Welcome To Project Sanctuary:
Infinite Creativity Made Real.
Project Sanctuary is a process whereby we take the natural powers of human imagination to create worlds or habitats. In other words, you become the creator of worlds such as in Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and StarTrek, rather than remain a mere consumer. Further, we then step inside those worlds, activate our 6 senses to create an autogenic presence there and have adventures and experiences there which teach us many things.
While we have these adventures which we call games, we learn by immersion about how to communicate with our energy mind.
We learn the language of metaphor, we become smarter, and we evolve.
Every normal human being has the capacity for fantasy and autogenic reality creation - it's normal and natural, and the wellspring of all creativity. Project Sanctuary puts you in control of your creativity and allows you to make wonderful things.
You can also use Project Sanctuary for every aspect of human endeavour - for sex, for healing, for creativity, for problem solving, for therapy, for personal development, for magic, for spirituality, for fun, for pleasure, for profit and for every day life.
Since it was first released in 1993, Project Sanctuary has astonished ordinary people and experts alike with its wonderful directness, simplicity and the joy it brings when you find out that you are not alone, but you really do have a supermind - the energy mind - and it is ready and willing to help you live a rich and wonderful life.
Learn to play The Game In Space and Time that has no limits, no boundaries, no frontiers and that belongs to you by rights.
For more in depth information on PS theory, please see Project Sanctuary In A Nutshell.
Originally written in 2001 for the "Green Spheres Poetry Collection," CLARITY has returned many times since. As time goes by, and old webpages die, it has become harder and harder to find in moments when CLARITY is needed. I am reposting it here today so it may continue into the future. *The article image was the cover for the original collection, called "Poem Dreaming Tree."
A story about a trapped silver dragon by Silvia Hartmann.
If you have ever written even just one single poem in your entire life, you need to watch this video!
At the very end of the DragonLords, there is a PS. At the end of the PS, there are 2 sentences that connect The DragonLords to Elory's Joy.
Thoroughly bored with the recent offerings from Hollywood, and whilst looking around for some stimulating entertainment, I discovered Japanese anime. Anime is a fantastic medium for story telling without limits. Perfect for all things Sanctuary!
In August of 2021, I started to write a story. I got disrupted and even though I thought about finishing it many times, I couldn't quite "get there." Following the first day of Project SuperStar, whilst doing the homework exercise for Part 1, all of a sudden, the story jumped into my mind. I went back there and completed it today. Here's "Black Rock."
This is a dream come true for me - finally, an opportunity to pay attention to the most important Star Events of my life, the Star Events in Sanctuary! Project SuperStar is here!!!
Let's find it, I say and laugh.
Where is that f*cking thing?
Sometimes, I simply have to write a modern energy meditation, a poem, a hypnodream, a metasong so I can feel better. I hope you enjoy The Journey.
The Energy Show Sanctuary special! Powerful self healing in Sanctuary Masterclass with Silvia Hartmann.
Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity.
Pure Sanctuary magic! :-)
Margarita Foley ascended on December 31st, 2021. She was a beloved GoE Member, GoE Trainer and she LOVED Sanctuary/SuperMind. Margarita was also one of the Soul Pilots research team in 2004. Here is one of her stories.
An excerpt from my Special Report on the Afterlife, the field of flowers really encapsulates why making preparations for the afterlife in this life is such a very good idea.
This is a really interesting SuperMind Energy game - the Alien Magic Box. It's important that this should be an ALIEN magic box to get past any expectation of old, known, already existing magic boxes and expand beyond that.
The Classic Game is nearly 40 years old now, and has been tested to certainty. Now, thanks to Star Matrix, its time has finally come.
*Includes my Star Memory that led to the concept of Future Orientation.
Metaphors are a fine thing, and breakthrough healing metaphors that can cause an instant world expansion in a lightning strike are even finer. Let's have more of those! :-)
Flash into someone else's world for a moment ...
Today, 16th September 2021, I posted the story of Lila, a new Sanctuary friend, to Modern Energy Art site. As Lila is so very Sanctuary, I decided to send out notifications to the certified SuperMind Masters around the world as they would "get it" - and the computer said ...
Project Sanctuary comes from a world where we have six senses, not just pretending to have only five. Activating all six senses in Sanctuary is what makes the difference between a bit of fantasizing, and actually being there, living there, and having REAL experience that enrich us.
The Dragon Dreams story by Silvia Hartmann, featuring the richest man in the galaxy, a youngling and 5 dragon eggs.
A dream in graphic novel style which got a very cool evolution and became a Star Matrix Star Dream.
A story sparked by a Modern Energy Art-efact, the Alien Opal.
The Project Sanctuary or SuperMind Classic Game creates real time, unique, perfectly calculated "Healing Habitats" for the energy body. This is AWESOME and extremely useful. Here is the "Ice Cave Healing Habitat Experience" from February 2021.

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