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The Magic Garden

by Silvia Hartmann

The Magic Garden

Take me to the perfect place in time and space in my magic garden ... The Magic Garden is a meta habitat in SuperMind/Project Sanctuary, and also the title of the February 2023 MasterClass with Silvia Hartmann.

What do you need to heal, restore or evolve your energy system?

Well, your dear Energy Mind has a special plant for THAT.

Enter the Matic Garden and let your dear EM create the perfect remedy, potion, tonic, cure for you in the shape of a Sanctuary plant.

This is the premise of the Magic Garden, but only the very beginning ...


Magic Garden MasterClass Feb 23 banner


7 Plants Sketches

Energy nutrition. Energy Healing. Energy Cures. Energy Tonics. FOR THE ENERGY BODY!

These are "only" the Sanctuary Simples, but they are a great start to get going with energy alchemy in Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary Pharmacy

The Sanctuary Pharmacy

The Sanctuary Pharmacy is what we call an "installation" - an interface created so the conscious mind can interact nicely with the energy code behind the scenes. This is my personal experience, this pharmacy was created for me by me, so different people will have different experiences.

in my experience, I found a gleaming white shop with an infinity of energy simples, very nicely organised, and a lightbeing behind the counter, to whom I could tell my problems. It listened carefully, then created a single remedy in the form of a brightwhite ball from many different ingredients, shrank it down to the size of a pearl and handed it to me.

The taste sensations and energy experiences were wonderful.

I also felt inspired to ask for further prescriptions for other things. The Sanctuary pharmacy is infinite. Everyone can have one. It's a lovely installations, and because it is based in the Magic Garden, we can be sure that it is perfect nourishment, tonic, and just what the soul doctor ordered.


  by Silvia Hartmann
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"So much to explore, so much to create, so much infinite time to do it all in Project Sanctuary." Barbara Saph

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