A Starry Gift
Can you heal me of my days
can you heal me of my years
can you take away the burdens,
sorrows, disappointments,
heartaches, heartbreaks,
small and large
the needle pricks
the shards that cut me
hurt me more
than words can say?
Can you heal me
of myself and me,
of them and him,
especially of him,
and her, by God,
I need your healing!
Can you fill me up
with light, with life,
for I have none,
I've lost it,
lost my song,
how long
has it been?
How long
has it been
since I was free,
since I was me,
a me I knew
in dreams,
a me that flew
the azure planes,
a me that knew
the stars by name
a me that was
so joyful,
never sad,
always glad,
to be alive?
Was there ever
such a me?
I think and I agree.
The past has been and gone.
The songs, they have been sung.
The tears, they have been cried
and all of it is nowhere now,
and all of it is nothing
if I simply turn away now
if I simply let it be,
if I simply breathe
and find a blessing
that I want to give
to you, or me,
or him, or her ...
I walk along
a path that seems
so silver,
made from moonlight,
soft and gentle underfoot,
it stretches out
towards the stars,
it winds like rivers
through the fertile valleys,
it loops and swoops
through radiant skies,
it makes me want
to spread my wings and fly,
for I have blessings,
oh, so many blessings,
if I flew, I could then
bless the lands below
and all who sleep,
and all who dream,
and all that is,
that was,
that wondered,
would receive
a starry gift
of hope and love
from me,
Silvia Hartmann
Feb 2010
