An inspirational poem, an educational poem, a Project Sanctuary journey, a HypnoDream - the mysterious box has many things inside ...
On the brightwhite sandy beach
of the island of my dreams ...
GamesProject Sanctuary isThe Game In Space & TimeGames are at the very heart of Project Sanctuary - this is when we engage with a vision, with a habitat, with a friend or simply move into the world we have found or created and interact with what we find there. Don't let the word "game" fool you. Games can be about life and death; about absolution, forgiveness, love and loss; about self discovery, about getting up close and personal with God itself. Games can also be for amusement; they can be sexy, fun, enjoyable, exciting, breathtaking and numinous, and that is just as important in its own right, because we don't have enough fun and lightness in our lives, not by a long shot! We use the term "to play a game" to remind ourselves to lay down our prejudices, entrainments, erroneous beliefs and judgements when we enter into the Sanctuary realms and conduct ourselves there as a child would - wide eyed, fully focused, learning all the time, making that world and all it holds your own. The more games you play, and the more DIFFERENT types of games you play in Sanctuary, the more rounded your experience becomes, the more you learn, and the better a Project Sanctuary player you will be as a direct result. ![]() An inspirational poem, an educational poem, a Project Sanctuary journey, a HypnoDream - the mysterious box has many things inside ... On the brightwhite sandy beach
![]() There are innumerable fascinating games one can play in Sanctuary.
![]() Silvia writes: I was taking some time out from all that Events Psychology work and strolling in Sanctuary with my good friend, Lord Lucian, who is not a spirit guide but more of a fellow spirit, as well as providing excellent company on many occasions. We were looking for a new game to play and after all I've been through for the past few months, something did occur to me - and it turned out to be rather special ...
Then click the image or the link below to get the Genius Symbol of the Day to take your mind into a new direction.
![]() In the Guardian Angel Inner Child Healing meditation, we - as our present adult selves - will travel back in time/space and visit with the child aspect of us at the moment of highest disturbance - at the moment of the dark night of the soul.
![]() Spirit guides - and credit cards?! It is a fact that a lot of holistic folk just can't seem to keep their finances under control, or even earn any decent amounts of money in the first place. It is fascinating to muse how it is that the more "spiritual" people seem to become, the less money they are earning - and vice versa. This cropped up again during a recent prosperity workshop with holistic volunteers of a charity - find out what happened, laugh and learn ...
![]() For serious Project Sanctuary Players, here's something very cool indeed - four guided journeys to different planes that are difficult to reach sometimes - The Far Journeys. Go to Shamanic Overworld, do Soul Pilots work, very highly abstract logic work with Crystal Cathedral or advanced vision streaming with the Game In Space & Time. At the end of the article is a link so you can listen to an excerpt.
![]() The vampire myth, in its many different shapes and flavours, is a powerful and very exciting one, no matter which way you look at it. Whether you are the timid virgin, quivering with a totally unknowable excitement as the beautiful immortal alien stranger descends upon you to give you a kiss of life like you've never had, or whether you prefer to be the vampire master, don the cloak of darkness yourself and look upon the tender quivering virgin from that particular vantage of delight, or even if ...
Reject Me! PLEASE! (Plus A Spurious Creativity Pattern ...) - On Writing With Author Silvia Hartmann
![]() Silvia Hartmann writes: I was thinking about wealth/power meditations this morning, and I must have asked slightly the wrong question in the context because what I got delivered there in an instant was WAY over the top for what I was working with.
![]() Ice spirits, crystal transporter pads, rainbow mirrors, dreaming rooms, gothic windows into other dimensions - take a trip to a very different place, a locus that is well known to song and tale - these are the realms of Superman's Fortress of Solitude, the Snow Queen's ice palace, and where Father Christmas has his magic workshop. Silvia reports on an expedition using the First Sanctuary meditation.
![]() I've been collecting space backgrounds for a while. Well, everyone needs some sort of a hobby ... But anyway, I've put them all into a collection directory. This also includes some of the totally mindblowing Hubble deep space galaxies photographs. If you ever feel your problems are overwhelming, go look at those. It kinda puts our life on Earth into perspective, that's for sure ...
![]() Do you remember when you were small, perhaps you made a wishlist at some time. Perhaps you wrote to Father Christmas, or perhaps you just made one on a scrap of paper just for yourself one day.
![]() This is a really good fun pattern to allow groups or friends to trade "resources" of the magical kind. Two people can play this quite happily, the more, the merrier. But of course, one can also just attend an astral bring and buy - there are many across the planes and the layers :-)
![]() I'm sure you all heard about Mr Tesla and his amazing machines, that he built and ran in his mind in quantum time, then went back to check and measure which parts had worn out and when he came to build them for "real" they functioned beautifully, the problems having long been found and ironed out in the mindspace trial runs. I've heard it too and just put it aside, as something Mr Tesla could do, being a genius, but not available to me as an ordinary human being.
![]() I just love Project Sanctuary to bits! Ok, I'll rephrase that - it truly delights me. It really, really, really does. I had the most fantastic, but really fantastic experience yesterday with it. So, I'm just lying in a very hot bath, thinking how totally amazing it feels to be in this hot water and drifting with the wonderful sensations. These days at the *slightest opportunity* these other thoughts, images and sensations come to me and in an instant, I am transported into the world of "Ice River" beyond the "gate of far perspective".
![]() One of the core practices in NLP and personal development in general is to "visualise the desired outcome state" of a goal and to make it as real as possible. Now I have my problems with the entire concept, but here's something for advanced Project Sanctuary users or beginner magicians, much the same thing really, that works a little different and may turn out to be slightly ... hmmmm ... well shall we be careful and say, more effective? More transformative?
![]() This is a very, very neat Project Sanctuary game that, if played correctly, will help "align the planes and the totality". Its name comes from the observation that many women wear red stilettos on the outside, which are the sign of sexual availability, or the metaphor thereof, but "on the inside", they are really a librarian who wants to be admired for their book learning. Or vice versa! This sort of thing is a form of massive incongruency which causes - well, catastrophes, really, from their love life to their "self concept", What it does to their energy systems, I can't begin to imagine, only that it can't be good, whatever that is ...
![]() Here is a seemingly simple technique that combines lessons from advanced hypnotherapy, the quantum energy spaces and the new energy healing approaches to make bed time a time of true R&R for all parts of your mind and your body. *This is a classic Project Sanctuary Pattern, adjusted for the general public or as an introduction to the benefits of PS.
![]() Would you like to be richer? Have a better attitude to money or gold? Get your finances under control? If yes, enjoy this Project Sanctuary game of magic that is easy to play and very educational! Enjoy!
Introduction to the revolutionary Project Sanctuary mind expansion method
![]() I wrote the story "Witch Proud" this afternoon and a little while later, went to bed, still in that state the story does describe, evoke, whatever one might call it.
Here are some quick Project Sanctuary patterns for you to try or to stimulate ideas of what you can do in Sanctuary! Enjoy! :-)
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