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Project Sanctuary News, Views & Announcements

A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols

A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols One of the most wonderful and practically helpful "Children of Project Sanctuary" are The Energy Symbols. It's been 20 years since they came into being, and they have proven their value and worth over and over and over and over again. Every magical person needs The Energy Symbols in their life!
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Write YOUR OWN Awesome Fairy Tales!

Write YOUR OWN Awesome Fairy Tales! I am so happy and excited - I had a Star Event yesterday! I saw the pattern, how Fairy Tales work, and not just that, how we can make it so that anyone who plays in Sanctuary gets to write their very own Fairy Tales of healing, love, problem solving and magical inspiration!
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1000 Years Later - The Kingdoms Of In Serein

1000 Years Later - The Kingdoms Of In Serein

23 years ago as I write this in March of 2023, an aspect sat down to write what was to become the In Serein trilogy. A map of the Kingdoms under King Selter was drawn up in the course of this, and as these words are an expanded Sanctuary habitat, they were visited many times since then, and many further stories unfolded. But now, it is a thousand years later and a new map will have to be drawn ...

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SuperMind Plus Star Matrix Equals Project SuperStar!

SuperMind Plus Star Matrix Equals Project SuperStar!

This is a dream come true for me - finally, an opportunity to pay attention to the most important Star Events of my life, the Star Events in Sanctuary! Project SuperStar is here!!!

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On A Hill Outside Jerusalem - A Soul Pilot Story by Margarita Foley

On A Hill Outside Jerusalem - A Soul Pilot Story by Margarita Foley

Margarita Foley ascended on December 31st, 2021. She was a beloved GoE Member, GoE Trainer and she LOVED Sanctuary/SuperMind. Margarita was also one of the Soul Pilots research team in 2004. Here is one of her stories.

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The Classic Game, Star Matrix & The Future Orientation

The Classic Game, Star Matrix & The Future Orientation

The Classic Game is nearly 40 years old now, and has been tested to certainty. Now, thanks to Star Matrix, its time has finally come.

*Includes my Star Memory that led to the concept of Future Orientation.

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111 SuperMind Masters as of TODAY :-)

111 SuperMind Masters as of TODAY :-)

Today, 16th September 2021, I posted the story of Lila, a new Sanctuary friend, to Modern Energy Art site. As Lila is so very Sanctuary, I decided to send out notifications to the certified SuperMind Masters around the world as they would "get it" - and the computer said ...

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From Project Sanctuary To SuperMind

From Project Sanctuary To SuperMind

Why and how we went from Project Sanctuary to SuperMind - and what the difference is.

Original post 2016, updated 2019.

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Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Sensions Produce Sensational Sensations!

Introducing the new word, SENSION, to describe the act of taking in information through all 6 senses simultaneously for a more reality based approach to everything.

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David Bowie: Eyes Of Night Wide Open

David Bowie: Eyes Of Night Wide Open

There is this whole other level of encoded information there, in sounds, in movements, in timing, in all sorts of things that, once you've heard it, is definitely an asset in knowing that it exists, and then, to understand it in a different way.

Perhaps as people become less stressed and learn to pay more attention, more will hear the messages behind the music and the words.

Those are immortal.

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Project Sanctuary To The Rescue! - Energist Case Story

Project Sanctuary To The Rescue! - Energist Case Story

In this energist case story, South African GoE Trainer Maryke Blomย uses Silvia Hartmann's Project Sanctuary and Positive EFT to helpย a challenging young boy and his aspects.ย 

Read on for the full article...

