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Creative Writing

Project Sanctuary takes creative writing to a whole new level. Data streams from the Energy Mind which we call sensions, as they are 6 sense information streams, and not just "what we see," are translated into language as smoothly as possible. The data streams set the level of abstraction, the experience, and the language used to describe the experience for the reader. Creative writing with Project Sanctuary is sometimes called "stories from the other side of the paradigm shift."

Ice Cave - A Healing Habitat For A Coming Cold

Ice Cave - A Healing Habitat For A Coming Cold

The Project Sanctuary or SuperMind Classic Game creates real time, unique, perfectly calculated "Healing Habitats" for the energy body. This is AWESOME and extremely useful. Here is the "Ice Cave Healing Habitat Experience" from February 2021.

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Daily Diamonds

Daily Diamonds

Many people ask, "Is this all there is? There should be more to life than this ..." and this is my answer.

I enjoyed discovering and writing this inspirational story; I hope you enjoy it too ... :-)

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The Waves

The Waves

Energy Poem "The Waves" and the perfect illustration.

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The Wrongness & The Starry Souls

The Wrongness & The Starry Souls

A SuperMind Story in Fairy Tale Format by Silvia Hartmannย In a strange time and a strange place, there was a strange kingdom. All the people in the kingdom were obsessed with everything that was wrong their futures, their presents and their pasts; what was wrong with nature, wrong about themselves, wrong about each other, wrong with what they were doing, what they were thinking, what they were creating.

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The Mountain, Part II

The Mountain, Part II

In 1999, a so called "motivational story" made the rounds on the world wide interweb that seriously annoyed my young firebrand of an aspect. To the point that she wrote a second part, The Mountain Pt II, to counter it, to END it. Please be advised that "The Mountain, Part 1" is that annoying story which was NOT written by me, but Mountain Part II was. With this out of the way, let's begin with the first one ...

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The Man Who Wasn't Broken

The Man Who Wasn't Broken

A SuperMind Story by Silvia Hartmann for November 2020.

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The Story Teller

The Story Teller

In 2000, an aspect wrote a distance learning course, The Story Teller. It was framed by a story in two parts, which begins it, and ends it. The Story Teller came across my path today in March of 2020, and I thought I'd share the story of The Story Teller.

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White Winds White Clouds

White Winds White Clouds

I was told it was World Writing Day. I was otherwise engaged but created the space for a short Sanctuary poem - White Winds White Clouds. Lovely, thank you, dear energy mind!

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The White Wolf

The White Wolf

A story about a spirit talker.

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Pyramid of Dreams

Pyramid of Dreams

Far in the desert,
so it seems
there stands
the Pyramid of Dreams

4,084 Reads More --->

Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

Game Of Thrones 8 - Alternative Season & Alternative Ending

The Night King cometh. Danny and Jon battle him in the skies above Winterfell. Jon dies, but the dragon survives. The Night King is toasted. His lieutenants do NOT die and a massive battle ensues. Sansa is attacked in the crypt ...

Find out my alternative outline for GOT 8 :-)

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Writing In The 21st Century

Writing In The 21st Century

Before mobile phones, writers were rewarded for writing more words.

The more words you wrote, the better you were paid.

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A great shining star had fallen from the heavens that night, and there were those who felt inspired and excited by it, wanted to discover more, and wondered what they might find.

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Energy Symbols Mnemonic Story

Energy Symbols Mnemonic Story

Having trouble remembering all 23 energy symbols when you got no reminders? Make a mnemonic story! Here's an example.

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Tale Of Two Kings by Alex Kent

Tale Of Two Kings by Alex Kent An original fairy tale in poetry format by Alex Kent.
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How To Create A World Like Game Of Thrones and Lord of The Rings

How To Create A World Like Game Of Thrones and Lord of The Rings

On a Game of Thrones fansite, someone posted, "Hard to believe that one man can create such a huge world with a rich complicated history." Another said, "I have no idea how he did that!" referring to Lord of The Rings.

Here's how to create such complex worlds.

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The Man

The Man

A story about imagination and fantasy.

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Poems & The Energy Mind

Poems & The Energy Mind

Silvia Hartmann writes: I have to come out of that mysterious Art Solutions closet and admit that for me, a poem is not a poem unless it was prepared and delivered by the energy mind.

This is a short essay on the nature of poems and poetry from the Energist's perspective.

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Spirit Horse

Spirit Horse

When I was very young, I often used to see a black horse that no-one else could see.

I soon learned to stop talking about it, because that didn't do any good at all, but I still saw it; running alongside when I was being driven in a car, or out of the windows of a train, or a bus. I think it was the day I saw the horse and I was on a North Sea ferry and the horse was running with the waves that I realised that it was a spirit horse.ย 

Project Sanctuary welcomes our new section on Animal Spirits, Animal Guides and Animals In Sanctuary.


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HypnoDreams Vol. 1: The Wisdom of The Water

HypnoDreams Vol. 1: The Wisdom of The Water

Complete scripts and production notes of the beautiful energy hypnosis journeys from Wisdom of the Water: Oceans of Energy, Dive To Diamond, The Wisdom of the Water, Starfall, Ice River, Treasures & Riches. Darling remains a mystery ...ย 

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Dragon Story

Dragon Story

"Tell me a story," she said ...

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Poem: Dream On

Poem: Dream On

One of the most important functions of poetry is to keep us reminded of the other realms, the higher realms, beyond the stress and chaos of the day. It's like going to church but you don't have to get dressed up and sit around uncomfortably for hours on end - with a simple poem, you can get there whenever you want, or need to ...

... be reminded ...

Dream on ...


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Sunrise Poem: Morning Light

Sunrise Poem: Morning Light

Silvia Hartmann's sunrise "poem" Morning Light.

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24-46 of 106  
"Project Sanctuary is the source of never ending growth and development that I have craved.ย I can learn and explore more of life in an afternoon in sanctuary than I can in months at university." Helen McMillan

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