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by Silvia Hartmann

Bubbles A soul pilot story with an interesting Set Up (Mission Statement) from October 2010.

Give me a journey that is fun,
something neat for everyone,
something that makes people see
how much fun SP can be
as I count from one to three
find the perfect soul for me!


I am in a dimension of turquoise bubbles.

Pretty they are, and they are bubbling upward.

Like I am in a bubble lamp ...

It's actually fun to be here, makes me giggle.

Some of the bubbles are large, and some are very small, and they feel electric when I touch them, and they don't pop, just change shape a bit, wobble a bit, then seem to shake themselves and regain their nice perfect spherical shapes as they travel upwards ...

I lean back, relax, make myself horizontal and cross my arms behind my head, letting the bubbles push me upwards from below, little rubbery sensations all across my back, again, that feels funny, and I smile, then giggle to myself as I am being lifted up fast.

I close my eyes and just enjoy the sensation.

Through my closed eyes I notice the light is shifting, getting brighter; we must be approaching the surface and soon enough, I pop up in the middle of a perfectly round pool of bubbling turquoise water, in the middle of what seems to be a very white desert, with a very blue, ultraviolet tinged sky up above.

There is an exciting alieness to this place; I am definitely on an alien world, in an unknow environment.

I float in the round pool, exactly in the middle for a while, then swim towards the edge and climb out.

Or rather, I make a big effort to lever myself up to the edge but gravity is different here and I shoot up straight into the air and travel up for ages before the speed of my ascent slows, and sloows ... and slooooooooows ... and ... ooooh now we're going downward ....

That feels extraordinary and I really have to laugh now. I roll myself about in the air and look around.

As I'm floaty-falling, like an autumn leaf will sway from side to side, I can see that there are many perfectly round holes or lakes in the white landscape, and each one is a slightly different colour, a slightly different shade, but all are somewhere on the range of blue, green, and purple.

Very pretty ... they really match the sky as well ...

As I watch from above, which is getting a bit less above with each swaying floaty descent movement, like I'm rolling down invisible steps, I see that there are other beings popping up in the round lakes.

There is something that looks like a largish insect; and over there, from a dark purple lake, something is emerging that is quite fish like but seems to have a number of arms. Or tentacles ...

A blob is emerging from a bright green lake to the west, hey, what's going on here?

I take control of my descent and cautiously start to fly a little. I have to wriggle and shape myself a bit to get the hang of flying here, it is very different from flying in the habitats I'm used to, much easier, and every movement causes massive course and direction changes.

I need to be a great deal more subtle ...

That thought makes me giggle again, and I observe the other beings having similar problems.

They're all strangers here too and they too are shooting around in the air, trying to figure out how to fly here, how to behave.

They are also becoming aware of me, and aware of each other.

Those guys aren't lost souls, unless we all are ...

Again, I find that amusing and decide to make contact with one of the others. I try to go for the blob shape being but my control isn't good enough, so I land near enough on top of the fish with the tentacles.

"Sorry!" I call out but I'm not making a sound, instead, it's a thought form of some kind that pats the fish on the head.

This is so ridiculous that I have to start laughing again, and this time, my laughter produces some strange multi-colored objects, definitely not geometric or if they are, that's no geometry I've ever seen, and they float, hop and bounce about, bounce off the fish person.

It flicks a tentacle that is a pretty spring green and darkening up towards a rich bottle green body at one of the rainbow shapes and it flies towards me, bounces off my own nose.

Wow ...

I look at the fish guy and the fish guy looks at me, I know it does, even tho I can't see any eyes. A little while later, what appears to be a bowl of green spaghetti rises out of its head and flies towards me, covers me in writhing green strands.

They are very friendly, like baby tentacles.

We can communicate.

I smile and a golden disc moves towards the fish, strokes its tentacles, and in return, I get another bowl of spaghetti.

We are friends, and together we hop/float/flail towards the insect person, who is getting involved in a conversation with the blob. There are others, many others, and we all get together on the shores of a particularly spectactular pond that is filled with bubbly liquid of the same colour as the blue/ultraviolet sky is.

I'm getting the strong feeling that this is the exit point from this meeting place, and if you were to jump into it, it would take you safely home again.

Cool ...

In the meantime ...

There are such beings here as you can't imagine.


I have a notion that some of us are in actual fact much bigger than others, and we're here being the same size to avoid misunderstandings, or stepping on each other, or being squashed, respectively.

I note with interest a number of composite beings, group people you could say, like we would be if our livers and hearts and veins were separate and not encased in skin but working together in the normal way.

But what is really amazing about this place is that everyone seems very positive and willing to be friends.

I think we may all be soul pilots by any other name?

Our concepts of what makes a being are being stretched beyond breaking point here, and it's actually truly delightful when that breaking point occurs, and I no longer think in terms of fish beings, blobs and composites at all, but simply give up and make new friends.

We communicate by thinking things at each other that become, and play with those things in many different ways.

We hop and fly around, and it's just great fun on every level, so enjoyable, no barriers, shields or boundaries at all, we are too alien to each other for anything we might have learned the hard way to get in the way here in this place, and of course, I can't speak for the others, but to me, it's a revelation.

Eventually, we calm down and get to touch each other. I use my fingertips at first, but soon enough I loosen up and touch with my face, with my skin, even with my hair that many of the others find most fascinating and direct much attention to. I can't begin to image what they think it must be!

It is a fabulously sensuous experience. These alien sensations, scents and tastes are boggling my mind, make it feel as though it too was made of those bubbles, happy, rising, light, uncontained, no judgement possible, pure sensation and experience, that's all it is, that's all it can be, awesome!

Then there comes a time when we become more quiet, more intimate. We begin to reflect on our own journeys, and what awesome journeys they are, especially if you put them all together, bring them all together here, and that's when we start to weave something, a super-story of some kind, something that has something from all of us, and as strange as we are to one another, there is something we all have in common, an ancestry, a something at the very heart and core of each of us that is the same, the same flame, the same flame that lights the entire universe ...

That is so awesome, it makes us all feel very small, and infinitely large at the same time, immensely grateful, and something strange happens as we expand together, it's like we are placing a call of some kind, sending a message about the flame ...

At some point, all of us fall silent.

We lie in the white sand and we sleep and dream in many different ways, in ways that are indeed, indescribably, but not unknowable; and then we simply sleep.

When we awaken, we take a moment to say farewell to one another, in so many differnt forms and ways; but there is no sadness, only a profound sense of gratitude and immense pride too that we were here and were allowed to know each other.

And one by one we rise; and one by one, we encircle the ultraviolet lake, and then as one, we step inside, and we go home.

Silvia Hartmann
October 2010
  by Silvia Hartmann
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"Deepest, heartfelt thanks to Silvia Hartmann and the powers that be for presenting Project Sanctuary and the whole paradigm that radiates around it - or perhaps from it. First time I have ever been able to honestly say β€œlife-altering transformational!" Laura Moberg

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