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EvP & PS Memory Enrichment - My Father Hates Me

EvP & PS Memory Enrichment - My Father Hates Me

People who know how to play Project Sanctuary well have a huge competitive advantage when it comes to psychology and counselling -

  • not only do they understand metaphors,
  • how to use metaphors correctly,
  • when to use them and when not to use them;
  • are able to discern if a metaphor is structurally sound,
  • and where or if there are problems
  • as well as how to solve them;

... but they are also aware just how one EVOLVES the metaphor or as we prefer to call it, THE STORY, so that a person may experience a threshold shift.

These are very valuable skills indeed under any circumstance, but especially so when it comes to Events Psychology memory enrichment, and of course, installation of "absent events" or missing events.

Here is a wonderful example and case story about a man who thought "My father hates me ..."

Events Psychology, Project Sanctuary

& Memory Enrichment:

My Father Hates Me

People who know how to play Project Sanctuary well have a huge competitive advantage when it comes to psychology and counselling - not only do they understand metaphors, how to use metaphors correctly, when to use them and when not to use them; are able to discern if a metaphor is structurally sound, and where or if there are problems as well as how to solve them; but they are also aware just how one EVOLVES the metaphor or as we prefer to call it, THE STORY, so that a person may experience a threshold shift.

These are very valuable skills indeed under any circumstance, but especially so when it comes to Events Psychology memory enrichment, and of course, installation of "absent events" or missing events.

There are many ways to change memories so that they become a resource rather than a hindrance; as memories are only data now anyway, it makes sense to remove virus infestations in that data and have it run more smoothly. In practical terms, memory enrichment also helps put a memory "in its rightful place in time and space" in the events matrix overall; so memory enrichment is a particularly useful way to change memories for the better.

Events Psychology is extremely targeted on that which gives the name - namely certain specific "pivotal" events in a person's life.

These are moments when a person's life changed in an instant - threshold shifts in other words, or events as we call them.

Actual events are the only memories worth dealing with; as they are the only types of memories that actually create change (and that can be catastrophic change as well as re-organisational change which EVOLVES the individual) there is no reason to waste time on other types of memories.

People don't actually have that many events in their lives although they have of course, infinite memories of things that happened, things they imagined, and things they thought might have happened, or happened in dreams or hallucinations. By dealing strictly and DIRECTLY with events, we save time and trouble and get good threshold shifts every time (as opposed to wandering about aimlessly in the events matrix forever, which was the hallmark of old fashioned psychoanalysis).

So instead of talking about "having had a terrible childhood" (which covers YEAR of INFINITE amounts of data of every conceivable type) we ask that one specific event that "stands out" is remembered fully and completely.

Now people aren't used to be dealing with SPECIFICS in psychology; and someone might say, "My father hated me ..." but that's not exact enough. We need one specific event of the father hating this person to work with, because that's one event, one time/space occurrence, and if we change that, EVERYTHING changes - we have a threshold shift or an evolution, a NEW EVENT, and after this new event, things have changed dramatically - only this time for the better.

So we would say, "Give me one specific example of when your father hated you. What was the time of day when that happened? What was the time of year? What was the weather? What was the environment? Who else was there?"

And absolutely right, yes, that is an application of The Classic Game and in and of itself, a Project Sanctuary structure that, if one is good with it, is one of the most useful tools to "find one's way about in a person's neurology" there has been so far.

Now the person might say, "Well there was this one time ... when I came home from school ... it was in the winter, it was already getting dark, four o'clock in the afternoon. I was hungry and couldn't wait to get home, get warm, get something to eat ... I opened the back door and there was my father, huge as a bear, roaring towards me, his face red, and he is screaming, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

There is THE PLACE IN TIME AND SPACE that is leading up to the event itself, which is a lightning strike that is felt in the body and causes the so-called meta comments, conscious comments on the experience which become values, beliefs and attitudes IN THAT EXACT MOMENT.

We now ask for the physical sensations of the event - "What did you feel?"

"I felt as though I had fallen into a fire - all of me was burning and on fire and I couldn't breathe and I tried to back out but I couldn't move fast enough and I thought, he hates me, he's going to kill me now ..."

The "fire" feeling IS THE EVENT ABSOLUTE, and "he hates me, he's going to kill me" are the metacomments on the event.

Now, and to stabilise the person, we simply ask, "And can you understand why you would have thought that?"

The person thinks about it and says, "Yes, yes, I can understand that. It must have been absolutely terrifying to a 9 year old."

And now that we have the event, and the person in the right place, looking back on it and having a measure of compassion with the 9 year old aspect that was, we can talk about enriching the memory.

