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Reality Absolute & Increasing The Complexity

by Silvia Hartmann

Reality Absolute & Increasing The Complexity Here is an explanation of the term "reality absolute" and the quintessential concept of "increasing the complexity" as explained by Silvia Hartmann from "Infinite Creativity."


I take creativity very seriously, I always have, even if I didn't use to talk about it.

This is based on my personal life experience and the knowing that without access to the various resources of my mind I would be long dead.

If I wouldn't be dead, then I would be mad instead.

Either way, I would not be able to continue to function as I do.

Basic functioning precedes everything else - you can't go and dig in the mud for the meagre roots of survival if you are dead, or mad.

Once I came to this conclusion, I had the answer to the endless exhortations of, “Get into the real world!” - “Nobody is going to pay you for crazy ideas!” - “Nobody wants to hear what you have to say!” - “Don't be so stupid!” - “It's all in your mind!” - “Work harder and stop being so childish!” etc. and et al.

My first and special favourite is, “Get into the real world!”

As usual, what they mean by real world, or reality, is what I call the hard - that which you can blow up with a nuclear bomb, that which you can record on a surveillance camera, that which you can prove in a court of law, that which you can describe in a human system of symbols, numbers, letters.

Fact is that real reality is much more than that. The real reality - reality absolute - is the hard PLUS “all those other things we don't know about yet.”

Reality Absolute = (That which is known + that which isn't known)

All else is human arrogance - or simply human fear of the unknown which expresses itself in pretending there is less than all of that overwhelming complexity, and that things are known, and that those known things are safe places and the only places where reality exists.

When we start to talk about the manifestations and the uses of the human mind to create reality, and I don't mean that in the New Age wibbly wobbly sense of “I create my reality!” but in the actual sense of how the hard as we've come to know has been constructed by the minds of men, things immediately become very complicated and very frightening.

In the ever shifting sands of human thought, emotion and behaviour, there is very little concrete to hold on to; and this is so frightening to most that reality reduction was taken to a whole new level when BF Skinner1 reduced the functions of a mind to a black box.

The functions of the mind of a pigeon, to be sure.

Even so, he really couldn't work it out and what he was left with was a tremendously impoverished and unworkable theory that fails quite remarkably when one tries to apply it to any level of actual reality.

The people who are doing the thinking and have done the thinking on behalf of all of humanity have, for a long time, made a movement from considering complexity into considering ever smaller details of existing reality.

This movement into ever smaller components of reality is a stress response; a knee jerk reflex of a frightened conscious mind that thinks, “That's too much, I don't understand that ...”

Depending on the researcher, we reduce reality down, more and more, until we end up with the black box mind of a pigeon and now that stress has receded and there is hope that something might be learned, something might be understood, once more.

But does the black box mind of a pigeon teach us human beings about our own behaviour?

About our own minds?

And even if it did, what was learned is a minute percentage of the pigeon's mind, as the pigeon is more than just a black box, more than a mind, and that's just a metaphorical pigeon, to be sure.

An individual pigeon is another story altogether ...

A real pigeon ...

What we need to do to get to grips with reality, which includes to me the reality that we will never understand everything, because everything was made by the great Creative Order, whatever that may be, and there is no way any human with a mind of flesh can possibly hope to really “know the mind of God” - what we need to do to get to grips with real reality is to increase the complexity, not to decrease it.

The fact is that reality absolute is extremely complex.

If you were to take a snapshot of any aspect of reality, at any time, anywhere, at any zoom level you might want to set an infinite zoom on our metaphorical camera to, you would be faced with such complexity in that one image, most people would become overwhelmed and not know where to start any kind of investigation.

But reality doesn't stand still for our investigations - our slow, slow investigations!

Reality moves. It changes. It morphs, it unfolds, it evolves, and you can take infinite snapshots for all eternity and you will never once see the same picture twice.

It gets better than that still.

No matter what zoom level you set your metaphorical camera to, and there is an infinite level to zoom in and out of, as we take the infinite snapshots past, present and future, you never capture the whole picture. There is always a bigger picture - infinitely so.

While we're here, a short infinity exercise for you.

