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Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

by Silvia Hartmann

Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

The Night King cometh. Danny and Jon battle him in the skies above Winterfell. Jon dies, but the dragon survives. The Night King is toasted. His lieutenants do NOT die and a massive battle ensues. Sansa is attacked in the crypt ...

Find out my alternative outline for GOT 8 :-)

Game of Thrones, Series 8 - My Version!

The Night King cometh. Danny and Jon battle him in the skies above Winterfell. Jon dies, but the dragon survives. The Night King is toasted. His lieutenants do NOT die and a massive battle ensues. Sansa is attacked in the crypt by all her bony relatives and dismembered whilst Tyrion watches from behind a tombstone.

During the massive battle for Winterfell, Bran uses direwolves and ravens to attack the undead and especially the lieutenants.

The Red Woman does cool shit with fire.

The Dothraki, Unsullied and Northmen do a grand job but most of them die.

Tormund Giantsbane dies in Brienne's arms.

Sir Mormont has an epic battle with a lieutenant and gets to use the Tarly family sword.

Bran gets swarmed by the dead and in spite of a grand fight, unfortunately gets eaten just before Arya kills the last of them. Dickless is mortally wounded and dies slowly and meaningfully.

They win the battle, but one of the lieutenants escapes by himself.

After the battle, further people who had originally survived die of the wounds they sustained, as is only right and proper for a battle of this magnitude.

Danny is mildly distraught by Jon's death but consoles herself with the fact that she is pregnant. Samwell tells her about Aegon and now she's really happy.

As there are virtually no soldiers left after the great battle, Danny, Jamie, Tyrion and Arya conspire to take Cersei out. Jamie tells Danny Cersei is pregnant and wins eternal imprisonment for Cersei instead of execution.

They plus the Hound fly to King's Landing and land quietly on the beach at night.

They get into the castle. The Hound battles the Mountain to distract him. Arya reneges on the deal and stabs Cersei to death. Jamie is upset and kills her in turn, then kills himself. Tyrion cries.

Danny takes the iron throne and her two dragons torch the Iron Fleet in extensive slow motion.

The Golden Company and the King's guard bow to her and that's the end of that.

During a meeting with the surviving members of the various houses, she lays out her plan for how the wheel is meant to be broken. It's brilliant and leaves everyone gasping, then clapping. Drogon torches the Iron Throne.

Cut to a nest on DragonStone, where Rhaegal is sitting on a nest of eggs, whilst Drogon circles above.

The last shot is of the surviving lieutenant entering the Ice Hall of the Night King, with a baby under his arm.

#gameofthrones #GOT8 #daenerys


Note: I wrote this because I was upset about the entirety of GOT 8. I didn't like what they had done to the story, and wanted to feel better. This did the trick. It's a Project Sanctuary (now called SuperMind) thing to do that - to take a story you don't like, and create one that you do instead.

Clearly, that is a master metaphor. Who writes the story? Should you leave that to just one person, and that's all we ever get to consume? Or is it within our power to write our own stories? As well as taking existing stories, and re-shaping them to our liking ..?

Well, be that as it may. I feel a whole lot better after having jotted down the outline for an alternative season 8 with the requisite alternate endings.

My encouragement to you - think up and/or write down YOUR Game of Thrones Season 8. If you don't like something - change it.

With love,

Silvia Hartmann

Author, In Serein

  by Silvia Hartmann
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