about Project
For an overview on the theory of Project Sanctuary, please see
Project Sanctuary In A Nutshell.
Understanding logical levels, what they are, how they work, and finding your way around the logical levels of a problem, system or ecology with accuracy and ease is a very important part of sorting information in such a way that it becomes USEFUL.
This article contains an introduction to the concept of logical levels as it is used in NLP, using the example of The Genius Symbols, and a logical levels diagram.
What is fantasy? What is imagination? How does fantasy work in the human mind? Why is World of Warcraft more real than "real life" for some people?
Find out the surprising answers to what is fantasy in this short essay by Silvia Hartmann, the Creator of Project Sanctuary and The Genius Symbols.
People who know how to play Project Sanctuary well have a huge competitive advantage when it comes to psychology and counselling -
- not only do they understand metaphors,
- how to use metaphors correctly,
- when to use them and when not to use them;
- are able to discern if a metaphor is structurally sound,
- and where or if there are problems
- as well as how to solve them;
... but they are also aware just how one EVOLVES the metaphor or as we prefer to call it, THE STORY, so that a person may experience a threshold shift.
These are very valuable skills indeed under any circumstance, but especially so when it comes to Events Psychology memory enrichment, and of course, installation of "absent events" or missing events.
Here is a wonderful example and case story about a man who thought "My father hates me ..."
Telling stories is one thing, and writing them down so they become a "short story" or a "novella" or a "novel" is another thing altogether. I don't think I fully realised that until just now, and I think that is an important step forward.
Writing for a living and being a story teller are quite distinct things.
One the one hand, there is the format; fashions decide how a story should be "presented" to the "target market" and that reflects not only in the language used, and the word count aspired to, but also in many other ways onto the story, re-shapes it, makes it into this other thing.
Being a story teller, one may free oneself from all of that.
There are innumerable fascinating games one can play in Sanctuary.
This archaeology game came to me in response to watching Time Team on TV, where people spend three days digging at a time and never find anything of any note.
I got to musing what one might find in the way of interesting archaeological artefacts if one was to dig in Sanctuary and the following pattern and story is the outcome of that.
For people who have genius experiences, and think at the genius level, it is not always appropriate to share their internal experiences with others.
Here is some good advice for genius thinkers that can make their lives a whole lot easier, and that is to understand ...
What is a vision? Where do Genius Visions come from? Why doesn't everyone have visions/is a visionary genius already?
These and many other questions are answered in our quick Visonary Genius FAQ.
It is true that Project Sanctuary is very *different* from all other approaches to contacting and working with the energy mind.
There are many structural differences, derived from the deep structure and the pre-suppositions of the cosmology that underlies Project Sanctuary; but at the top level one of the most striking difference to all existing theories on the human mind is that we do NOT make a distinction between waking thought, dream, fantasy, imagination, memory, false memory, vision, hallucination - in Project Sanctuary we apply just ONE SINGLE SET OF STRATEGIES to them all.
This has some fascinating repercussions ...
What is Project Sanctuary? What does it have to do with metaphor? What is a habitat? A Threshold Shift? Why is it called "a game"? What is the story ...?
These and many other questions are answered briefly here in Project Sanctuary in a nutshell.
Genius - How to be a genius for real with Silvia Hartmann
Silvia Hartmann writes: "Yes, it is the end of an era.
"For the last 15 years, since 1993 in fact, we have been playing Project Sanctuary in a certain way. The way we were playing demanded focus, concentration and was in a way exclusively limited to those people who already had a strong and active ability to use and control fantasy.
"Project Sanctuary was definitely a "secret weapon", something you didn't tell other people about because it gave you a huge competitive advantage in work, life and play.
"That however is all coming to a close now with the advent of The Genius Symbols."
Project Sanctuary, Sesame Street & The Language Of The Angels
"You know that it would be untrue ... you know that I would be a liar ... if I was to say to you ... girl we couldn't get MUCH HIGHER ..." Is the desire to "get high" actually a bad thing? Perhaps it's not? Perhaps the Creative Order itself wanted us to get - much, much higher? How do we do it? And how can we get high - and save money, sanity and happiness in the process? These and many other questions are good questions indeed. Read on ...