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Project Sanctuary Welcomes Genius 23

Genius symbol for creativity from the genius symbolsWe are very happy to announce that Genius23 has come home to Project Sanctuary.ย Project Sanctuary is all about original genius visions - and Project Sanctuary players practice their visionary genius. The Genius Symbols were originally devised to help folk get some of the basic benefits of PS straight out of the box, but they have proven themselves to be quite a magic machine in their own right since 2008. The Genius Symbols can be found now atย

Project Sanctuary Officially Welcomes Fantasy Fiction

Project Sanctuary Officially Welcomes Fantasy Fiction

Project Sanctuary has acquired the content from Fantasy Fiction UK and we have now a new category at

Welcoming all Fantasy Fiction fans to Project Sanctuary - you will absolutely love it here :-)

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Welcoming 50 New PS Masters

Welcoming 50 New PS Masters

Following the world's first PS Masters Training, conducted in Switzerland and in the German language, we welcome our 50 first new German speaking Project Sanctuary Masters - may your worlds be wonderful, and your threshold shifts breathtaking!

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Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

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Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity, the Project Sanctuary story and the most up to date, in depth PS manual available, is nw available on Amazon Kindle. Listed as having 532 pages, Infinite Creativity contains a wealth of stories, background information, important patterns and reads as a fascinating journey of exploration which unlocked many of the real threshold shifts available to date.ย 

A "must have" for all Silvia Hartmann fans and a book that will keep on giving and growing with the reader, highly recommended.

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New Art Group: Energy Art - Art 4 Energists

New Art Group: Energy Art - Art 4 Energists

All Project Sanctuary players are heartily invited to join our new group: Art 4 Energists on FaceBook.

Art Solutions and modern energist's art demands there should be some kind of vision at the core of it (no vision = no art!) and PS makes creativity reliable, makes visions achievable, makes creativity very literally child's play!

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Project Sanctuary Will Be Highest Qualification In GOE

Project Sanctuary Will Be Highest Qualification In GOE

From 2014, Project Sanctuary will be providing the 3rd Level methods, techniques and qualifications for the Guild of Energists GOE, the United Kingdom based international association for modern energists.

We are absolutely deligthed that the time has come as we have been holding all along that without the energy mind on board, it is impossible to work with energy correctly and more importantly, to begin to explore what we can do with modern energy work beyond "therapy and healing."

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The Dragon Lords Project

The Dragon Lords Project

Silvia Hartmann writes: "I absolutely LOVE the metaphor of the energy mind being a beautiful, huge, alien dragon and that you have to not tame it but make it like you and want to work with you. The whole process about learning each other (we consciously do such strange, strange things!) and getting to trust each other, then love each other, is just ... fantastic. You can't tame the dragon. What a terrible idea! But if you're nice to it, it might take you places you have never been ... :-)"

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The Gift At The International EMO Conference

The Gift At The International EMO Conference

It's true - basic EMO has a strict NO METAPHOR! rule to keep people focused on the real feelings in their bodies and so they don't drift off into illusion and make belief when working with energy and emotion. But once the 6th sense (the feelings in the body that do not have a physical origin) has come online, we have the benchmark and can tell what's real - because we can FEEL it.

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Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Project Sanctuary's Classic Game has been included in the Advanced Level EFT training program as the device of choice to help EFT practitioners work successfully with client presented metaphors, very highly charged memories, fragmented/repressed memories and "life problems" which would generate too many separate EFT set up statements.

This has been received extremely well by EFT students who are delighted with these powerful new additions to their tool box of techniques and has been described as "truly magical and entirely transformative."

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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

The new Project Sanctuary book, Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story has been released this month in conjunction with the 16th birthday of DragonRising Publishing.

Project Sanctuary has been the generator for many wonderful patterns and the device by which new methods and techniques have been discovered.

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New Project Sanctuary Master: Amy Lim Soo Ming

New Project Sanctuary Master: Amy Lim Soo Ming

Amy Lim from Singapore is our latest Project Sanctuary Master. She is also a Vajayana and Shamanic Practitioner, certified EMO, Animal Energy Healer and Animal Communicator.

In her interview, she describes how much she resonated especially with the spirit work of Soul Piloting, and the Past Life regression, as reincarnation is a very important part of the spiritual life in Singapore.

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"Project Sanctuary is was one of the most freeing, validating things I have ever read." Valerie Collins

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