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Dragon Story

by Silvia Hartmann

Dragon Story

"Tell me a story," she said ...

Dragon Story

"Tell me a story," she said,

"But make sure it's a good one.

"It has to have dragons in it -

not scary old scaly ones, mind.


The dragons are smooth as glass,

they flow like silver water

and their eyes are diamond bright.


Oh, and make sure it doesn't have

some stupid princess to annoy me,

instead, I want alien children

on a different world,

they laugh and look for 

sparkling diamond dragon eggs

in valleys white and turquoise,

gold and pink,

amidst the strangely soaring rocks

and rounded mountains

where their parent's castles sit,

beneath a sky

that's filled with moons."


"Ok," I said.


                                         Silvia Hartmann, 9/9/14



What story should I write for you, what story should I tell you ...?


Picture of a dragon and the words to the dragon story poem.

  by Silvia Hartmann
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