One of the basic premises of Project Sanctuary is that stories "carry" more information than lists of dry facts, and are therefore, superior information transmission devices. Stories (as opposed to lists of facts or statistics of such) also work more naturally with the actual neurology of human beings - stories are more memorable, more impactful, and far more stable across time than any other form of human communication. I have used this principle to transmit extremely complex information in a wonderfully easy way, easy enough in fact for little children to engage with the information content. 121 special stories, and all are available free online.
Project Sanctuary gives us a fabulous format to explore and to change internal representations, or our personal realities, that hide out of view behind labels such as "falling in love".
"Falling in love"?
What DOES that mean? What does that mean TO YOU?
If you allow yourself to really step into it and become aware of what that *is* for you, what is it? I said mine was stepping off the edge of reason and literally falling into some huge pitch black endless stone well type of hole in the ground, out of control, screaming and flailing, and then landing bone-crunchingly at the bottom, amidst a pile of dry sculls and the dusty last remnants of other fools who had fallen into the same damn hole over the centuries!
Silvia Hartmann writes: Fairy tales have an inordinate effect on human beings. They are very specific stories, set in a "timeless" dimension and they act on the neurology in a very specific way.
"Embedded" when we are but children, and with their true messages quite hidden under the surface, fairy tales program a range of codes of conduct and behaviour specific to the societies that tell them to train their youngsters to grow up into good productive citizens.
Fairy tales are the carriers for deep programming, as are other types of stories which function on the same timeless "once upon a time in a faraway land" principle and this programming is not just resistant to being undone later on with conscious interventions and decisions and willpower, but is actually structurally out of reach from attempts of the adult mind to free itself from these entrainments. Simply put, to de-program a fairy tale, you need ANOTHER fairy tale. And nothing else will do.
So I waved and started my way up the mountain. It wasn’t hard to do in the beginning, but a bit later the path became less passable. I got to the part where there is less vegetation, and a bit later to the part were there is hardly any vegetation. I came to a valley in the mountains, and in that valley was a dragon.
A big, beautiful shining dragon.
His colours were yellow and orange and red. And although he was fire-breathing, I could see he was in pain. One of his beautiful wings was wounded. Because of his wounds he was irritated to see me, and spit some fire my way.
For serious Project Sanctuary Players, here's something very cool indeed - four guided journeys to different planes that are difficult to reach sometimes - The Far Journeys.
Go to Shamanic Overworld, do Soul Pilots work, very highly abstract logic work with Crystal Cathedral or advanced vision streaming with the Game In Space & Time.
At the end of the article is a link so you can listen to an excerpt.
Starfields writes: Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty about the advantages Project Sanctuary holds for a person. Take Nanowrimo, for example - the National Novel Writing Month. It's not national, it's very international but the aim is the same: to write a novel of 50,000 words minimum in 30 days. Project Sanctuary is a form of advanced data streaming from the energy mind, for those do not know that yet, and if you have some experience with it, it can be used for a great many things, as you get to consciously set the parameters of what exactly it is you want your energy mind to do for you. In this case, the parameters were as follows:
The vampire myth, in its many different shapes and flavours, is a powerful and very exciting one, no matter which way you look at it.
Whether you are the timid virgin, quivering with a totally unknowable excitement as the beautiful immortal alien stranger descends upon you to give you a kiss of life like you've never had, or whether you prefer to be the vampire master, don the cloak of darkness yourself and look upon the tender quivering virgin from that particular vantage of delight, or even if ...
Silvia Hartmann writes:Project Sanctuary starts at the very ground level with the establishment and construction of what we call "habitats" - stable "places" to which we can return many times and which become our active, multi-dimensional interface devices to the energy mind.
A short introduction to metasong by Silvia 05 and Silvia 23.
A locus is TRANSPERSONAL in nature - It exists OUTSIDE of any one given human being; and human beings can travel there, HAVE travelled there for as long as humans beings have existed.

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