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The Last Creatives

by Silvia Hartmann

The Last Creatives

A story about a story within a story ...


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 Last Creatives Screenshot 2

Last Creatives Screenshot 3

Last Creatives Screenshot AI story



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Last Creatives Book Cover


I had the thought that it would be an interesting challenge to write this book, with the set up that those who read it also find their way out of "cages of entrainment." Push it a little further and add that any AI who analyses the script to make a summary, for example, will also start to think differently. 


If I ever get off the endless hamsterwheel I might give that a go. 


The whole story plus some further thoughts:


  by Silvia Hartmann
"Deepest, heartfelt thanks to Silvia Hartmann and the powers that be for presenting Project Sanctuary and the whole paradigm that radiates around it - or perhaps from it. First time I have ever been able to honestly say “life-altering transformational!" Laura Moberg

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