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Sky Gift!

by Silvia Hartmann

Sky Gift!

A quick but beautiful Sanctuary game - the Sky Gift!

I ordered a new mobile phone from the UK company Sky, and got the following email:

 Jesus will deliver your Sky parcel!

Jesus will deliver your Sky parcel ... :-)

And of course, that got me thinking ...

Who would YOU like to receive a sky parcel from?

A Sky Gift, as it were?

Ask your energy mind to take you to the perfect place in time and space where you can receive your sky gift from someone of your choice.

Receive your Sky Gift, and then, open it ...

What will you find inside ... :-)


 Sky Gift Illustration by Silvia Hartmann

The Sky Gift by Silvia Hartmann

  by Silvia Hartmann
"I adore Project Sanctuary. It is such a fabulous way to get answers, and new solutions. I notice the most positive change both within the sanctuary and in the outer world, in relationships. Fabulous." Debbie Hazelton

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