Night Voice
By StarFields
Table of Contents
Night Voice Text & Music © StarFields 2007. All Rights Reserved In All Media.
Prologue: Words ...
Words are sounds and words are wings they touch you, show you many things and you can hear just what you need to make your love and life complete and you are here right now with me and there is nowhere I would rather be. for now, this is your time, for now, I freely give you mine: So take my time, my love, my word, and all those things you've never heard and never felt are yours to own: You own it all, expand, embrace ... and know it's all for you it always was, and it is true.
The Journey
Hush, my child, be silent, be still. The time has come the journey has begun your time awaits you blue, and golden, green and I will show you treasures you have never seen and yet you yearned in dreams, in days that seemed to last forever, always did you hope, and always did you wait but now, the time has come the journey has begun ...
Golden Horse Lullaby (The Father's Song)
Ride upon my golden horse let me take you in my arms my sword and shield will keep you safe, protect you from all harm. I wrap you gently in my love and cloaks of finest velvet I'll keep you warm and take you far away to lands that you have never seen. We fly across the darkened hills across the moonlit silver sea my breath your tides your smile my song you are so beautiful to me. And with the dawn of gold the wonderlands of green unfold beneath a sky of royal blue there lies the kingdom made for me and you. And in this blessed and grateful land we'll walk and dance and love and we will know the hand of god we'll be what we were meant to be So let me take you in my arms so let me be your shining knight so let me hold and take you there and make what once went wrong go right. Ride upon my golden horse let me take you in my arms my sword and shield will keep you safe protect you from all harm. Â
Time Touches
There was a time and it was then, as it is here and now, when angels swirled above the mountain tops, when shores were loved by oceans, blue and wide they were, so full of riches, full of life, the land was green and green, and rivers lay like bands of silver, sunblessed, sun kissed, stretching out towards the far horizons. Â
There was a time when deserts bloomed and seeds asleep were wakened by rains of mercy, rains of life, moist kisses, startling touch and cool yet vibrant tingling and aware, Â
I call you back to life they said, and life, it answered, it became, unfolded, flourished and revealed itself, a rose to meet the rain. Â
Your lands are precious beyond price, and fair; your time was then, and it is now, and it is one, as silver winters came from autumn reds and summer golds grew from the green of spring; all things are here, all is revered, your times, your lands, your life, your hands, your mind, beloved now you are and always loved, and always held, together, and forever. Â
Adam & Eva (featuring Riversmooth)
Komm! Lass uns zusammen den Strom erforschen. Hand in Hand werden wir im Urwald stehen und das Rauschen des Flusses wird uns die Richtung zeigen, durch das dichte Grün hindurch, dann sehen wir das Ufer, und das Wasser strömt an uns vorbei, an mir, an dir, an uns zusammen ... Wir sind die Zukunft, sind die Seele, sind der Wind. Wir flüstern Geheimnisse die der Fluss zum Meere trägt, wie eine Flaschenpost nach langer Reise auf der hohen See am weißen Sand von türkisen Wellen sanft angewaschen wird und kleine Kinder, lachend, braungebrannt sie laufen mit dem Liebesbrief am Strand entlang. Der alte Schamane hält die Nachricht in den Händen, erhebt die Augen, schaut durch Raum und Zeit hindurch gibt uns seinen Segen erbittet unsere Liebe, blitzend fein wie Licht auf Wasser leicht und wunderschön.
And now, the night has come; see at the far horizon still the bands of royal purple loving touches of farewell upon the sea.
And we shall walk along the shore; no longer now the fiery heat of days that went to sleep; the breeze is fresh delightful, playing in your hair, and you are wide aware, awake and so alive, your breath is deep just like the ocean waves, night ocean water, dark and so mysterious, inviting and delighting us, and so we walk along the silver sandy shore towards the first stars of the night they have revealed themselves to guide our way, to let us sense and see the freedom and the depth, the width and breadth of all there is, and all of this belongs to us, belongs to you, belongs to me, infinite romance, love reigns now supreme, embraces and expands they are the same. Â
Now take my hand and see: there is a shimmer on the sea, it is the moon, and she will rise in splendour, soon, she will cast fortunes with a satin smile and change the ocean to a silver land that reaches out forever, that lasts for us forever.
The rhythm is the sea; the melody is so magnificent, it is our joy at being here, at being wide aware, and so alive it takes my breath away. Â
Fire Night
Do you remember sitting by the fire, gazing deep into the flames and we were there, and we were safe, you felt my presence and you said that I burned far more brightly than the fire? Â
Do you remember hearing how the wind and rain beat on the window pane, outside, the night was dark, and it was howling; but we were warm, and safe inside, surrounded by a glow, surrounded by the light, and it was you, and me? Â
Do you remember how the worlds began to fade away, and one by all, became transparent, and translucent, and time itself unfolded and receded, past and future were no more, and only now remained? Â
And it was then, that magic entered, swept into our room on stormy wonder wings of gold and green, of red and turquoise, gold, azure and emerald; and how it cast the spell, and broke the spell and we were free to dance in joy. Â
The Knight
I see beyond the masks of day, Â
I see beyond the veils of sadness that you wear the shrouds you made from blood and tears, I see beyond the veils. Â
I smile and see beyond the armour that you wear, for sure, it is most splendid as befits a knight who fought so many battles, won and lost so many wars, your shield it carries still an image of your heart, an image of your soul upon your helmet's brow inlaid and beautiful a lifetime's anger and revenge have honed your shining sword; and though I do acknowledge you, my fellow samurai, I smile and see beyond. Â
Don't be afraid, Â
Don't run and hide in forests wild or mountains high; on lonely islands where the sky is stormy, dark and lightning strikes which such ferocity. Â
Come forward, step into the light. Â
You are discovered, you are bare before me. Â
Does this frighten you? Â
Or can you stand and face me hold inside yourself the knowledge of your strength, your roaring lion heart, your shining soul? Â
Rise, now; arise, you are the knight. Â
Let us fly away together on the wings of space and time ultraviolet existence no restrictions, not a single limitation can remain Â
Let us weave together and leave our bodies there, all snug and sleeping sweetly, where they can remain until the time has come when we regain our shape of home and once again take up our tasks and labours of the day. Â
But now, all that is fast receding; and as we phase into the ultraviolet dimensions, we become as dragons would, sleek, shiny and reflective, with wondrous wings that churn up time and power us through worlds upon the worlds through levels and through layers rich nourishment awaits us here as we begin to dance and paint our path and our existence right into realities our call is heard across the manifold dimensions and when we dance, we feel a hundred thousand beings watching us and longing, praying, that the day might come when they could be as we are now. Â
Blue suns and diamond scattered stars; lush purple moons; and glorious comets, trailing wakes of silver; unfolding fountains made of purest light and curtains of enchantment, these are our worlds, and here we fly. Â
Find Your Way
I am here.
I am awaiting you.
Let me hold you, let me enfold you, let me take you home, and safe. Â
To reach me you must look ahead; to find me, you must step into the future; don't look down, and don't look back. Â
Gather your courage, gather your strength.
The journey can be long but if you keep your eyes upon the future, wide horizons, sunrises and sunsets rolling out for you like the most royal carpet, you will find me. Â
And the when the night is dark, and when the night is long, and when the night is hard, look up, and look ahead; and you will see a star and you will know the star; and you will know just where you are; and you will find your way. Â
Night Voice Text & Music © StarFields/Silvia Hartmann 2007
All Rights Reserved In All Media.