Golden Woolbeast Gather
This is bit of fun which came about as I went to a poetry forum which had a section for "wool gathering and strange ideas" - but there wasn't a single entry! How disappointing! I wanted to remedy the situation and make a post. At first I thought I might post about the ultraviolet beings but then instead, wrote this especially ... ..

Golden Woolbeast Gather
Wool must be gathered, thread must be spun to make magic carpets for every one. Hunting the woolbeasts, slender and wild golden and olden no task for a child. Swooping across the chasms of time the swirling dimensions, I will make you mine. Oh woolbeast and so you may thrash you may flail your serpentine flight won't be to avail! Your great golden fleece my trophy shall be and the carpet it weaves becomes destiny. I hold you and harvest your bounty of gold a treasure of riches, of stories untold. Naked and shamed you creep to the night your thin shaven shape an unfortunate sight. Yet fear not, good woolbeast your wool will regrow more strongly than ever, more golden the glow. As I swoop away to the gathering sky to the woolbeasts and all, I now bid goodbye ...
ยฉ Silvia Hartmann 04