Star Matrix - the concept of giving attention to our Star Events while we're still alive - is one of the most r[E]volutionary concepts I have ever put forth. It is simply amazing what Star Matrix does for our abilities to remember, how it completely changes our view on life, on who we are; how it creates organic, natural self esteem; provides energy system protection visualised in the "Knight in Shining Armour" metaphor; and so, so much more.
But Star Events do not just happen in the Hard, on your wedding day, holding your first child in your arms and so forth.
Star Events also happen at the energy levels, or as I say, in Sanctuary.
For some people, and I am among those, the Star Events in Sanctuary are among THE most important Star Events that were ever had. I speculate that these are moments where we connect with our soul properly and gain a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of ourselves as human beings.
Alas, these types of Star Events, called the Star Dreams, are overlooked and not given the attention they deserve. Everything is way too hard, focused way too much on the physical, in exclusion of the OTHER types of lived experiences which actually are what makes us truly human, truly extraordinary.
I've been doing my best to bring in at least the idea of more balance - ideally, we should have 50% of our Star Events in the Hard, and 50% in Sanctuary/in the Oceans of Energy.
Modern societies are way too hard, and you cannot solve the problems of the Hard from within the Hard. I've always known that.
So I am absolutely thrilled that we are now in a place where I can call together a research team and explore the SuperStars - lived experience of Star Events at the other levels.
The soul messages. What give meaning to life and explains why each one of us has taken the path we did take.
A Star Map of SuperStars that is absolutely needed to add to the Star Matrix in order to make it sing.
Super excited what will be discovered, this is the next step in the unfoldments of Modern Energy.
And I can't wait to get started on August 1st, 2022.
