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111 SuperMind Masters as of TODAY :-)

by Silvia Hartmann

111 SuperMind Masters as of TODAY :-)

Today, 16th September 2021, I posted the story of Lila, a new Sanctuary friend, to Modern Energy Art site. As Lila is so very Sanctuary, I decided to send out notifications to the certified SuperMind Masters around the world as they would "get it" - and the computer said ...

111 SuperMind Masters as of today :-)

This was a Star Moment for me. I am not alone with this any longer. There are others who play the greatest game on Earth - and it's not found in a computer program or on a console, or even on the stock exchange, or the bedroom, for that matter.

I am not one of those who "believe" in numerology absolutely, or any such thing. I use occurrences such as this to be amused and inspired by. Project Sanctuary is such a ... r[E]volutionary thing,Β  so unlike what has ever been done before with the Energy Mind and the Conscious Mind starting to work together, it's a veritable miracle that we now have 111 people who have started doing this. Very cool! I am no longer all alone.

To be fair, I wasn't before I saw the notification, but we all need our own moments, our Star Events, to evolve us, and start to think differently - which I find delightful, exciting, and it never, ever gets old.

In the meantime, Lila belongs right here on the Project Sanctuary website just as much as she belongs to the Modern Energy Art site.

It's all connected ... :-)

Β Lila's first portrait - portrait of a new anime girl called Lila

Lila, original anime girl character aka Project Sanctuary Friend aka Story Teller 2021 by Silvia Hartmann


  by Silvia Hartmann
"Project Sanctuary is the easiest and the most difficult thing I ever did at the same time. But oh, what rewards does it give!!"Β Margreet Vink

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