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Creative Art

Creative Art From The Energy Mind

Project Sanctuary art is always based on information that was streamed from the energy mind directly.

This information can be interpreted as a song, a sculpture, a painting, in many different forms of writing, can be woven into a tapestry, converted into a digital image, into a symbol, into a dance.

Project Sanctuary states that anything a human being makes that comes from a communication (vision) from their OWN energy mind, and is rendered truthfully and honestly, as best as the person can do it, IS ART.

This opens art to all and ends the exclusivity bestowed on those who have "studied" art for decades. It also gives a guideline of what is not real art - things that are dishonestly made, or constructed from second hand information and not based on an original datastream by the person's own energy mind.

For more information about Modern Energy Art, please visit

The Ice Prince Symbol Sets

The Ice Prince Symbol Sets

For the artists amongst us, the Genius Symbols offer a wonderful and very interesting opportunity to make something that is personal, magical and practical all at the same time.

Here is the story of two very unusual Genius Symbol sets ...

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Poem: Words On A Page

Poem: Words On A Page

A mysterious poem about words, and ancient paper ...

Words on a page - what do they mean?

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Poetry Exercise Sylvia Plath Creative Flow

Poetry Exercise Sylvia Plath Creative Flow

This poetry exercise from 2003 has helped lots of people "get into the flow" of writing poetry that doesn't come from the thinking mind since it was first published. A very useful poetry exercise that goes way beyond "just writing poetry" and every time I do this, I am again and again amazed at the wonderful sensations that come when visions, feelings, images and energies simply stream into your mind, and through your fingertips onto the keyboard. Highly recommended!

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Symbol Mandala Game Board

Symbol Mandala Game Board

In the energy magic applications of using the Genius Symbols, more often than not a symbol sphere is required or desired.

For practitioners of energy magic, it is a delightful meditation to create a symbol board or symbol mandala which makes setting up a symbol sphere easier and faster, and obviously increases in power with usage, as such things tend to do.

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Using PS To Do Nanowrimo - Write A Novel In 30 Days

Using PS To Do Nanowrimo - Write A Novel In 30 Days

Starfields writes: Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty about the advantages Project Sanctuary holds for a person. Take Nanowrimo, for example - the National Novel Writing Month. It's not national, it's very international but the aim is the same: to write a novel of 50,000 words minimum in 30 days. Project Sanctuary is a form of advanced data streaming from the energy mind, for those do not know that yet, and if you have some experience with it, it can be used for a great many things, as you get to consciously set the parameters of what exactly it is you want your energy mind to do for you. In this case, the parameters were as follows:

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Philip Straub - Fantastic Worlds & Foreign Places

Philip Straub - Fantastic Worlds & Foreign Places

If you are looking to stimulate your imagination, open up new Sanctuary habitats or you just want to see some truly fantastic worlds fabulously rendered, then go and visit with world-renowned concept art director, illustrator and designer Philip Straub.

In my opinion, he's also a traveller who can see the worlds beyond. Highly recommended!

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Visit The 23 Online Exhibition!

Visit The 23 Online Exhibition!

Silvia Hartmann writes: To celebrate my 46th birthday, I have a brand new exhibition of abstract modern art online from August 23rd, 2005: The 23 Exhibition by StarFields

Lots of fun colours, fun shapes and things to fire the imagination.

Project Sanctuary players, find the Treasure Map and take a look - where do you think the treasure is buried ...? And what might be the scale of that map ...?

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The Crystal Magician

The Crystal Magician

Not at all far away from here, there lived a very bad boy.

He did not have any friends, for he wasn’t very friendly; and he was always in trouble for the things he said, he did, and others said he did, whether he had done these things or not.

Nobody liked him and everyone found constant fault with him; the people in whose house he lived thought him a burden and told him so in no uncertain terms.

One night, after having done something bad again and having been punished again, the boy had enough and although it was dark and raining, he ran away from home.

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Creative People On The Web - Stephen Brooke

Creative People On The Web - Stephen Brooke

Silvia Hartmann writes: In my travels around the web, I come across some really interesting people who do wonderful and creative things.

I'm pleased that Project Sanctuary Portal gives me a place to showcase such sites properly rather than just with a tedious link.

So, and to kick off the new section of "Creative People On The Web", here's Steven Brooke, author, singer, musician, producer and artist.

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The Ocean Creature

The Ocean Creature

Shovelling the ocean with a teaspoon.

So, that's how it is.

A weary drop at a time ...

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In Sanctuary

In Sanctuary

In Sanctuary is a powerful, short metasong story from the book of fairy tales, The Golden Horse.

This story concerns a little girl who demanded far more from the world around her than was seemly ...

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City In The Sky

City In The Sky

City in the sky is a classic metasong - a description of a Project Sanctuary habitat in the form of what one might call a metaphor poem.

The original vision/experience also inspired a painting.

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The Golden Horse

The Golden Horse

This is a beautiful PS story in classic fairy tale format for those who may need a time of healing, a spark of healing creativity and a little magic ...

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Song Stillness and article about songwriting by Silvia Hartmann

Song Stillness and article about songwriting by Silvia Hartmann

Song Stillness and article about songwriting by Silvia Hartmann

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"Project Sanctuary is simply incredible and a joy to use." Trev Holloway

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