

Words On A Page
Words on a page, what do they mean?
What can they do for us, how can they reach us, true that they are something special, some thing that monkeys never knew, or if they did, they have forgotten, fallen to a deep green sleep, a sleep of jungles and old vines, radiant flowers and huge insects, snakes winding, crackling sounds - Is that a tiger stalking me?
Is that a long lost lover, lost in the forest, stumbling unknowingly, forgotten his name, forgotten his purpose, like the monkey beings who watched their words on paper fade away with every sunrise, looked at the remnants, fingered the mysterious shreds and then the day it came when they no longer cared, and put their words away, for they had seen the truth -
Look, thereโs a sunset.
Thereโs a ripe banana, or a yellow snake, who is to know?
And rumbling thunder tells us of the coming of a storm.
There will be wind, there will be rain, we need to find our shelter, watch the fadinging light until we see no more and shivering against the knowing of the dark outside, will curl up in our leaf filled cave and sleep, and dream of stardust
Silvia Hartmann 2010
More about Words On A Page: Word Art & Transience