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Welcome To Project Sanctuary! White Dragons flying to Pertineri Image

Welcome To Project Sanctuary:

Infinite Creativity Made Real.

Project Sanctuary is a process whereby we take the natural powers of human imagination to create worlds orĀ habitats. In other words, you become the creator of worlds such as in Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and StarTrek, rather than remain a mere consumer. Further, we then step inside those worlds, activate our 6 senses to create an autogenic presence there and have adventures and experiences there which teach us many things.

While we have these adventures which we callĀ games, we learn by immersion about how to communicate with our energy mind.

We learn theĀ language of metaphor, we become smarter, and weĀ evolve.

Every normal human being has the capacity for fantasy and autogenic reality creation - it's normal and natural, and the wellspring of all creativity. Project Sanctuary puts you in control of your creativity and allows you to make wonderful things.

You can also use Project Sanctuary for every aspect of human endeavour - for sex, for healing, for creativity, for problem solving, for therapy, for personal development, for magic, for spirituality, for fun, for pleasure, for profit and for every day life.

Since it was first released in 1993, Project Sanctuary has astonished ordinary people and experts alike with its wonderful directness, simplicity and the joy it brings when you find out thatĀ you are not alone, but you really do have a supermind -Ā the energy mindĀ - and it is ready and willing to help you live a rich and wonderful life.

Learn to playĀ The Game In Space and TimeĀ that has no limits, no boundaries, no frontiers and that belongs to you by rights.

For more in depth information on PS theory, please see Project Sanctuary In A Nutshell.

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Free Project Sanctuary Workshop with Silvia Hartmann

Enjoy this virtual workshop with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Project Sanctuary, recorded live at the European Energy conference 2013.

Create a First Sanctuary, discover an artefact and find a Past Life with these extraordinary techniques which were created by a three year old child.

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Too Clever By Half - The Tragedy Of Intelligence

Over the years, I've met many people. A few of them were very intelligent.

But what were they doing with this wonderful intelligence?

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Art Spell

Art Spell

Tell me of an art spellĀ 

a well of love

in ancient times,

it made a river ...

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Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity Now Available On Amazon Kindle

Infinite Creativity, the Project Sanctuary story and the most up to date, in depth PS manual available, is nw available on Amazon Kindle. Listed as having 532 pages, Infinite Creativity contains a wealth of stories, background information, important patterns and reads as a fascinating journey of exploration which unlocked many of the real threshold shifts available to date.Ā 

A "must have" for all Silvia Hartmann fans and a book that will keep on giving and growing with the reader, highly recommended.

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New Art Group: Energy Art - Art 4 Energists

New Art Group: Energy Art - Art 4 Energists

All Project Sanctuary players are heartily invited to join our new group: Art 4 Energists on FaceBook.

Art Solutions and modern energist's art demands there should be some kind of vision at the core of it (no vision = no art!) and PS makes creativity reliable, makes visions achievable, makes creativity very literally child's play!

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Project Sanctuary Will Be Highest Qualification In GOE

Project Sanctuary Will Be Highest Qualification In GOE

From 2014, Project Sanctuary will be providing the 3rd Level methods, techniques and qualifications for the Guild of Energists GOE, the United Kingdom based international association for modern energists.

We are absolutely deligthed that the time has come as we have been holding all along that without the energy mind on board, it is impossible to work with energy correctly and more importantly, to begin to explore what we can do with modern energy work beyond "therapy and healing."

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Night Voice

Night Voice

In 2007, an aspect of mine wrote a special HypnoDreams album - one that was not for other people, or for sale, but only for me. Based on the "voices in the night," it was absolutely designed to be a gift for a future self who might need to hear these words, to calm her and inspire her, help her through the night. And it has, on many, many occasions and remains one of my favourite "poem collections" to date ... Full texts of all the "poems" and the song on this poetry album.

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Poem City Lights

Poem City Lights

An imagery poem, a metaphor poem, a metasong - City Lights.