Make an internal representation of Infinity.
Now, make it bigger - much, much bigger.
And tomorrow, do that again.
And every day that follows for the rest of your life,
and know that no matter how long you live,
your idea of infinity will probably not be big enough
to even come close to actual infinity itself.

Of course, we have only been talking about a metaphorical camera, one that takes metaphorical images.

This is only one way in which we humans try to sort the complexity of reality absolute; for we have at least six senses all told, and we would be well advised to use them all when we are dealing with so much information that needs to be absorbed, and then processed.

Indeed, we should not be sensist in any way, and take the information from each of the basic six senses seriously and in the relevant proportion, rather than always relying on the sense of sight alone.

There's more to life than eyes can see ...

Indeed, indeed.

So, we have a real reality, or let's just call it reality absolute, that is infinitely complex.

We have considered that our current ideas of what infinitely actually means is probably too small, too limited by far.

We have noted that reality absolute moves, shifts and changes and is never the same and the same thing never happens twice.

We have noted that human beings have at least six senses, and can absorb a huge amount of information about their environments and themselves within those environments through those six senses if and when they are used altogether and each one at full functioning.

Is that making you feel sea sick?

If so, it's a stress response, an overwhelm response as the conscious mind tries to calculate all of that and fails miserably.

Take a deep breath.

By all means, apply some EMO Energy In Motion at this point; soften, and flow.

The fact is that to understand fully that we can't ever understand anything fully is actually a huge relief.

You don't need to compete with God in the IQ test stakes any longer.

You don't even need to compete with your fellow men any longer, for amongst a group of folk who can't know, how can you choose the ones that can't know better than others?

It's preposterous ... and kinda funny, if you think of it that way.

And I would encourage you to think that way, to see the funny side of things, the ridiculous, preposterous nature of much of human endeavour; like that automatic mind movement out of complexity and into ever decreasing details, which is a hideous cul-de-sac and can never be anything else, it's just stress.

Just stress.

Stress makes people stupid. It collapses the senses into tunnel vision, tunnel hearing, tunnel feeling, tunnel sensing and the rest.

The more stressed we get, the more we reduce reality to ever smaller components in a desperate bid to find relief from the overwhelming complexity that surrounds us ...
... and that is us.

The less stressed we get, the wider and wiser the intake field becomes; the more information can stream into us from all the senses, and the better our internal systems work to process all that information and make something out of it - a behaviour, a plan of action, an emotion, a thought, an idea.

The less stressed we get, the less we feel the need to control, and the more playful and intrigued we become - naturally.

This is important, because when we start to question reality absolute from a state of being playful and intrigued, we ask totally different questions than we would if we were stressed out of our minds, terrified, our senses collapsed, and our entire mind-body totality system in utter disarray, producing nonsense and nightmare data as a direct response.

When people cease to be terrified, they start to ask different questions.

These different questions are not just different in content; they are structurally different altogether.

“How can I make a bomb that will blow up everyone and everything as far and wide as possible?” is an example of a question you wouldn't be asking if you were playful and intrigued about reality absolute and wanted to get to know it better, get into a better relationship with reality absolute, we might say.

You might ask, “What do I need to know in order to get to know reality absolute better?”

As you can imagine, the kind of maths and physics those two lines of enquiry would produce respectively are a lot more different than night and day, which are actually quite similar in many ways.

The type of research they would produce as well as the outcomes of that research would be different.
In fact, the kind of science itself those lines of enquiry would produce would be inherently and structurally different.

As I like to say, “Well, we've had the one, we have lived and suffered with the one, now it's time to try the other ...”

* Reality absolute is what we can know plus what we can't know.
* Reality absolute is infinitely complex.
* Stressed human minds try to back up towards details in order to stay in control.
* Increasing the complexity occurs naturally when stress is removed.
* All six senses provide data on reality absolute.
* When there is no stress, different questions are asked of the data acquired.
* This leads not just to different answers, but different systems of enquiry altogether.

                    We will never know the mind of God.
  by Silvia Hartmann
"Traveling from star to star, exploring the mysteries of the deepest oceans, magical market places, worlds upon worlds all from the comfort of your own favourite chair; that’s Project Sanctuary." Will Taylor

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