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The Sension Makes It Real

by Silvia Hartmann

The Sension Makes It Real

Project Sanctuary comes from a world where we have six senses, not just pretending to have only five. Activating all six senses in Sanctuary is what makes the difference between a bit of fantasizing, and actually being there, living there, and having REAL experience that enrich us.

Silvia Hartmann's Prism Model of Enlightenment Illustration

Silvia Hartmann's Prism Model of Enlightenment

"It's only real when we feel it's real."


The Sension Method, where we ask about each sense, one after the other, "manifests" us, makes us real, in any habitat - both in physical reality as well as in the energy worlds.

We can use this to manifest, but also to de-manifest if necessary. There are many opportunities here to take control of the amount of presence we want to be giving to any habitat we in-habit, in a direct response to the needs of the day.

Live life with 6 senses!




  by Silvia Hartmann
"A visit to Project Sanctuary is simple to do and leaves you marvelling at the wonders to be discovered in your own mind." Margarita Foley

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