There are waves in the universe, and those who sense them smile.
They know to ride the waves.
They know to let the waves uplift them, take them where they need to be.
Slow waves, reflective, dreamy seed islands in the oceans - what will await us there ..?
Majestic waves soaring towering great is rising profound is the view ...
Wild and wise are waves, white water, new surprises old directions fade away surrender to the moment you never know what you might find ...
Silent lies the sea it seems; but close your eyes and you will sense deep rhythm everlasting motion:
Yes, this is the journey.
Silvia Hartmann,
November 30th, 2020
The Waves (Oceans of Energy) Silvia Hartmann 2015
A personal note: On this day, Dec 03 2020, I was feeling particularly uninspired. Being unable to even think about doing some work, I decided to tidy up some files, and found The Waves poem, written 4 days before, on Nov 30, 2020. I decided to share it on social media, thought about an illustration ... and remembered "The Waves - Oceans of Energy," a work of art an aspect had created in 2015. A perfect match across time and space :-) And yes, having put the two together has given me enough energy to make this post, right now :-)
Hoping you will find your inspiration also, with lots of love from Silvia x