A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols
by Silvia Hartmann
One of the most wonderful and practically helpful "Children of Project Sanctuary" are The Energy Symbols. It's been 20 years since they came into being, and they have proven their value and worth over and over and over and over again. Every magical person needs The Energy Symbols in their life!
The Energy Symbols were first called "The Project Sanctuary Symbols." Indeed, my symbols images folder is still called "PS Symbols" and I admit, it makes me smile, every time I see it, and I'm not changing it! 
When my aspect wrote the original book, she called it "The Genius Symbols" because those "Eureka!" moments of massive insights (now we call them Star Events, which bring about a personal "miracle expansion") were triggered by playing with them.
Sadly, not many people were interested in getting genius ideas. In 2016, I put the symbols into the new SuperMind Masters course, and because they were loved so much, decided to dedicate an entire Masters Course to them. As they are so useful in all kinds of energy work, we decided to call them The Energy Symbols from that day forth, and that's their name now.
The Energy Symbols Masters Course was wonderful, and it provided the final straws to make me come out of the Star Matrix closet in 2019. Star Matrix is the way!
So it came to pass that in the middle of working on StarLine Therapy, aka Star Matrix for two, I had a Star Dream of a lady presenting me with a sun disc with symbols on them. It wasn't until I created a picture to commemorate the dream that I had a huge flash of insight - the sun disc had the Energy Symbols inscribed on it!
A full on cascade of Star Memories ensued and I finally realised just how much they had helped me in the preceding 19 years, how useful they were and how I should do more to share them more widely, with many, many more people, and not just GoE members.
So we took the beautiful manual, edited it and created the Energy Symbols collection, so that everyone can enjoy the many, many gifts of The Energy Symbols without having to engage in an expensive and time consuming course of study with a tutor.
The connection across time and space the cascade provided was amazing too. No Project Sanctuary, no Genius Symbols. No Genius Symbols, no Star Matrix!!!
Oh my, where wouldn't we be!!!
So a huge, huge tsunami of gratitude to my dear Energy Mind, my soul who never gave up on me, and the Universe at large for the amazing journey it has been.
And if you made it this far, and you haven't gotten into The Energy Symbols, a thousand aspects of mine recommend them highly. Avail yourself of the download of 20 years of experience, applications and uses for The Energy Symbols. If you have any energy sense at all, you'll love them and appreciate them too.
If you already know how good they are, please share your recommendation and experiences with them, so that more people get to have a good time and do some wonderfully positive energy magic - and doesn't the "world of today" needs every bit of positivity it can possibly get!
Thank you, Project Sanctuary, for this wonderful gift of 23 symbols that just keeps on giving. I honestly can't imagine my life without them now.
With lots of love,
Silvia September 2023