As you can imagine, being a good Project Sanctuary player now does come in extremely handy.

The interesting thing is that a straight "switch into metaphor" is entirely natural and immensely easy - if the helper or therapist is comfortable and confident in that domain, as is what happens to an experienced Project Sanctuary player.

So we don't have to explain how useful it would be to now to some therapeutic metaphor work, or writhe in embarrassment whilst suggesting "a weird way of dealing with your memory, pretty esoteric, but you might like it ... it might help ..."

We can consider the entire event story as a PS game in a habitat, step straight into it without any further ado, and say to the person for example, "If you and me were to stand in the garden of the house in the snow, and watch what happened there, what would we notice that the little boy couldn't see at the time?"

And we would notice that the father had had a big argument with the mother and was on his way to storm out of the house at the exact same time as the boy was coming in; and we are also seeing something else, which the boy did not see because he was so shocked and scared.

We notice that the father sees the shock on the boy's face, stops, looks at him for a moment, shakes his head, wipes his face with his hand, pats the boy on the head and then rushes out into the night.

He is obviously sorry and has given an apology, the best he could at the time, but was obviously too upset himself to do anything else.

This is the core of a memory enrichment - the original memory remains unchanged, but ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is being sought to make the memory richer.

The person whose memory this is is thoughtful and a little sad; he says, "To be honest, I am not surprised. On some level I knew that my father didn't hate me, but there was also this feeling that he did - that burning feeling, and now I know where that had come from ... it put a terrible barrier between us that was never overcome, not till the day he died."

Here is a chance now to take the memory enrichment to a new level, Project Sanctuary style, again right there and then as all the components are present, matter of fact, simple, here and now.

"Let us stop your father from disappearing into the night, let's have a word with him about this. I am going to stop him right here, turn him around and calm him down. What would you like to say to him?"

"I want him to see how upset I was, what ... a big deal that moment was for me, was for us both, how important that was."

So we take the father out of time and space and there's the three of us in the garden now, watching the little running home and opening the door ...

The father is distraught. He is so sorry, and as before, he doesn't express this with his words, but with his gestures and his expressions; and the man who once was the little boy understands this time because he is a man now too, and a father, and they have a conversation that is entirely without words and that ends in both of them hugging hard.

They stand looking at each other for a time, then they shake hands and the father walks away, into the darkness, and the son is still speechless.

When pressed to explain, he says, "When we were hugging, it was as though my heart melted and all of me became warm, like I was a radiator, and I thought that must be what it feels like to know that your father loves you."

Please note that here is the threshold shift, the new event - it has a body sensation and new meta comments altogether, which are the inverse of the old problem meta comments that had existed for all this time before.

  • Now it is of course perfectly possible to evolve the memory in many different ways and using uncountable different techniques; it is the sheer elegance of moving from a memory, to a metaphorical story, to the here and now and back again without borders, without frontiers, with data flowing freely and the right way that makes experience with Project Sanctuary second to none.

Make no mistake - this is not a mind game.

Father and son didn't gush sweet words at each other - their resolution and forgiveness meeting was absolutely REAL, not an imagination.

That's the mystery and wonder of Project Sanctuary. It engages the entire neurology and creates body sensations which is what is needed for a real threshold shift, or for an event of healing, absolution, evolution to take place at all.

Memory enrichment is a fascinating way to deal with thoughtforms in the energy matrix that are stuck and need to be evolved. How exactly to do that is something that you can't learn by studying lists and technical words - you need to understand the ways of flowing metaphor, and when you play Project Sanctuary, it is exactly that understanding that is being gained.

  • What is also really important to note is that the CONFIDENCE on the part of the helper to know how to step into a memory, and take the other person along so they can act and experience there, is an amazing skill that comes only from the right way of understanding how to work with human data - by immersion and unconscious excellence, guided by one's own energy mind and the world of the person you're helping.

And that is one of the many immense benefits of playing Project Sanctuary for oneself.

In the meantime, I am sure that you have an event or two that would LOVE to be evolved; be sure to be PRECISE and find that one particular moment in time and space when the event occurred and the "world was never the same again".

I would also like to remind you that evolving trauma events is a fine thing; but to evolve enlightenment experiences and Guiding Stars is an even more mindblowing experience and can give you more forward momentum in your own evolution that you might have thought was possible.

Working with the events of your life directly is the fastest track to evolution - and Project Sanctuary makes it always amazing, delightful and breath taking in its elegance and results.

Silvia Hartmann

February 2010

"Project Sanctuary is an excellent resource for any explorer of the human mind, developed by one of the savviest people around. Highly Recommended!" Win Wenger, PhD

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