23 Gifts
by Silvia Hartmann

A gift of trade for you today:
surprising profit comes your way

Stardust fine and stardust bright,
brings to you a special night

Friends on high will show the way:
what was lost, returns to stay

Lord of the land, high above,
shows you to a place you love

An animal brings you a gift -
make the most of it with thrift

Magic lantern, magic light,
reveals to you a magic sight

Sunrise morning sings a song,
shows your heart where you belong

In your house, a candle's shine
reveals a treasure that is thine

Aspect little understood,
turns what once was bad to good

A gift has now become revealed;
and what was hurt, will now be healed

The chalice bubbling magic brew
turns something old into the new

A crystal fine and crystal wise
contains within the endless skies

A stranger from a foreign land
extends to you a helping hand

Lightning in a crystal ball
reveals your power over all

The dragon rises, gives you wings,
shows you many wondrous things

A mirror all your space does show,
there is more room for you to grow

A tiny grain of endless time,
gives you rhythm, gives you rhyme

The ancient spirits give to thee
a fantastic tapestry

A drum beat from the Lord of Dance,
hear your heart and take a chance

Angel rose hued, angel mild
hands a feather to a child

From a planet far away,
alien cookies make your day

Giant trees grow by the sea,
guardians watching over thee

Fountains sparkling rainbow bright
fill you with their living light
Shiny symbols 23
All together sing for thee,
bring you sparkling energy -
It is so,
so shall it be!
Silvia Hartmann July 30th, 2010