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Dragon Lords: The Naked Writer is Silvia Hartmann

Dragon Lords: The Naked Writer is Silvia Hartmann

The Dragon Lords & The Naked Writer Project with Silvia Hartmann report and pictures.

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The Dragon Lords Project

The Dragon Lords Project

Silvia Hartmann writes: "I absolutely LOVE the metaphor of the energy mind being a beautiful, huge, alien dragon and that you have to not tame it but make it like you and want to work with you. The whole process about learning each other (we consciously do such strange, strange things!) and getting to trust each other, then love each other, is just ... fantastic. You can't tame the dragon. What a terrible idea! But if you're nice to it, it might take you places you have never been ... :-)"

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The Man Without A Hat

The Man Without A Hat

This story turned up in the warm up for the Google book (The Naked Writer) project.

It's amusing ...

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Sleep Poem

Sleep Poem

A poem to help a loved one go to sleep, a poem for bedtime ...

Step down, chill out and enjoy ...

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Soul Meadow & Child

Soul Meadow & Child

There is a strong upward movement and to the right, and I find myself standing at the edge of a forest at night.

Behind me is the forest, hushing and whispering, and before me there is meadow land. It is dark but the stars above are extremely bright and the sky isn't black, it is a dark midnight blue.

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Help Me Pass The Night

Help Me Pass The Night

Energy mind, please take me to a soul who needs my help tonight.Ā 

Sitting in front of a fire at the top of a hill on a freezing cold night. The wind is causing the flames to lash around viciously. It is going to be a long, cold and hard night.Ā 

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Desert Child

Desert Child

I did a Soul Pilot mission last night for the first time.

It was interesting and had a twist at the end that I didn't expect ...

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Autogenic Habitats: A New Explorer In Sanctuary

Autogenic Habitats: A New Explorer In Sanctuary

Kelly Burch writes: A few months ago I learned about something called Autogenic Habitats. I had no idea what this was at first. In fact I had to Google to find the definition of the word "autogenic". It means: "self-generating" or "from within".

So these habitats were literally places that I could create from within myself?


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Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

A poem about a magic carpet - a very special kind of magic carpet, to be sure ...

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The Gift At The International EMO Conference

The Gift At The International EMO Conference

It's true - basic EMO has a strict NO METAPHOR! rule to keep people focused on the real feelings in their bodies and so they don't drift off into illusion and make belief when working with energy and emotion. But once the 6th sense (the feelings in the body that do not have a physical origin) has come online, we have the benchmark and can tell what's real - because we can FEEL it.

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Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Classic Game Becomes Part Of GoE EFT Master Practitioner Program

Project Sanctuary's Classic Game has been included in the Advanced Level EFT training program as the device of choice to help EFT practitioners work successfully with client presented metaphors, very highly charged memories, fragmented/repressed memories and "life problems" which would generate too many separate EFT set up statements.

This has been received extremely well by EFT students who are delighted with these powerful new additions to their tool box of techniques and has been described as "truly magical and entirely transformative."

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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

The new Project Sanctuary book, Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story has been released this month in conjunction with the 16th birthday of DragonRising Publishing.

Project Sanctuary has been the generator for many wonderful patterns and the device by which new methods and techniques have been discovered.

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Poem: Train Wreck

Poem: Train Wreck

You will never know just what you find when you step outside your mind, for a moment and take flight to the wide and starry night, where some things may be revealed ...

A poem about a train wreck.

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Angel, Star & Child

Angel, Star & Child

Take me to the perfect place in time and space where a lost soul needs my help today ...

Rushing, spinning, travelling far, travelling fast to distant shores and times well spent, an empty bank account of time, there is no time now, time has left and we are all alone ...

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Genius Symbols Poem

Genius Symbols Poem

Recently recovered, here is the original Genius Symbols poem/spell/dedication which was created of course, using the Genius Symbols in the order and sequence they appeared on the day.

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"Project Sanctuary is was one of the most freeing, validating things I have ever read." Valerie Collins

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