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Welcome To Project Sanctuary! White Dragons flying to Pertineri Image

Welcome To Project Sanctuary:

Infinite Creativity Made Real.

Project Sanctuary is a process whereby we take the natural powers of human imagination to create worlds or habitats. In other words, you become the creator of worlds such as in Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and StarTrek, rather than remain a mere consumer. Further, we then step inside those worlds, activate our 6 senses to create an autogenic presence there and have adventures and experiences there which teach us many things.

While we have these adventures which we call games, we learn by immersion about how to communicate with our energy mind.

We learn the language of metaphor, we become smarter, and we evolve.

Every normal human being has the capacity for fantasy and autogenic reality creation - it's normal and natural, and the wellspring of all creativity. Project Sanctuary puts you in control of your creativity and allows you to make wonderful things.

You can also use Project Sanctuary for every aspect of human endeavour - for sex, for healing, for creativity, for problem solving, for therapy, for personal development, for magic, for spirituality, for fun, for pleasure, for profit and for every day life.

Since it was first released in 1993, Project Sanctuary has astonished ordinary people and experts alike with its wonderful directness, simplicity and the joy it brings when you find out that you are not alone, but you really do have a supermind - the energy mind - and it is ready and willing to help you live a rich and wonderful life.

Learn to play The Game In Space and Time that has no limits, no boundaries, no frontiers and that belongs to you by rights.

For more in depth information on PS theory, please see Project Sanctuary In A Nutshell.

Boy & Frog - A Fairy Tale Story Told

Boy & Frog - A Fairy Tale Story Told A fairy tale needed to be told, and so it was told, for the first time ever live and recorded on video. This is the transcript as the story of Boy & Frog unfolded in real time.
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The Little Book Of Stories

The Little Book Of Stories A love letter to all readers, writers and yes, even the publishers on World Book Day 2024, metasong format. Thank you for your gifts, dear Energy Mind.
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A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols

A Star Dream Activates The Energy Symbols One of the most wonderful and practically helpful "Children of Project Sanctuary" are The Energy Symbols. It's been 20 years since they came into being, and they have proven their value and worth over and over and over and over again. Every magical person needs The Energy Symbols in their life!
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Write YOUR OWN Awesome Fairy Tales!

Write YOUR OWN Awesome Fairy Tales! I am so happy and excited - I had a Star Event yesterday! I saw the pattern, how Fairy Tales work, and not just that, how we can make it so that anyone who plays in Sanctuary gets to write their very own Fairy Tales of healing, love, problem solving and magical inspiration!
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Metaphors Of Life - The Treasure Chest

Metaphors Of Life - The Treasure Chest One of the most wonderful things about Star Matrix and StarLine Therapy is the fact that finally, the non-physical Star Events of our lives can take their rightful places on the StarLine. I have chosen to call the non-physical Star Events "The Star Dreams" and I insist that human beings should have 50% of their overall Star Events in the non-physical realm, based on the deep need for story and metaphysics that exists in all human beings, and which drives an "entertainment" industry which turns over more than food, or shelter. When we add the Star Dreams to our timelines, deep connections become apparent and now, we may discover "metaphors of life" - and that has just happened to me. Here's the story of The Treasure Chest.
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The Perfect Place VS The Favourite Place: Art Deco Healing Temple & Ruby Remedy

The Perfect Place VS The Favourite Place: Art Deco Healing Temple & Ruby Remedy

A Sanctuary healing story by Silvia Hartmann which illustrates why we should go to the perfect place in time and space.

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Shhh ...

Shhh ...

"Show me golden ocean shores,
Show me living water light ..."

MetaSong Poem by Silvia Hartmann 2006

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Mrs Green & The Tiny Garden

Mrs Green & The Tiny Garden

A Sanctuary Story from the library 2008 about a child, an entity and a remarkable gift.

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Molotov Poetry

Molotov Poetry

It has come to pass that I find myself writing little metasongs (aka poems) for the last few weeks, spring of 2023.

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Creative Writing 101

Creative Writing 101

Don't be afraid - I'm not going to sell you anything. This is an advertisement written many years ago for my course in Creative Writing 101, which is no longer available. I found it today whilst clearing out some archives and thought, "Hey, that's rather good. A good explanation of what real creative writing is all about. I've just started a new YouTube channel called Creative Writing Tips so it's relevant to consider what my aspect said at the time.

Here we go! Smile

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Overrun By Zombies - The Star Dust Solution!

Overrun By Zombies - The Star Dust Solution!

Nightmares about zombies? Sanctuary being overrun by zombies? Fear not, my friends, we have the perfect Sanctuary solution to the zombie problem! 

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Soul Conversation

Soul Conversation

After having numerous "conversations" with the BingBot, I decided to have a conversation with my soul for a change.

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Four Short Poems brought by The Crazy Creativity Creature

Four Short Poems brought by The Crazy Creativity Creature

Last night, the CCC appeared and brought with it four metasong poems. Here they are. 

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1000 Years Later - The Kingdoms Of In Serein

1000 Years Later - The Kingdoms Of In Serein

23 years ago as I write this in March of 2023, an aspect sat down to write what was to become the In Serein trilogy. A map of the Kingdoms under King Selter was drawn up in the course of this, and as these words are an expanded Sanctuary habitat, they were visited many times since then, and many further stories unfolded. But now, it is a thousand years later and a new map will have to be drawn ...

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The Magic Garden

The Magic Garden

Take me to the perfect place in time and space in my magic garden ... The Magic Garden is a meta habitat in SuperMind/Project Sanctuary, and also the title of the February 2023 MasterClass with Silvia Hartmann.

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The Last Creatives

The Last Creatives

A story about a story within a story ...

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The Mirror Charm - Metaphor On A Plate!

The Mirror Charm - Metaphor On A Plate! Here is a personal story about the metaphor on a plate, and a Sanctuary evolution that ties back to a physical object in the Hard.
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The Star Dreams - A Celebration (Don't Disrespect The Star Dreams!)

The Star Dreams - A Celebration (Don't Disrespect The Star Dreams!)

In Star Matrix, a "Star Dream" is a Star Event that took place not in the Hard, but on the other levels. Star Dreams can literally be lucid dreams, and also Star Moments in a meditation, of course in Sanctuary, and in my case, they happen while I write. 

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Clarity Poem by Silvia Hartmann

Clarity Poem by Silvia Hartmann

Originally written in 2001 for the "Green Spheres Poetry Collection," CLARITY has returned many times since. As time goes by, and old webpages die, it has become harder and harder to find in moments when CLARITY is needed. I am reposting it here today so it may continue into the future. *The article image was the cover for the original collection, called "Poem Dreaming Tree." 

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The Silver Dragon

The Silver Dragon

A story about a trapped silver dragon by Silvia Hartmann. 

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Poems Are Messages From The Soul

Poems Are Messages From The Soul

If you have ever written even just one single poem in your entire life, you need to watch this video! 

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PS From The DragonLords

PS From The DragonLords

At the very end of the DragonLords, there is a PS. At the end of the PS, there are 2 sentences that connect The DragonLords to Elory's Joy.

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Anime For Sanctuary!

Anime For Sanctuary!

Thoroughly bored with the recent offerings from Hollywood, and whilst looking around for some stimulating entertainment, I discovered Japanese anime. Anime is a fantastic medium for story telling without limits. Perfect for all things Sanctuary!

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"Traveling from star to star, exploring the mysteries of the deepest oceans, magical market places, worlds upon worlds all from the comfort of your own favourite chair; that’s Project Sanctuary." Will Taylor

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