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The Symbol Thieves

by Silvia Hartmann

The Symbol Thieves

I have just been informed by the German translators of my books that I cannot use the word "totality" because it would remind the German speaking public of the word "totalitarian state", aka the 3rd Reich, and they'd all have a nervous breakdown.

That made me furious.

And it opened my eyes to something I consider to be very important.

Namely, that we as human beings and as societies must ABSOLUTELY NOT allow the symbol thieves to get away with it any longer. Take the 3rd Reich ...


The Symbol Thieves

by Silvia Hartmann

I have just been informed by the German translators of my books that I cannot use the word "totality" because it would remind the German speaking public of the word "totalitarian state", aka the 3rd Reich, and they'd all have a nervous breakdown.

That made me furious.

And it opened my eyes to something I consider to be very important.

Namely, that we as human beings and as societies must ABSOLUTELY NOT allow the symbol thieves to get away with it any longer.

Take the 3rd Reich.

Hitler comes along and hijacks not just the old sun runes, the most beautiful symbol of the golden eagle, but also Greek temples and hellenistic ideals of the beauty of sacred geometry in general, just to name a very few.

And now, ALL OF THOSE THINGS have started to disappear from German mainstream culture as an effect - because they all now belong to basically a single genocidal maniac.

Oh my God!

This is something we cannot afford.

Many of our problems stem from the fact that we are DEEPLY SYMBOL IMPOVERISHED to start with, because it isn't a shape or a word you lose through this symbol thievery, but the ability to contact an actual reality, energetic essence, and an essential building block to make correct maps of reality are all gone at the same time.

Give it a hundred years, and the "Word" totality will not be in the German language at all anymore. It won't be in dictionaries, no-one will remember it, no-one will speak it, and the whole concept of there even being "a totality" is no longer available to conscious processing and conscious thought - although it is still there as a REALITY.

And thus the "construct reality" and the "real reality" have diverged even further than they already were, and a real tragedy for an entire people has occurred.

Symbol Thief - Symbol Dieb Illustration by SFX

But it isn't just Hitler who buggered off with some very potent and powerful symbols.

This has been going on for absolutely AGES - the Christians have simply stolen the copyright on the cross, the Satanists on the upturned cross, the KKK on the flaming cross.

The Gay movements have run off with rainbow, the Sado-Masochists with the Triplex, the tree-huggers with the dolphins, the Wiccans with the pentagram, the Jews with the Star of David, and the card tricksters with the word "magic".

And no-one is stopping this, and no-one is trying to recover these invaluable commodities!

They belong IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN and are the birthright and for the use of ALL HUMAN BEINGS.


Time and time again, I come across in my own research classes of concepts, happenings, real events that DO NOT HAVE A WORD OR SYMBOL to go with it, and that makes it literally impossible to talk about them, or even conceptualise them consciously at all!

I am forced then to either check if they can be re-covered via the processes of transderivational morphology, but often there really isn't a hint or a trace of the concept, essence, occurrence remaining at all and I then have to start afresh and make a whole new word, symbol, explanation for this thing.

Humanity is trying to type on a keyboard with more than three quarters of the keys missing.

Now, I can't do anything about humanity, but I can talk to individuals about this and beg them to make an effort to at least reclaim some of the symbols and words that we still know and remember for themselves, to take them back on a very personal level and wash them clean of whatever their various abductors have tried to make them into.

The cross is one of the very oldest of all symbols or marks.

Way back when, some monkey like creature sat by a riverbed and drew that into the soft clay, first one line, then the other, slowly and in awe, so many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A hundred thousand years later and someone else stuck things at the end of the cross and made a swastika, and it was new and other, and it was to represent THE SUN.

Man, that is powerful stuff, that is HUMAN HERITAGE and it does NOT belong to the symbol thieves.

They are not going to stop, of course, and will keep trying to take the Eye of Ra and the Ying Yang and make it be representative of their fairground pretend-psychic show or their treadmill stuffed fitness center.

That's where WE have to become aware that such a thing has happened, shout STOP THIEF!, take the symbol back and draw it on a piece of paper and work at our own responses to it, until it is completely free and clear of all and every perceived disturbance, and has come to life again on a most personal basis.

Symbols (and words, which are symbols, as well as numbers, and metaphors, which are complex symbol tapestries made up of many interactive symbols and all the rest of them!) are supposed to be THE SERVANTS OF MANKIND.

We are NOT supposed to have a panic attack each time we see a swastika, or a burning cross, or a hammer and sickle, or a crescent moon, or or or or.

We are NOT supposed to freak out when someone uses a word, be it Fuck, Communist, Feminist or Mother.

We are NOT TO BE BELEAGUERED by symbols, but instead, we are supposed to USE THEM to help us make conscious maps of the infinite Universe which is the true reality.

I'd say that mastery of one's own relationships with symbols is the beginning of mastery over one's life.

And for that to start, we have to go and take our symbols back, which belong to everyone, are no-one's copyright, and should we notice an attempt at symbol thievery, past, present or future in progress, to really shout, "STOP THIEF!"

Oh, and the word, "Totality" is back in the book now.


Good wishes to all,

Silvia Hartmann

First posted 2004-05-20 00:28:20

  by Silvia Hartmann
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